The Management of Nuclear Waste


The topic of nuclear waste is a major concern in a modern world that requires attention and evidence-based solutions. The existing barriers correlating with the issue are not only dangerous from an ecologic standpoint but, at the same time, directly affect both human and environmental well-being. Despite regulations being put in place concerning the management of nuclear waste, evidence shows that said restrictions are not always efficiently followed.


Moreover, the situation requires an urgent assessment due to the fact that multiple countries, including France, the US, and China, plan to increase investments in building new nuclear plants. It is stated that investments in nuclear power will soon reach more than $45 billion (Igini, 2022). Existing measures that are being taken to safely address nuclear waste include incineration and evaporation, both being expensive and, in the case of incineration, short-term. As a result, it is to be expected that the current regulations will not completely address the increasing generation of waste and the need to manage it.

It is proposed that an international committee be established for the purpose of monitoring, assisting, and researching the nuclear plants concerning the measures that are employed to dispose of the waste that is being generated. The international organization will ensure that national and international laws are being followed and that the facilities are executing the necessary techniques to minimize potential risks for the environment and the people. Moreover, as new measures in nuclear waste management are being developed, the committee will assess the efficiency of said developments as well as potential limitations and negative aspects.


The initiation of the committee will not only highlight the topic of nuclear waste as a global problem but also minimize existing problems correlating with regulation dismissal and endangerment.


Igini, M. (2022). The Nuclear Waste Disposal Dilemma. Earth.Org. Web.

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