Benefits of Evidence-Based Practice

Evidenced Based Practice (EBP), as used in healthcare, refers to the approach employed by practitioners in health centers to determine the most current, better-quality research that can be used to inform their service delivery. Nurses make use of EBP guidelines when evaluating appropriate care choice for patients. When this happens, health practitioners tend to operate from a patient-centered, holistic approach that helps them offer appropriate and desired treatment to their clients.

Although EBP significantly relies on research, it helps prioritize the needs of the patient by considering the desires of the individual client. Since focusing on the patient’s needs is one of the essential tenets of nursing, using EBP helps nurses continue improving patient outcomes (Wang et al., 2021). The process occurs while weighing the experiences and preferences of every patient. In addition, the practice is essential to nurses as it helps them keep their operations relevant and current. In this case, an individual nurse’s decision-making skills and confidence are enhanced.

Moreover, using EBP helps make desirable patient decisions, which saves nurses time. The practice allows the nurse to focus on the most relevant activity that has proved utility to the patients. For instance, initially, most of the nurses used to spend a minimum of 20 minutes every day bathing every patient and dressing them until it was established that such activities had no or little impact on the recovery of patients (Chen et al., 2020). However, it is essential to realize that these practices can be desirable in some circumstances.

In conclusion, the application of EBP in nursing helps in enhancing the outcomes of patients, individual careers of caregivers, and workplace job positions. Therefore, nurses in their practice and training should be exhilarated to learn how to make informed choices, evaluate research and offer the best care to patients. Individual research in nursing should also be shared among colleagues to encourage the spread of EBP in nursing.


Chen, L., Wu, Y., Zhou, C., Li, X., & Zhao, H. (2020). Value, knowledge, and implementation on evidence‐based practice among nurse managers in china: A regional cross‐sectional survey. Journal of Nursing Management, 28(1), 139–147. Web.

Wang, M., Zhang, Y. P., & Guo, M. (2021). Development of a Cadre of Evidence‐Based Practice Mentors for Nurses: What Works? Worldviews on Evidence‐Based Nursing, 18(1), 8–14. Web.

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