The Idea of Green Supply Chains

The proposed article revolves around the idea of green supply chains that can be built using enterprise resource planning (ERP) as the primary tool that can help to achieve the desired goal. The author admits that today, green ideas are topical as they focus on the environmental impacts of a particular organization and how it uses fuel. However, this might be a challenging issue because of the need to consider multiple factors. Under these conditions, ERP, or a system designed to automate and integrate business processes, acquires the top priority. The integration of this methodology helps to reduce the harm done to the climate and achieve high levels of sustainability. However, the successful implementation of ERP depends on the accuracy of business cases’ evaluation, preparation of systems for users, stabilization, and continuous upgrading. These aspects are vital for outcomes and the creation of green supply chains by using ERP.

The author also admits that several preliminary activities can minimize the risk of failures. For instance, process mapping is suggested as a potent tool to analyze all business processes before integrating ERP. It will help to outline all activities related to environmental issues and create a plan o of possible change. Additionally, organizational learning can also help to collect information needed for the successful implementation of a new approach as it offers comprehensive and relevant data about all important aspects of a firm. In such a way, the article emphasizes the critical importance of ERP in terms of establishing green supply chains and helping to minimize the negative impact of companies on the environment. However, it is essential to prepare a firm for change by collecting information about its functioning through mapping, organizational learning, and life cycle evaluation.

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StudyCorgi. (2022, March 30). The Idea of Green Supply Chains.

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