Christianity and Rastafarianism: Key Religious Elements


Human beings across the world tend to develop certain beliefs and practices. Some of these faiths are passed from generation A to B. This development has led to the establishment of different religious groups such as Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and Taoism (Elton-Chalcraft, 2015). Evidence reveals that most of these belief systems manifest certain elements such as emotional experiences, sacredness, community, rituals, belief system, central myths, community, and material expressions of religion. This discussion examines the manifestation of Christianity and Rastafarian in accordance with these elements.


Different religions are defined by diverse belief systems. However, many scholars of theology believe strongly that various religions follow specific elements. The interviewed person indicated that he was a Christian. The respondent presented adequate information to explain how his beliefs matched with the above eight elements. The exercise revealed that Christianity was guided by a belief system. Christians believe in the Holy Trinity (Woodhead, 2014). They acknowledge that God is the creator of the universe and giver of life. According to the respondent, Christians establish God’s community or population on earth. Specific myths such as the creation of mankind and the universe are taken seriously by Christians. Baptism, repentance, prayers, and celebration of Jesus Christ’s birth are some of the common rituals embraced by members of the group.

Christians are guided by an ethical system that is preached to different followers. For instance, they are expected to respect one another, avoid stealing, and love each other. Every Christian should be aware of the 10 commandments in an attempt to lead an ethical life. Emotional experiences displayed by members of this faith include pain and happiness. The Holy Bible guides believers to pursue the most desirable practices. According to Christians, material possessions come from God and can only be utilized to serve Him (Elton-Chalcraft, 2015). The believers go further to use different possessions such as crosses and houses of worship to pursue their religious obligations. Churches, for instance, are used as symbols of holiness. The interviewee indicated that different groups have emerged in Christianity. This separation has led to the utilization of various materials for religious expression. Sacredness is viewed as the ultimate goal in every religious pursuit. The Holy Bible is a powerful guideline towards realizing this objective.

This analysis indicates clearly that Christianity manifests the eight elements of a religion. It is notable that elements such as rituals, ethical systems, and sacredness appear to have more weight than others. Emotional experiences are not taken seriously by members of this religion. The religion’s belief system is taught in different churches (Woodhead, 2014). This is done to ensure every believer is in a position to see God’s kingdom. Despite the occurrence of such differences in the manner in which different elements are pursued by believers, the important thing is that they work synergistically to support their religious aims.


New religious movements have emerged in different parts of the world. Members of such groups portray specific practices and ideologies that differ from the ones associated with mainstream faiths. One of these new religions is Rastafarianism. The movement is observed to have a belief system. The followers of the faith believe strongly that Haile Selassie is the messiah or God (Chawane, 2014). This means that he lived on earth to show them the way. The followers of this religion believe strongly that they form a single community. The common myths include that Rastafarians such as Marcus Garvey are prophets. The major rituals embraced by members of this faith include smoking bhang and celebrating reggae music. The ethical system supported by these followers is believed to promote global peace, justice, and equality. These practices are needed in order to deal with most of the hurdles encountered in the world today.

Emotional experience is an element that is not pursued by many Rastafarians. However, every believer is encouraged to portray his or her displeasure with unacceptable situations. Rastafarian colors are taken seriously because they express religion. Sacredness is achieved through holiness and prayers (Chawane, 2014). From this analysis, it is evident that some elements appear to have more weight than others. For example, the concept of community is embraced by every Rastafarian. This fact explains why religion promotes harmony and peace among its members. The use of material expressions of religion such as the four Rastafarian colors appears to have more weight. The religion’s belief system is pursued and preached by members of the faith. On the other hand, specific elements such as emotional experiences and myths do not have much weight.


This discussion shows conclusively that different religious movements have developed their unique rituals, belief systems, and myths. Despite such differences, it is agreeable that the faiths manifest themselves in accordance with the above eight elements (Elton-Chalcraft, 2015). This scenario shows clearly that most of the religious values embraced by many people across the world have unique similarities. A proper understanding of the religions and the manner in which they manifest themselves can guide more people to coexist despite their differences.


Chawane, M. (2014). The appearance and significance of Rastafari cultural aspects in South Africa. Web.

Elton-Chalcraft, S. (2015). Teaching religious education. New York, NY: Routledge.

Woodhead, L. (2014). Christianity: A very short introduction (2nd ed.). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

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