Real Life Hannibal Lecters: Serial Killers Unveiled


The movie “Real Life Hannibal Lecters” depicts the actions of a serial killer called Hannibal Lecter. The fictional character brings into light the gruesome acts committed by renowned serial killers, such as Jeffery Dahmer, John Wayne, Albert Fish, and Ted Bunny. They chose targets that they considered attractive and left a trail of terror in numerous states by employing intelligent and cunning methods to win the trust of their victims. The movie vividly depicts the terrifying image of Hannibal, which includes maroon-colored eyes, the presence of metallic rasp in his voice, and his animalistic abilities to detect such aspects as the smell of perfume. In the movie, Hannibal’s eyes reflect light as red pinpoints, which reflects his capability to depict dominion over his victims.

Real Life Hannibal Lecters

According to the movie, Hannibal grew up in an aristocratic family and became a respectable middle-aged man with a career in psychiatric before turning into a serial killer. An analysis of Hannibal’s background highlights the influence of the activities of a Mexican doctor who committed murder and stuffed the remains of his alleged victim in a tiny box. As the main character in the movie, Hannibal portrays the common habits and tendencies of serial killers as evident due to many reports on personality disorders and behavioral science, which psychologists and criminal experts attribute to the evasiveness and meticulous planning of serial killers. The movie plays a key role in inducing the viewer to acknowledge the fact that the perpetrators of the gruesome crimes reported on TV, radio, and through other news sources are individuals who lead ordinary lifestyles and walk on our streets every day. The movie shows that in the event professionals turn into criminals, the extent of the damage is great due to widely held perceptions about the supposed backgrounds and occupations of criminals.

The movie brings the viewer to grasp the reality of the reign of terror during the existence of such people as Ted Bunny that remained elusive to the law enforcement agencies while continuing with the killing spree. The personality and intellect of serial killers make them extremely difficult to be identified and thus allow them to continue their savage acts for exceedingly long periods. For example, Hannibal meticulously performs plastic surgery on himself on several occasions to disguise his identity and evade police dragnets without much suspicion.


Serial killers develop their tendencies due to the influence of a variety of psychosocial factors, which induce a fascination and a sense of fulfillment in murdering other people. While some serial killers have had considerable exposure to violent acts, the others engage in gruesome murders to attain the feeling of total control over their victims. Such killers have an innate ability to outwit their victims due to being humorous and appealing to other people. Their normalness enables them to interact with their targets without arousing alarm and fear. The ability of serial killers to execute crimes without arousing suspicion places them in a special category of criminals who exhibit significant emotional attachment to their activities. The movie illustrates an aspect of addiction expressed by serial killers who execute a series of murders to feed their addiction rather than having a target and motive in their actions. The movie is great for viewers who would like to delve into the world of serial killers and enhance their understanding of the tendencies of such criminals.

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