The Problem of Abortion


The problem of abortion is considered to be a very controversial issue and it is so. First of all, here the opposite views of science and religion should be mentioned. It is a fact that any religious belief is against abortion because it is a real murder and life-stopping.

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The question about the sense of abortion has several ambiguous answers. For some people, this procedure is the killing of innocent babies, while for others – freedom from the non-viable fetus. Women decide to kill a living being because of various reasons: illness, the risk of death of both, or just a mistake.

But there are cases teenage children have abortions. In most cases, the cause of their    pregnancy is rape. Girls are not guilty but they resort to the services of doctors or healers. And, meanwhile, disputes about the extent of legal abortion are being held all over the world.

The other day, the Romanian Ministry of Public Health proposed a bill allowing abortion up to 24 weeks for pregnant girls who have not yet turned 15 years old.

It is expected that the new law will come into force in August of this year. A final decision on it will be decided in the public and medical debate. Because of understandable reasons, the decision aroused protests of religious organizations. But legislators were in their own right: their decision was a reaction to the case of 11 – year old victim of incest and rape. As a result, the child was allowed to have an abortion on the 21st – a week of pregnancy.

Today’s Romanian law allows abortion up to 14 weeks, except in cases of threats to the lives of women and the “extraordinary circumstances”. What exactly should be considered as the extraordinary circumstances, the law does not specify and that is very strange. On the other hand, for people not living according to certain religious principles, abortion bans are inhumane.

However, the case is not only about rape. Even in prosperous Britain, the statistics show a sharp rise in the number of abortions among teenagers.

Against the backdrop of the overall decline in the number of teenage pregnancies proves that British schoolgirls have increasingly preferred term abortion to early motherhood.

But the reason is not early sexual activity. According to the head of the British Independent Advisory Group on teenage pregnancies Gilles Francis, statistics show disappointingly the low efficiency of the state programs to promote safe sex and contraception among schoolchildren.

In America, it was tight with a resolution of the case of abortion. In 34 states for having abortion among minors patients written permission of one of the parents is required. And most recently, South Dakota became the first American state where abortion is banned altogether. The Act entered into force on July 1, 2006, from this time for the violation people can get five years’ imprisonment. And yet the exceptions are possible: induced abortion in South Dakota would be possible if doctors consider that the life and health of the woman are really in danger (Beckwith, 2007).

The next state in turn is Mississippi. Their governor, Republican Haley Barbur stated that he “would prefer that the law provides an opportunity for a woman to have an abortion if the pregnancy was the result of rape.”

In Russia, abortion is allowed. More precisely is not prohibited and is not subject to punishment.

Very often doctor does not require the motive for “crimes” of the patient, but, of course, the doctor will have “discourage” conversation, as it is needed. Now, to make an operation, it is enough to enter the Internet and choose a clinic, which for money and anonymously commits the procedure. Advertising with addresses and phone numbers of specialized clinics and doctors, there are ads on every street corner (De puy Candace, 1997).

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