The Pros and Cons of Implementing Self-Help Kiosks in Healthcare Organizations

The implementation of self-help kiosks as a cost-saving strategy is a growing trend in healthcare organizations, as these kiosks aim to improve efficiency, reduce costs and provide patients with the same level of care. While this approach offers advantages, it is crucial to consider potential drawbacks associated with reduced staffing and patient perceptions. It is important to evaluate the impact of self-help kiosks on patient satisfaction and care quality before adopting this strategy widely.

One advantage of implementing self-help kiosks is the reduction in labor costs. With less staff, healthcare organizations can save costs and reallocate those resources to other critical areas (Bhattacharya at el., 2019). Additionally, self-help kiosks can improve patient registration and data entry speed and accuracy, allowing faster and more efficient care (Ambikapathy et al., 2022). However, one significant disadvantage of this practice is the potential reduced dedicated staffing. Patients may perceive a lack of personal attention and care, leading to decreased satisfaction with the overall care experience. For example, patients may have queries or worries about their health condition that require immediate attention, but without dedicated staffing, these issues may not be addressed in a timely and effective manner. Patients may also perceive a lack of trust and confidence in the healthcare organization when they encounter self-help kiosks instead of dedicated staff. Patients who are apprehensive about their health condition may feel even more uneasy when faced with self-help kiosks.

In conclusion, while implementing self-help kiosks in healthcare organizations can be a cost-saving strategy, it is essential to consider the potential impact on patients. Patients may perceive reduced dedicated staffing as a lack of personal attention and care, which could lead to decreased satisfaction with the overall care experience. As such, healthcare organizations must weigh the benefits and risks of implementing self-help kiosks and consider patient perceptions when making these decisions.


Ambikapathy, Shobana R., Logavani, Dharmasa. (2022). Reinvention of Health Applications with IoT: Challenges and Solutions. CRC Press.

Bhattacharya, S., Pradhan, K. B., Bashar, M. A., Tripathi, S., Semwal, J., Marzo, R. R.,… & Singh, A. (2019). Artificial intelligence enabled healthcare: A hype, hope or harm. Journal of family medicine and primary care, 8(11), 3461. Web.

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StudyCorgi. "The Pros and Cons of Implementing Self-Help Kiosks in Healthcare Organizations." February 16, 2024.


StudyCorgi. 2024. "The Pros and Cons of Implementing Self-Help Kiosks in Healthcare Organizations." February 16, 2024.

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