The Late Roman Republic: Problems and Their Causes


After the government was recovered by the military, many events followed afterwards. There was looting among other major crimes that followed in the late republic. This essay seeks to discuss the problems that followed after this event. The paper will also show how the events led to the problems that were experienced. This essay argues that the records of the outcomes of the military victory lead to the problems experienced by the citizens.

Problems faced by Rome during the late republic

Immediately after the recovery of the government through military action, the entire population became obsessed with material things. People suddenly changed into robbers and plunderers while land acquisition became the most important thing in their minds. The military victory resulted to acts of selfish gains. The troops were expressing their victory by inflicting their outrages on innocent citizens (Arkenberg par. 1). Morality in the late republic was not something to be proud of since the life of innocence was regarded as mere ill nature (Arkenberg par. 1). The youth were overwhelmed by the influence of prevailing wealth and pride was a common characteristic in the republic (Arkenberg par.1).

Self restraint was a major challenge to most of the youths. Restraint and modesty were disregarded and replaced by an unquenchable thirst for luxurious indulgence (Arkenberg par. 3). When the young men could no longer afford the luxury, they were forced to engage in criminal activities (Arkenberg par. 3). Bankruptcy and squandering of money was the order of the day. Young men spent most of their fortunes buying immunity for their crimes (Arkenberg par. 4)

How the accounts agree on the problems and their causes

The accounts of the events that followed soon after the victory concurs with the problems faced. Catiline was determined to influence his followers and devotees. He recruited them through enticement and free gifts because he knew young people would not resist such offers. He offered them mistresses and gave others horses and dogs in an effort to entice them (Arkenberg par. 5). Young people have a passion and craving for easy wealth and possessions. Therefore, the kind of ruthlessness and crime depicted in the late republic is consistent with the youths’ desire to get things easily. When all the money and possessions ran out, the young men could not bear the pressure of living a different lifestyle.

Therefore, to recover from their poverty and their perceived hardships, they engaged in violence and crime which is considered an easy way to get rich. Regarding Catiline’s torture spirit, his guilty mind was as a result of his actions. He had murdered his son because a Vestal Virgin had refused to marry him (Arkenberg par.6). The virgin could not accept to marry him and live in the same house with a grown up stepson (Arkenberg par. 6). His guilt could not allow him to walk or sleep peacefully and it was seen all over his face that he was troubled inside.

The most convincing account and why

The above account is the most convincing of the accounts of the late Roman Republic. It is true that one cannot get away with murder. This is even worse for a parent to kill his or her child. The characteristics mentioned in this account are the evidences that depict a troubled human being. When a person is guilty of a crime such as murder, he or she tends to walk faster and sometimes slow. Such people tend to have inconsistent walking styles and behaviors that show that their minds are not at peace.

Works Cited

Arkenberg, Jerome. Ancient History Sourcebook: Sallust (prob.86-35 BCE): Life in Rome in the Late Republic, c. 63 BCE. 1998. Web.

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