The Impact of Rules and Norms on My Life

It is essential to mention that people live in a society, which is why they are exposed to the influence of other individuals and specific trends. Society significantly affects my life, which occurs through the media, advertising, and even during regular communication with friends. For instance, individuals follow fashion trends, which is why they constantly review new magazine catalogs. Thus, recent trends quickly manifest in clothes, and I try to conform to fashion standards. Accordingly, if I choose clothes that are popular in the community, I can receive the approval of others. Meanwhile, when a person selects clothes that were popular a few decades ago, others think that such people will violate the rules (Conerly et al., 2017). Hence, the social factor has a significant influence on me because society’s opinion contributes to establishing certain trends, which I will attempt to observe in order not to cause excessive negative attention.

Meanwhile, the ecological situation has caught the attention of many activists because there are suggestions in public space about harmful gas emissions or environmental pollution. Accordingly, under the pressure of ecological factors in society, it is essential to sort garbage, buy electric cars, or not use plastic utensils (Conerly et al., 2017). I also adhere to these rules, but only because they have become part of my normal life. In other words, I use eco-bags because they are convenient for carrying objects, and I do not consider that reducing the use of polyethylene packages improves the eco-situation on the planet.

It is also worth noting that biological factors also influence the formation of norms. For instance, there is a widespread opinion in society that men have better opportunities to advance their careers (Conerly et al., 2017). I am affected by this opinion of others because I accept that they neglect women’s abilities because of stereotypical views based only on biological factors. Thus, the rules and norms that are established in society have a significant influence on my daily life.


Conerly, T. R., Holmes, K., & Tamang, A. L. (2021). Introduction to sociology. OpenStax.

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