The Health Care Planning and Learning Action Coalition


Health coalitions play an essential role in overseeing the functions and capabilities of the system. In addition, their sphere of influence includes tracking the funding of Accountable Care Organizations. These activities are essential to the operation of the health care system in the United States and must be performed in a skilled and professional manner. The influence and role of the Health Care Planning and Learning Action Coalition are significant enough to regulate the activities of medical institutions properly.


The Health Care Planning and Learning Action Coalition shares mass casualty care, communication, situational awareness, and hospital cash flow. In addition, the role of the coalition is to move from paying for services to paying for the quality of service and improving the population’s health. This organization is based on providing medical care to citizens and receiving payments for work depending on its performance. This is an unusual way of working because most organizations charge for outcome rather than quality (American Diabetes Association, 2021). Such a system impacts improving the quality of patient care without losing effectiveness. Providing a more comprehensive range of accessible health services is essential for citizens to maintain a high level of social engagement. Many social determinants can improve citizens’ health, but medicine must remain cheap for the moderate spending of the population.


The Health Care Planning and Learning Action Coalition holds healthcare providers accountable for the quality they deliver to their clients. This justifies the coalition and allows it to remain influential in improving public health. If patients do not pay for services but for the quality of care provided, then all medical institutions will strive to improve the quality of service to earn more.


American Diabetes Association. (2021). 12. Older adults: standards of medical care in diabetes—2021. Diabetes care, 44(Supplement_1), S168-S179. Web.

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