The Order of Success Within the Department of Transport

This order, which was written by George W. Bush on January 9, 2009, was meant to improve the transport sector. It was written in various sections. For instance, section one provided a list of officials supposed to execute office duties. In this order, the person in charge of the Federal Highway Administration has been given the authority to perform the tasks in the secretary’s office. Consequently, the rule will only apply when the secretary and the assistant secretary quit their jobs or when they have died. In addition, the officers in charge of the Federal Highway, Federal Aviation, Federal Railroad, and Federal Transit can take office in cases where the secretary and the assistant secretary have failed to perform their duties (OFRNA, 2010).

In section two of the executive order, any officer serving in a given department listed in section one is not allowed to work in multiple offices simultaneously. Besides, any of the serving officers is not allowed to act as secretary of transport unless the individual is given that authority from the Federal Vacancies Reform Act or from the president. Despite all the requirements of the order, the president is the only person authorized to go against it. The concerned president can appoint an acting secretary. Additionally, the order in section three replaces the president’s memorandum. This memo was established in March 19, 2002. It is concerned with the naming of the officials in charge at the department of transport.

Finally, the last order (section four) was enacted to improve the management and operations at the executive branches. Conversely, it is not aimed at creating any right to an individual. The order was not written to benefit the president but to improve operations at the transport sector. Additionally, this order is not intended to benefit the officers, its agencies, or any other individual; nonetheless, it is solely for every American citizen. This is a vital provision in regard to the implementation of this order.

Under some of the sections in the Head Start Act, this order was made available at the Federal Register in 2001. It was later put into practice in 2006. Although the order was printed on time, it took a couple of years before its implementation since it was to pass through numerous federal departments (OFRNA, 2010). Besides, some of the departments were not willing to accept it thus took time to verify it. These indicate the positive and negative effects that surround the implementation of this order.

How the order was handled by the media

This order did not face any criticism from the media since it was not in anyone’ s favor. It seemed to benefit each and every individual. Besides, this order brought some vital improvements in the transport sector since the appointments were given to competent people who were able to deliver. Positively, this also led to the implementation of other important programs including the Head Start Transportation program, which eventually led to an improved transportation network. Negatively, some media groups were not satisfied. They speculated that the then president would exercise his rights and appoint individuals out of his personal interest.


OFRNA (Office of Federal Register National Archives). (2010). Code of Federal Regulations Title 46, Shipping Parts 200-499, New York, NY: United States Govt Printing Office.

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