The Leadership Development Plan

Importance of a Leadership Development Plan

A leadership development plan must be established to chart a new path to liberate society’s members. A leader is a selfless individual who strives to improve the desires of those under his or her control (Komives, Longerbeam, Owen, Mainella & Osteen, 2006). The vision is kept alive by the leadership’s focus on the task at hand. A leadership development plan gives people the essential leadership skills and attributes they need to succeed. Communication, motivation, and inspiration are among these skills, as are improved decision-making and accountability. As a result, the community will be more orderly, and success is possible if a development plan is in place.

How Leadership Assessments Benefit Leaders

Regular leadership assessments help leaders understand their strengths and weaknesses. This helps them gain trust from the employees who will admit their shortcomings and progress when it occurs (Krauss, Hamid & Ismail, 2010). Self-assessment is the evaluation of oneself or one’s action, attitude, or performance in the workplace. The organization’s leaders must regularly conduct self-assessments to ensure that they are aware of their strengths and weaknesses. Leaders must maintain open lines of communication and collaboration with their employees. Good communication will ensure that an employer and their workforce form a strong bond, and they will keep the management informed about various aspects of the business.

When a leader maintains better communication skills, most of the employees will respect him, and the company is likely to succeed. The leader should address all issues in the organization, both positive and negative, as well as suggestions for a better solution to the problem. Employees become more alert due to regular monitoring of company issues, and if something goes wrong with the company, they will notify one right away. Before addressing any essential issues, the leader should check on their moods. Leaders who solve problems with their emotions always come up with no solution because it is difficult for a moody person to come up with a better solution.

Environmental, Social and Organizational Factors That Strengthen or Weaken Leadership Development Plan

Leadership shortcomings include; a lack of trust in a team or a hypercritical attitude. Distancing oneself from a team can result in employee dissatisfaction and a lack of trust in themselves as a leader, which can negatively affect their relationships with peers and subordinates (Murphy & Johnson, 2011). Being excessively critical can result in employee burnout, lack of respect for managers, and motivation to achieve common goals. Micromanaging refers to the practice of constantly monitoring a team or individual to ensure that they are doing what they should be doing, but in a manner that demonstrates a loss of trust. If clear objectives and goals are not established, a leader’s team will be disrupted. If one does not set clear goals for what they need to do, they will end up with poor quality work. Performance metrics, misalignment of employees with business goals, and an increased risk of workplace disorganization. Because of the ineffective feedback, an evaluation schedule should be established. Employees will become unmotivated and likely discouraged if they do not know when they excel or need to improve.

Ways That a Leader Can Improve His or Her Ability through Different Life Stages

Leaders come in a variety of shapes and sizes, but only a small percentage of the population are born with the ability to lead. The majority of the population requires leadership development, growth, and improvement. Recognizing and mastering the necessary skills and traits is an important part of leadership development. To be a successful leader, the person must possess the following characteristics: taking the lead. Most bosses will only assign tasks to employees that they are confident in their ability to complete. While continuing to excel at thei current job, they should volunteer to gain new experiences. To be recruited for a high-profile position, they must think critically. Good leaders are able to anticipate problems before they occur. They can also devise measures to prevent problems from arising. Consider being a supporter; leaders should learn to value, learn from, and encourage their team members. The rest of their team to do the same.

Effective listening and communication skills are essential for a successful leader, whether giving a group presentation, writing a business strategy, or communicating with employees and stakeholders (Gülbahar, 2019). Listening to clients is one of a leader’s most important communication skills. Without good listening skills a leader cannot get feedback from others or get a perception of the team’s activities. Discipline, to achieve the goal, one will need to be disciplined. It does not matter if you have a good idea or a vision; without penalty, it is pointless; one must be punished to want to execute effectively. In conflict resolution, leaders must be able to deal with difficult individuals and resolve conflicts. Leaders are expected to be honest and transparent. It takes a great deal of courage to do something like this. It is not good to point out a weakness or incinerate someone, it is appropriate to always listen to the employee’s side of the story before making a decision.


Gülbahar, B. (2019). The effect of emotional intelligence on in-class leader teaching and in-class effective communication skills: A structural equation modeling study. International Journal of Languages’ Education, 7(1), 23-39.

Komives, S., Longerbeam, S., Owen, J., Mainella, F., & Osteen, L. (2006). A leadership identity development model: applications from a grounded theory. Journal of College Student Development, 47(4), 401-418.

Krauss, S., Hamid, J., & Ismail, I. (2010). Exploring trait and task self-awareness in the context of leadership development among undergraduate students from Malaysia. Leadership, 6(1), 3-19.

Murphy, S., & Johnson, S. (2011). The benefits of a long-lens approach to leader development: Understanding the seeds of leadership. The Leadership Quarterly, 22(3), 459-470.

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