The Northern Renaissance and the Reformation Bible

The Reformation has ultimately changed Christianity and people’s knowledge of the history of the Bible. The concept of the Northern Renaissance includes a period of cultural and social transition from the Middle Ages to modernity. As the Renaissance movement emerged in Italy, its ideas of humanism developed in Northern European art. The popularity of the Renaissance marked the end of the Middle Ages, characterized by the domination of the Catholic Church. Since the 15th century, artists in the Netherlands, Belgium, France, and England, inspired by Italian maters, began to offer their visions of Saints, God, Jesus, and the Virgin Mary (Price 7). Scientific progress and material culture, for example, the invention of printing and printed illustrations, contributed to the rapid change of the medieval vision of divinity.

Work Cited

Price, David H. In the Beginning Was the Image: Art and the Reformation Bible. Oxford University Press, 2020.

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