The Interaction with Augustine’s “Confessions”


Augustine’s achievements include studying problems that the ancient philosophers had not considered, particularly his exploration of the dynamics of the human person and the movements of world history. The former is devoted to his autobiographical book “Confessions” (13 books). With deep psychological introspection, he dispassionately explored the contradictory process of personality formation and substantiated the importance of Divine Grace. Therefore, I need to analyze Augustine’s experience compared to mine and establish how similar or different our opinions are.

The Significance of a Book for My Life

In the biography of St. Augustine, one can observe a variety of experiences. That is what transformed him from a man wandering through life in the captivity of his passions to a new person who shone with the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit (Saint Augustine). With this light are enlightened the common people today too. In my opinion, the secret of his tremendous experience is that he was in many different situations in life, both as a distinguished rhetorician and as an ordinary person. Moreover, he was not a self-righteous spiritual blind man but a missionary illuminated by divine insight (Saint Augustine). Therefore, each of us can learn about ourselves and our actions throughout our life, ultimately gaining much for one’s improvement. When I read his work, I reconsidered my own life and the principles according to which I will create my vision for the future.

The treasure of St. Augustine’s uncommon life is equal to the greatness of the riches of his thoughts stated in his various writings. This is why it seems to me that St. Augustine when he wrote his Confessions, wanted to purify himself from his former mistakes. He was also willing to begin to know this world again with the understanding that he was a child of an all-loving and all-forgiving God. His example helps me to build my life on the principles of honesty and gentleness. At the same time, Augustine’s creation is wonderfully variegated for me. It answers questions that every conscious Christian and mature philosopher has asked himself in different eras. Augustine’s “Confessions” is of enormous importance because it demolishes the wall between philosophy and theology. He demonstrates that my domain of reason, combined with the faith of trust, is the perfect path to true happiness and peace. I use his main theses in my daily life and have gained considerable appreciation and acceptance from those around me through this process.

The Experience of Time

It is significant to start with Augustine’s attitude toward predicting the future, that is, that which does not yet really exist. He attributes such thoughts to the capacity of our memory, meaning that memory includes mathematical numbers and rules of measurement incomprehensible to the senses (Saint Augustine). Hence, he argues that the past is no more an extended reality but images and symbols preserved by memory. It is highly complicated to determine the mysteries of time. Still, Augustine dispels world theory and convinces that time does not consist in the movement of cosmic bodies or any other movement, for they are in time. They may be standards of time for different bodies, but not general time measures. Thus, Augustine’s analysis of the three tenses can be described as follows: past actions must remain in memory (Saint Augustine). The present tense is also the time for active movements. At the same time, the future should be viewed as expectations rather than actual events.

I was constantly attempting to anticipate all of my future actions and forgetting to be more concerned about current occurrences. For example, I was not spending time with my family because I was assured that I would have the opportunity in the future. I struggled to plan travel or entertainment in the long term, but it performed not always succeed in executing the plans. Consequently, I was not receiving the experiences I wanted in the future and was not using the present time to my benefit. Another problem I had was that I could not relive past incidents and constantly returned to them in my thoughts and memories. Therefore, I could not live fully in the present, assumed past events for present ones, and endeavored to change the development of events in my spirits. Hence, my perception of time differed from Augustine’s experience, but I try to follow his advice now. In this way, I abandoned past events in my memories and attempted to exploit each new day effectively without delaying grandiose ideas for the future.

The Experience of Fascination with People

In Book Four, Augustine created a point that is quite relevant today. It concerns fascination with the capabilities of others based on hearing someone else’s approval. He wrote that a person is praised and loved even when the absent reason it (Saint Augustine). Therefore, such commendation does not enhance the joy of the individual who listens to it. He also cited the example of the Roman orator Guerius, whose figure was fascinated “to the point of madness” precisely because of the preferences of others (Saint Augustine 71). Although, then, Augustine argues that only sincere admiration should be replaced, which would be truthful and provide other people with valuable insights into the person.

It is essential to remark that Augustine’s views are highly relevant to the topic of journalism and its influence on public opinion or the current impact of social media on mass consciousness. In many aspects, this influence is positive, but more often than not, it is contradictory. I form my impression through a mixture of thoughts about a particular phenomenon or person, good stories, and reviews without even knowing if this is the case. Specifically, I believe that I am obtaining information from authentic sources, which strengthens my credibility. Thus, I perceive information from third parties, such as the media, and do not verify their accuracy. Although after reaching Augustine’s experiences and opinions, I plan to form my impression of certain people’s actions or events based on multiple sources and my analysis. This will enable me to judge people fairly and admire only those who are truly worthy of attention and publicity.

Eliminate Hostility

The thought of Augustine is occasionally complicated for modern comprehension. Still, even in those lines of his “Confessions,” which, at first glance, cannot be adapted to modernity, one finds profound and startling sentiments. For example, he argues that a person should not think that she is doing well only by not saying bad words or arousing and increasing enmity among human beings (Saint Augustine). Instead, one should try hard to communicate and extinguish enmity. Accordingly, Augustine urges everyone to defend justice and not to support hostility. This thesis can well be projected onto journalistic activity. Modern researchers often actualize the problems of spreading hate speech, slander, speculation, and stereotypes in the media space. At the same time, positive narratives that would work for rapprochement in society are not enough. Otherwise, stories where the balance of opinions would not be disturbed and facts would not be substituted by comments. Therefore, I attempt to be involved in social activism, which is based on the experience of Augustine.

I endeavor to promote constructive coverage of specific issues without descending into extremes, which provides an objective assessment of the situation. I try through social movements to encourage journalists who influence society to advocate positive change impartially and counteract animosity, fight stereotypes, and take a proactive stance. In this way, I attempt to bring Augustine’s experience and thoughts to life by involving media people who have in their arsenal the tools with which to transcend animosity to promote stability. Hence, my purpose is to ensure that members of the creative professions discover in Augustine Aurelius’ “Confessions” answers to many of life’s questions about the ethics and appropriateness of information.

The Experience of Eloquence

In Part VI of Book V, Augustine warns against the seduction of good words. Addressing God, Augustine writes that God was instructed not to be deceived by information because it was well-spoken. At the same time, it is objective to evaluate data that does not have a perfect form of presentation. Accordingly, Augustine recognized in his experience the irreplaceability of concepts and values when it is essential to call objects and phenomena by their names without being distracted by pompous verbosity (Saint Augustine). For the most part, representatives of modern politics spread populist slogans and make promises. Since society can only be influenced by good word hooks, by which no one will understand the real sentiment, the actual state of affairs. This also applies to journalistic activity, connivance with not really important ideas to society. Modern mentality, in which form rather than content prevails, provokes a deepening into consumerism.

Although, I believe that eloquent writers can undoubtedly stand for the truth, or they can spread deceptive thoughts. Also, I understand that modern authors must have their unique style as a factor in recognition. However, also by that style, successful or not, should stand the truth, and adhere to professional and moral standards and deontological norms. That is why I always attempt to express truthful ideas; for me, the main focus is the courageous filling of thought, not its presentation to the public. Accordingly, I often meet with different people at public events and have many valuable contacts. Therefore, every time I try to present ideas, I confirm validities, even though they will not sound eloquent. For this reason, I try to adhere to Augustine’s views on the matter, not to mislead anyone but to provide them with honest and reliable facts.


Thus, hundreds of years have passed since the writing of Augustine Aurelius’ autobiographical Confessions, fundamental in the legacy of the churchman and thinker. The figure of the Christian theologian himself, his worldview enables one to project the ideas of his texts into modernity, to interpret them in a contemporary manner. Augustine was open to change and new insights, but he accepted these notions moderately and gradually rather than volatile or moody. The text of the Confessions demonstrates his commitment to introspection and self-observation. In this way, I also endeavor, despite the individualism and pragmatism which are predominant in society today, to support Augustine’s views and use them in my professional and daily life.

Work Cited

Saint Augustine. The Confessions of Saint Augustine. Translated by Edward Bouverie Pusey, Lector House, 2019.

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