The Lack of Food Safety in Kansas City, Missouri

Food safety is crucial in storing, preparing, and handling food in restaurants and other establishments where meals and refreshments can be ordered. Food that is improperly stored and handled can become unsafe for consumption and lead to restaurant customers suffering from food poisoning or developing a variety of foodborne diseases. The central concerns regarding the lack of food safety in Kansas City, Missouri, are improper food handling and inadequate utensil and surface cleaning.

Inadequately handled food, as well as the use of improperly cleaned cooking utensils and kitchen surfaces, pose a substantial threat to the health of customers. According to Choudhary et al. (2020), failure to clean cooking appliances and surfaces in restaurants leads to people consuming soapstone, pieces of aluminum foil, industrial starch, and other substances used in restaurant kitchens. These materials are considered health hazards and are highly carcinogenic. For example, a recent routine check in a Kansas City restaurant, The Edge of Hell, indicated a critical violation of utensils and food-contact surfaces not being sanitized after cleaning (Inspections Online, 2022a). In addition, the inability to store products at appropriate temperatures and ensure an unbroken cold chain in restaurants can result in food spoilage and the introduction of harmful bacteria into meals served to customers (Choudhary et al., 2020). An inspection of KC’s Hamburger Express in Kansas City showed a severe violation of temperature control for cold foods (Inspections Online, 2022b). Thus, restaurant establishments in Kansas City, Missouri, are at high risk of adversely impacting their customers’ health and well-being due to inadequate handling of food products and insufficient cleaning.

Considering unsuitable practices in restaurant establishments in Kansas City, several questions can be posed. The main question concerning food safety practices in the location under discussion can be formulated as follows: What are the most common food safety violations in Kansas City, Missouri? What factors contribute to restaurants in the city not following the relevant food codes? How can these violations be effectively prevented in different restaurant establishments? These questions are critical for discussing the lack of food safety in Kansas City.


Choudhary, A., Gupta, N., Hameed, F., & Choton, S. (2020). An overview of food adulteration: Concept, sources, impact, challenges and detection. International Journal of Chemical Studies, 8(1), 2564–2573.

Inspections Online. (2022a). The Edge of Hell – Inspection Report. Web.

Inspections Online. (2022b). Midtown Market – KC’s Hamburger Express – Inspection Report. Web.

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