The Health Education Program: Promoting Healthy Eating


Unhealthy students cannot experience cognitive development like healthy pupils. It is proper to identify and use an assessment method that seeks to change a school environment whose students have inactivity, obesity, and are ignorant of healthy food choices. The appropriate assessment method is the focus groups that is a qualitative assessment tool. The focus groups will comprise in-depth discussions to find the students’ thoughts, emotions, ideas, and insights. Preparation for the group discussions will involve pre-set sets of questions that will guide the direction of the meetings. The discussion topic will revolve around the three issues of inactivity, obesity, and ignorance of healthy food choices. There shall be an analysis of the data obtained from the focus groups, and the results will be fundamental in developing a health education program for the school.

Intervention and Evaluation

The appropriate plan of action to improve the student’s health will involve three major approaches. All three approaches will focus on promoting healthy eating, which has been proved to assist in adequately maintaining students’ health (Center for Disease Controls and Prevention, 2021). Firstly, the school shall set up school meal programs that will have nutritious and healthy foods. The school shall engage the parents and persuade them to allow the students to consume the meals at school. Secondly, the school should set up a School Breakfast Program, and the administration will urge the students to have their first meals of the day at school and not at home. Thirdly, the school shall adopt a nutrition education program that teachers and instructors will use to illustrate healthy eating habits to the students. The evaluation of the plan of action shall involve the analysis of Key Performance Indicators that include the change in the number of inactive and obese students since the programs’ inception. Additionally, students’ independence to properly select healthy food choices will be an indicator of the success of the programs.


Center for Disease Controls and Prevention. (2021). Eating healthier at school. Web.

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