The Open Door Mission Program: A Grant Proposal


Open Door Mission is a faith-based and scientific-proof rehabilitation and recovery center and institution based in Harris County, Texas. It is committed to restoring the situations of society’s chronically dependent, poor, homeless, and crippled men. The complex has 175 bedrooms distributed among seven dorms and a dining hall, chapel, kitchen, laundry facility, and administrative and therapy rooms. Open Door Mission’s Recovery Program follows the SMART Recovery (Self-Management and Recovery Training) curriculum. Open Door Mission’s Recovery Program follows the SMART Recovery curriculum. Therefore, Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT), and Motivational Enhancement Therapy are used to accomplish this (MET).

The subjects, who are drug addicts, will be tested after 112 days or four months to determine their progress in the education and training provided by Open Door Mission. Volunteer instructors would give feedback to the administration on their teaching abilities and the extent to which individuals responded to the therapeutic strategies used. This data is combined and used to advance the Mission’s rehabilitation programs and ascertain whether the men utilize therapeutic procedures and benefit from the curriculum.

These conclusions are highlighted during the full review of each staff leader. The personnel manager is charged with investigating attendance and reporting findings to the corporation’s management every two weeks, reviewed at the end of the seven months. The company’s objective is to expand Open Door Mission’s activities by establishing a more robust instructional department. Because most of the men in the center utilize computers to complete their GEDs, additional computers are required, as the entity currently has just 20 computers to serve 100 men. Additionally, Open Door Mission will create a gym facility, as residents currently have an outside basketball court. As a result, the program would require an estimated $1,314,303 to accomplish the project’s objectives.


Organization Background Information

Open Door Mission is a faith-based and empirically supported relief and rehabilitation program and facility located in Harris County, Texas, dedicated to transforming the lives of the most severely addicted, destitute, homeless, and disabled men in its community. The Mission was established in 1954 as a downtown Houston homeless shelter and soup kitchen by Brother Bob and Emilia Finnegan, two recovering addicts. In 1966, the Turner Charitable Foundation donated to the Mission the former Fullerton Elementary School (built in 1904) in Houston’s historic East End. The campus now includes 175 beds throughout seven dormitories, a dining hall, chapel, kitchen, laundry room, administration, and counseling offices. The institution has two libraries, two fitness spaces, an education department and computer training facility, a health clinic, and a transitional living residence for Program graduates.

Program changes over the years have included the development of the 4 to 7-month residential DoorWay Drug and Alcohol Recovery Program, established in 1996, The Education and Career Guidance Center, established in 2000 and 2018, respectively. What began as an expansion of the ministry to the poor and downtrodden in the 1950s is now a holistic, innovative, and compassionate care program and facility for modern society’s underserved males while making a valuable economic and public health impact in United States’ fourth-largest city. The position statement of the Open Door Mission is committed to restoring the circumstances of society’s most addicted, poor, homeless, and crippled individuals. To accomplish transformation, the organization provides services from the moment a man enters its program until he leaves. The time spent in the organization by individuals is their ultimate decision.

There are two questions that the entity asks upon entry: “How desperate is an individual to transform their life?” and “Are they willing to put in the work to change their life?” It is up to the man to determine these answers. Men have the opportunity to stay at the institution and enter into its Career Guidance and sober living Transitional Living Program upon completion and graduation from the DoorWay Recovery Program. 90% of the men who successfully underwent the program and graduated were sober after one and a half years. Open Door Mission’s faith and evidence-based four to seven-month residential program is designed to meet each man’s needs who enters the DoorWay Recovery Program. The organization’s core belief is spiritual in nature, and it recognizes and understands that every man who walks through its gates is in a very vulnerable state: mentally, physically, and spiritually. The institution’s philosophy is “to meet each man where they are.” This premise is based on clinical research on the stages of change in addiction. They include pre-contemplation, contemplation, action phase, and maintenance stage.

The curriculum that Open Door Mission uses in its Recovery Program is SMART Recovery (Self-Management and Recovery Training) and states that drug use is an unhealthy, self-defeating behavior that consists of a specific belief that often leads to a repeated chain of behaviors that results in drug use. When the view is challenged, and behaviors are changed, links in the drug use chain are disrupted, which may reduce the likelihood of substance dependency. The SMART Recovery Program integrates risk prevention measures and enables men to make good lifestyle choices, so fostering healthier habits that break the link between self-destructive thoughts and behaviors that can result in readmission. Therefore, this is accomplished through Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT), and Motivational Enhancement Therapy (MET).

Problem Statement

Drug abuse is a unique disease that develops uniquely in each person, and sexuality may influence how addiction, therapy, and rehabilitation are approached. The United States has lately seen an increased incidence of several illegal substances other than cannabis, referred to collectively as narcotics, most notably non-medical usage of pharmaceutical pain medications and heroin (Carpenter et al., 2017). Around 22 million Americans grappled with an alcohol or drug issue in 2005 (Bohnert et al., 2017). Nearly 95% of those with substance use disorders are deemed uninformed of their condition. Of those aware of their condition, 273,000 have attempted but failed to receive therapy (Bohnert et al., 2017). In their study, Bohnert et al. (2017) enumerated that the 2013 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) showed that men struggle with substance misuse or addiction at nearly double the rate women do 10.8% compared to 5.8%. These developments have been associated with increases in midlife incidence and death among middle-aged American men.

Geographical Area

While addictions are an issue in every part of the United States, the precise chemicals abused vary by state. In Texas, 1,386,158 persons admitted experiencing an alcohol-related drugs use problem (Haight et al., 2018). Additionally, 465,102 people in Texas mentioned having an illegal drug-related substance abuse problem (Haight et al., 2018). Mephedrone, marijuana, and cocaine were the most frequently seized narcotics in Texas in 2015 (Haight et al., 2018). In 2017, Texas recorded 715 methamphetamine-related deaths and 539 heroin-related deaths (Haight et al., 2018). According to the most comprehensive NSDUH assessment, 7.32% of Texans acknowledged using illegal substances. Men’s abuse accounted for around 5.4% of the 7.32% (Haight et al., 2018). While heroin is a significant concern on a federal level, the concentration of cocaine and methamphetamine items demonstrates Texas’s challenges with psychoactive drug misuse.

Percentage of Drug Items Seized in Texas
Figure 1 Percentage of Drug Items Seized in Texas (1998-2018) (Mattson et al., 2021)

Comparison Data

Although the United States has always battled with drug usage, its incidence has increased. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the proportion of the population who have ever used an addictive substance has risen from 31.3% in 1979 to 48.8% in 2015 (Mattson et al., 2021). Alabama has the highest rate of treatments for drug abuse problems among men in the United States, with 142.9 prescriptions for every 100 citizens (Mattson et al., 2021). West Virginia holds a bigger proportion of male drug overdose deaths, with 42 acute overdoses per 100,000 population (Mattson et al., 2021). This prevalence is six times that of Nebraska, with the lowest rate of male overdose deaths at 7 per 100,000 (Mattson et al., 2021). According to the NSDUH, alcoholism and illicit drug use disorders were significantly lower in Texas compared to other states like West Virginia, which had the most significant proportion of drug addiction among older individuals.

Contributing Factors

Numerous risk factors may lead to the initiation of drug use in populations, particularly men. First, familial contributing factors include victimization of children, including neglect and abuse, parental substance addiction, parental marital situation, parental education attainment, parent-child connections, and a child’s view that their caregivers approve of their substance use. Childhood exploitation has been associated with a greater risk of substance addiction. A research by Schuler et al. (2018) suggested that 29% of maltreated kids engage in drug use, and another reports that 16% of victimized children engage in drug misuse. Second, studies have explored the consequences of sexual and physical abuse on young people’s drug use habits. Investigators regularly indicate a statistically strong correlation between violent victimization and teenager use of tobacco, cannabis, and liquor.

Some data indicate that increased illegal drugs, such as methamphetamine, morphine, and benzodiazepines, are connected with rape and physical traumas. Being a subject of physical or sexual harassment doubles or quadruples a person’s likelihood of engaging with substances usage (Schuler et al., 2018). Additionally, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is linked to an increased risk of developing a drug addiction, specifically with marijuana or heavy narcotics (Schuler et al., 2018). Thus, this heightened incidence may be since the event that generally results in PTSD is exceptionally stressful, prompting PTSD patients to seek relief through substance use (Schuler et al., 2018). Third, peer pressure on teenage drug consumption frequently manifests as deviant peer interactions, in which a teenager engages with a cohort of substance users or as imagined desirability.

Adults’ membership in delinquent peers has also been demonstrated to be highly associated with harmful guardian-child relationships, which may motivate them to pursue immoral contacts in their social dimension. On the other hand, parental participation and regard are inversely connected with substance use (Schuler et al., 2018). Thus, this illustrates how social influences may promote or inhibit early drug use. Finally, while depression has been connected to genetics, it can also be triggered by circumstances such as parental separation, family drug dependence, or insecurities. These pressures might elicit feelings of despair, which some teenagers believe served as a drive to begin substance use. Comorbidity of melancholy and substance addiction abnormalities is widespread in men, and research has established a correlation between these results (Schuler et al., 2018). There is some evidence that depressed men are more likely to acquire a substance abuse problem at a younger age once substance use begins.

Theoretical Framework

The proposal was founded on the assumptions of two scientific perspectives: problem conduct and transgression concept and observational learning. As per the problem behavior and deviance hypothesis, a constant motion that anticipates which persons are prone to alter is formed by interacting parts of the population social hierarchy (Lee et al., 2021). Additionally, the alleged community factors and interpersonal components also dictate an individual’s behavior change. According to this principle, the sequence of attributes defining problem-behavior predisposition includes a lower value placed on accomplishment and a higher value placed on autonomy, increased socialization, increased acceptance for anti-social behavior (Lee et al., 2021). Lee et al. (2021) insinuated that decreased authoritative parenting and assistance, increased peer influence, and lower academic attainment in the behavior system also form a series of behavior issues. For instance, a high score on any qualities mentioned above indicates an early initiation of a particular behavior.

On the other hand, the social learning concept is predicated on the idea that mentors have a sizable impact on how adolescents perceive anti-social conduct. The argument asserts that an individual’s affiliation with substance-using patterns is defined by three detrimental effects (Akers & Jennings, 2019). The first negative consequence is the witnessing and imitation of substance-specific actions. The second adverse consequence is assistance and sympathy, which can be rooted in social encouragement of Early Substance Use (ESU) (Akers & Jennings, 2019). Thus, this results in adolescents’ constructive psychological and social ramifications for future ESU. Adoration and approval follow once an individual embraces the strange behaviors associated with specific facets of the aberrant society (Akers & Jennings, 2019). Therefore, this occurs, nonetheless, only to the level that a given action violates a specific group’s standard requirement.


Given that substance abuse develops in males and people for various reasons ranging from childhood victimization to adult aggravation and abandonment, it is regrettable that there is a shortage of evidence-based 4- to 7-month inpatient rehabilitation programs that resolve this problem. Approaches to mitigate the risks related to substance use have been created to increase people’s engagement in therapy and satisfy the requirements of individuals who are not yet willing to participate.

Intervention programs, including screening, brief intervention, referral to treatment (SBIRT), and outreach and education operations, have been used to target individuals with aggressive substance abuse disorders and educate them about the availability, accessibility, and necessity of treatment. However, the expense of care and a lack of healthcare insurance are critical concerns for those who struggle with substance misuse. According to the 2015 NSDUH, 30% of people who required and attempted medication but did not receive specialist drug use therapy did not have medical coverage or could not finance it.

Open Door Mission offers the opportunity for men who struggle with substance abuse disorders to undergo its intervention program. Men have the option of remaining at the facility and enrolling in the faculty’s Career Guidance and sober living Transitional Living Program upon completion of the DoorWay Recovery Program. The faith-based and evidence-based four- to seven-month homeless shelter at Open Door Mission is tailored to the individual requirements of each man who attends the DoorWay Recovery Program. The firm offers services from when a man joins its system until they leave to effect rehabilitation. Individuals ultimately decide how much time they spend in the organization. This notion is supported by clinical studies on the stages of addiction transformation. There are four stages: pre-contemplation, contemplation, action, and maintenance phases.


Intoxicated individuals pose significant security costs and risks to those in their immediate vicinity and the surroundings. For instance, drug-related driving mishaps have become a critical global threat in recent times. There exists a rise in consciousness of the environmental implications of illicit substance agriculture, fabrication, and manufacture. Substance abuse impairs impression, awareness, cognition, synchronization, and response rate, among other necessary neurological functions for safe steering. As a result, the heightened incidence of substance misuse has ramifications for commuters and other road users who may become targets of impaired driving.

A frequently cited impact of substance addiction is the reduction in productivity that eventuate when drug addicts are intoxicated or live with the aftermath of their drug use, such as treatment, detainment, or hospitalization. The impact of lost productive output in the United States is noticeable: $120 billion or 0.9 percent of GDP in 2011, accounting for 62% of all drug-related expenses (Nelson et al., 2017). Additionally, the most severe health consequence of substance misuse is cognitive impairment. Drug abuse, such as marijuana, can result in a long-term impairment of cognitive functions.

Thus, this deprivation range from mild coordination issues to significant logic and advanced systems, such as organizing, planning, and making decisions. Additionally, research indicates that someone who uses marijuana extensively for an extended period may lose some linguistic competence; these qualities may not recover completely even after the individual has refrained from the narcotic for an extended period. Finally, drug addiction and misbehavior are inextricably linked. Prosecution, sentencing, and involvement in the criminal justice process are all inevitable outcomes for several adult males who use drugs and other substances.

It cannot be asserted that substance misuse results in deviant behavior or delinquent behavior result in other drug use. Nevertheless, the two activities are highly connected and frequently result in job and family conflicts, an absence of community controls, and physical assault (Nelson et al., 2017). In the United States, all persons are prohibited from possessing or using alcohol or other narcotics. Men under drug dependency are more likely to commit violent and income-generating felonies. As a result, this breeds fear among neighborhood inhabitants and raises the need for law enforcement services, further taxing these services (Nelson et al., 2017). Hoodlums, drug smuggling, and an increase in adult killings are just a few of the socioeconomic and penal justice issues frequently associated with male substance usage.

Rationale for Approach

Substance and drug abuse in Texas have been and is projected to be on the rise due to its close border with Mexico. Drug use disorders are multifactorial diseases marked by recurring, dysfunctional chemical drug use that results in severe discomfort and incapacity. Furthermore, considering that substance abuse evolves in males and individuals for various causes spanning from childhood maltreatment to adult exacerbation and rejection, it is unfortunate that there is a lack of evidence-based residential treatment programs that address this issue. The faith-based and evidence-based 4- to 7-month home curriculum at Open Door Mission is tailored to each man’s individual needs who joins the DoorWay Rehabilitation Program. The association’s vital ideology is religious, and it realizes and knows that every man who enters its borders is psychologically, materially, and spiritually susceptible.

Open Door Mission implements its SMART (Self-Management and Recovery Training) Recovery system to achieve the aforementioned goal. The goal asserts that substance use is a destructive, self-defeating habit that comprises a certain mindset that leads inevitably to a sequence of actions that culminates in drug use. The SMART Recovery Program integrates prevention strategies and allows men to live a healthy lifestyle, fostering positive behaviors that break the cycle of self-defeating beliefs and actions that can lead to recurrence. The institution offers services from the time a man begins the program through their exits to achieve change. Individuals’ ultimate choice is how much time they spend in the organization. Therefore, the model addresses the gap presented by the inadequacy of intervention approaches to deal with substance use among men in Texas.

Goals and Objectives


The company’s goal is to grow Open Door Mission’s programs by establishing a more robust instruction department. Since most of the guys in the center use computers to complete their GEDs, more is needed as the entity only has 20 computers to serve 100 men. Furthermore, the agency utilizes a more practical approach than volunteer educators. The other purpose of Open Door Mission is to construct a gym room, as inhabitants already have access to an outside basketball court. Still, regular exercise would benefit their cognitive and physical health.


Open Door Mission’s objective is to use its Recovery Program that follows the SMART Recovery curriculum. The methodology states that substance use is an undesirable, self-defeating practice comprised of a particular view that frequently results in a recurrent cycle of actions leading to drug consumption. When an idea is contested, and efforts are altered, connections in the chemical utilization chain are broken, potentially decreasing the likelihood of drug usage. The SMART Recovery Program integrates harm reduction measures and pushes men to make good lifestyle choices, fostering positive lifestyles that change the relationship between self-defeating actions and feelings that can result in recurrence. As a result, Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, and Motivational Enhancement Therapy are used to achieve this.


The faith-based and evidence-based four- to seven-month residential program at Open Door Mission is tailored to the individual requirements of each man who enters the DoorWay Recovery Program. Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT), and Motivational Enhancement Therapy are used in the SMART Recovery Program (MET). The SMART Recovery initiative’s use of the interventions mentioned above strategies owes to the evidence-based effectiveness the techniques have elaborated over the years. CBT for drug use disorders encompasses various therapies that can be employed in combination or independently, and the majority of them can be delivered in both individual and group settings. CBT for SUDs is a broad term that incorporates many therapies with varying focuses. Personal and team CBT interventions include contingency administration tactics and relapse modification that focus on the males at the station’s quantitative measurement.

Contingency management (CM) procedures are based on the operant learning paradigm and entail the provision of a non-drug motivator, such as coupons for items, in exchange for demonstrating substance cessation. Numerous clinical investigations have established the effectiveness of CM in the treatment of a variety of narcotics, including alcohol, amphetamine, and morphine. To increase the cost-effectiveness of CM techniques, Open Door Mission studied the role of lottery-style methods for reinforcer dissemination.

For instance, the punchbowl approach incentivizes negative drug screenings by offering the chance to pick a prize from a punchbowl. Most awards are small in monetary worth, for example, $1, but including larger prizes, such as $50, saves money while providing a compelling enticement for abstention (Vujanovic et al., 2017). Constant or increasing incentive schemes may be used in CM methods, in which the worth of the reward system grows as the period of sobriety advances. Along with constraints associated with undesirable drug testing, such as swab or urine forensic testing, responsive actions varying from prenatal appointment presence to treatment compliance have been substantially adjusted by CM methods.

Relapse Prevention (RP) is concerned with identifying and avoiding high-risk settings in which individuals are more inclined to interact in substance consumption. At Open Door Mission, RP techniques include addressing the men’s expectation of perceived beneficial benefits and giving psychoeducation to assist them in making a more accurate judgment in a hazardous scenario. Finally, REBT is an action-oriented methodology that helps individuals overcome illogical beliefs and develop skills for managing their feelings, perceptions, and attitudes healthily and more straightforwardly. A critical component of the facility’s REBT approach is teaching the men to substitute their irrational faith with healthier ones. This procedure can be intimidating and stressful, and it is natural for individuals to experience discomfort or fear they have made a mistake.

However, the objective of REBT is to assist personnel on the Mission in responding sensibly to circumstances that might typically result in tension, anxiety, or other unpleasant emotions. When confronted with a similar scenario after exiting Open Door Mission, the emotionally stable attitude would recognize that achievement in every pursuit is unattainable. Motivational Enhancement Therapy (MET) is a type of psychotherapy that assists clients in overcoming their apprehension about seeking medication and abstaining from drug usage. Rather than guiding the patient at the Mission step by step through the rehabilitation process, this technique elicits quick and inwardly motivated transformation. This session begins with a suite of assessments, accompanied by two to four private counseling with a therapist. The counselor delivers comments on the initial evaluation during the first clinical encounter, prompting a conversation about individual substance use and prompting self-motivational affirmations.

The fundamentals of motivational interviewing are used to increase motivation and form a strategy for improvement. Men are counseled and assisted in developing coping mechanisms for high-risk circumstances. The volunteer tutors then assess progress, discuss the discontinuation tactics, and encourage a willingness to change or prolonged abstinence throughout successive iterations. Open Door Mission’s Recovery Program includes a critical Social Services section that addresses physiological, intellectual, and other personality problems such as health, orthodontic, judicial, child benefit, and back taxes disregarded during their years of addiction. A man who has been taking narcotics for an extended time has frequently neglected these primary life difficulties. As dissatisfaction mounts due to the neglect, substance abuse serves as a fallback, perpetuating the cycle. These concerns can be addressed and resolved during their stay at the Mission. If a man completes the Mission’s training, they can depart with a second chance at life and no mountain ahead of them.


Open Door Mission provides a 4 to 7-months program customized to meet the unique needs of each guy who attends the DoorWay Rehabilitation Plan. Open Door Mission’s Recovery program follows the SMART (Self-Management and Recovery Training) Recovery education system. The recovery approach enumerates that substance addiction is a destructive, self-defeating practice comprised of a particular view that frequently results in a recurrent loop of behaviors leading to drug use. As a result, the SMART Recovery Program has combined addiction treatment strategies and enabled the men to make healthy decisions, fostering healthier habits that will resynchronize self-defeating cognitions that may result in readmission. CBT, REBT, and MET have all demonstrated their efficacy as adjuncts to standard drug treatment. Moreover, men who successfully accomplish their training at Open Door Mission have had a second opportunity in their lives to rewrite the wrongs done in the time of substance abuse.

Logic Model

Table 1 Problem: Substance addiction is becoming a menace among men in Texas.

(What we invest)
Volunteer tutors
Board of Directors
Gym and fitness space
(What we do)
(Who we reach)
(What are the short term results)
(What are the medium term results)
What is the ultimate impact(s)
Providing counseling.
Training and instruction.
Creating curriculum.
Conducting exercises.
Severely addicted, destitute, homeless, and disabled men in Texas Learning
Increase in knowledge, awareness, skills, and understanding.
Improved attitudes towards the effects of substance and drug abuse.
Improvement of erroneous and disordered cognitive functioning by educating men on the inverse relationship between conceptions, feelings, and acts and heightened recognition of thinking patterns that arise in response to perceived activities and connections.
Improved and enhanced decision-making about substance intake and consumption.
Members of the family would experience emotional comfort from feelings of wrath, irritation, stress, despair, concern, despair, humiliation, remorse, or humiliation.
Family peace is due to less victimization as persons get rehabilitated.
Reduced spending on medical bills in the treatment of substance addicts.
Improved labor and personnel productivity as such individuals would be ready to re-enter the workforce to fend for themselves and family members.
Reduced government spending on substance abuse awareness to individual members and communities.
  • Assumptions: Communities benefit from intervention and prevention education of substance abuse. Residential program extension assists in prevention through practical learning. The neighborhood and targeted men can minimize contributing attributes for drug dependence by acquiring information and utilizing community-based alternatives. Societies can minimize drug accessibility, which contributes to substance consumption and addiction.
  • External Factors: Communities are harmed by substance addiction because subjective norm plays a significant role in changing attitudes toward substance abuse. Family time constraints play a role in participation in the program. Modifications in federal, state, and municipal legislation regarding drug use and misuse will affect adolescents and adults, particularly men. Control of substance misuse will remain a critical element of a healthy lifestyle and optimal male development.


The subjects, who are drug abusers, will be tested after 112 days or four months to assess their improvement through Open Door Mission’s education and training. Volunteering instructors would give the administration comments on their accomplishment with teaching and the degree of reaction of individuals to the therapeutic tactics deployed. During these evaluations, teachers and respondents would be evaluated on their adherence to instructional rules and knowledge of educational processes to see whether the institution’s purposes are being fulfilled. Volunteer trainers are helpful for monitoring enrollment at each induction phase and ensuring males get a unit or medallion.

The information acquired is forwarded to Human Resources and will be assessed after seven months to assess whether the persons are fully recovered and ready to return to the community. Moreover, data collected at tutor-participant sessions would be utilized to track the men’s abstinence accomplishments. The Human Resource department is responsible for evaluating tests, communicating the findings to employees and attendees, and determining what training areas should be concentrated on prior to the next test.

These findings will also be discussed during each staff leader’s comprehensive evaluation. Human Resources is responsible for investigating absenteeism to the firm’s leadership every two weeks, which will be examined at the end of the seven months. Once a quarter, personnel management will distribute an impartial feedback form to management to ascertain how the educators and activities have influenced the men enrolled in the program’s conduct and attitudes. Additionally, there will be an opportunity for teachers and the men to provide comments and suggestions for improvement plans and timetables.

This information will be incorporated and used to further the Mission’s rehabilitation programs and determine whether the men utilize the therapeutic techniques and benefit from the curriculum. On aggregate, it takes seven months for males to complete the program effectively. Following graduation from the residential project, interviews will be undertaken to ascertain the duration of sobriety. Additionally, follow-up interviews will be conducted three months and a year to determine the course of gravity following program exit. Finally, the proportion of graduates from each cohort will be monitored three times a year.


The primary source of information dissemination would be the Open Door Mission Recovery Program’s webpage. Additionally, the Human Resources department scheduled community engagement visits with area campuses, psychiatric hospitals, and other substance addiction medical centers to enlighten them about the project and encourage them to serve as resources. The Open Door Mission Recovery Program offers four to seven-month classes in local weekly institutions to reach males and older adults who have been referred for substance addiction difficulties.

The creation of unique printed materials will disseminate and make available SUD preventative measures knowledge to the general audience. The evolution of paper documents shows that the sample does not exist and that the material was created innovatively and creatively. Open Door Mission will utilize pamphlets, policy documents, leaflets, periodicals, booklets, billboards, and resource databases to educate the Texas community about the organization’s efforts to reintegrate older persons, particularly men. The publications will inform the public about the detrimental impacts of chemical usage on people and society as a whole.

Furthermore, Open Door Mission will utilize social education opportunities to educate the public about drug usage as an organization. Thus, this could take the shape of an organized SUD mitigation syllabus, classes, conferences, interactive gatherings, or excursions for people and families that take place outside of the classroom. Examples include substance abuse education, tailored instruction in reaction to issue recognition evaluation, interventions targeting associated risk factors, cognitive therapy sessions focused on prevention, and theatrical groups. Finally, fundraising allows Open Door Mission Recovery Program to raise awareness about its rehabilitation initiative. Along with alumni, significant shareholders, and other benefactors enthusiastic about the cause, neighborhood acquaintances are welcomed. Golf competitions, sports clays activities, and an annual luncheon are among the annual charities.

Sustainability Plan

Over the last four decades, the Open Door Mission Recovery Program has remained financially viable. On the other hand, stakeholder contributions do not fully support the agency’s longevity. The majority of the trustees have had relatives in rehabilitation, and the remainder is society individuals who have invested in their restoration or are dedicated to the agency’s Mission. As a group, Open Door Mission’s objective is to develop sustainable strategies, not a perpetual enterprise. The firm encourages, participates in, and depends on indigenous remedies, personnel, and collaborators to have a significant influence. By leveraging indigenous expertise, the organization can gain support from the communities it serves.

The potential of any company for quality and sustainability begins with its people. A collaborative, cross-trained, and brainstorming group of specialists can always join with confidence and inventiveness to solve a catastrophe. The Open Door Mission Recovery Program staff leveraged the nationwide and Texas drug dependency issue by utilizing its cash reserves to assist as many addicted men and people as possible. Additionally, resilience is the single capability that has elevated businesses from excellent to outstanding and sustained Open Door Mission. Open Door Mission’s continuous focus has been on delivering value to its members through its primary offerings. At RoomPlays, Open Door Mission has developed its objective and services around user objectives, offering a flexible timetable allowing members to undergo a comprehensive rehabilitation process. Finally, over the years, Open Door Mission Recovery Program has broadened its methods of impacting its clients, helping it to remain sustainable. To ensure sustainability, however, the management assigns instructors to frequently elicit information from the men in their care to keep them informed about the projects and initiatives most required at the time. While substance misuse has undoubtedly created many problems, it has also brought in an era of desperately needed intervention measures.


Open Door Mission Recovery Program has an estimated budget of the following items that would assist it in effectively carrying out its desired objectives. The cost of community outreach services stands at $75,600 and includes dissemination through print materials and public education activities. Educators’ salaries and related expenses cost $600,890, facilities and equipment expenses $200,345, business expenses $5,450. Additional 50 Computer expenses $100,568, online webpage maintenance costs $3,560, other expenses inclusive of feeding costs $300,000, and fitness and gym expenses $27,890.

Table 2 Budget Summary

Community Outreach Expenses $75,600
Educators and Related Expenses $600,890
Facilities and Equipment Expenses $200,345
Business Expenses $5,450
50 Computer Expenses $100,568
Online Webpage Maintenance Expenses $3,560
Other Expenses $300,000
Fitness and Gym Expenses $27,890


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