Effective Leadership Traits for Success in Contemporary Business

It should be noted that the contemporary business setting requires the presence of particular skills and character traits for an individual to be an effective leader. The leadership is a constituent element of company management that not only performs formalized guiding but also furnishes a variety of different functions depending on the current situation, specific unit, and even employee background (Evans, Hassard, & Hyde, 2013). Therefore, it is crucial that organizational management is holistic and comprehensive to ensure the leader can supervise and drive the company both directly and indirectly. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the qualities of leadership that contribute to the company’s success the most based on information from literature resources and an overview of a chosen leader.


The leader I admire is the manager in the company I used to work for a while ago. The main reason why he was chosen is that the enterprise has enhanced its organization culture greatly under his leadership, which also was reflected in the increased productivity and income. Regarding my personal experience, under the guidance of the leader I was able to advance in my career and became a fully functional member of the unit. The described person is an organizational leader. One of his main objectives is not only to delegate the task to each employee but also to motivate them to perform jointly. Importantly, he has achieved quite impressive results; to be more precise, the workers were eager to work overtime.

Importantly, the leader was able to exercise different levels of power as well as leadership styles according to the current situation and atmosphere within the work groups. For instance, during my work in the organization, he utilized supportive, participative, and achievement-oriented styles, which reflected the fact that he tried to adapt to the needs of a particular unit (Evans et al., 2013). In order to attain higher organizational culture and productivity, the leader applied different types of power including formal (legitimate and reward) and personal power (expert and referent) (Evans et al., 2013). It is important to emphasize that such an approach enabled him to achieve results faster. Depending on the setting, he would use rewarding or drive the team by his own example and even use humor to release the tension among the workers. In addition, it is crucial that he never resorted to coercion, which is the evidence of the high level of his influence on the unit. Therefore, it can be assumed that the chosen leader was skillful enough to drive employees to productivity and dedication through peculiar attitude and methods.


According to the analysis of the leader and the literature research on the topic, it can be assumed that his five core qualities are flexibility, enthusiastic approach to work and towards employees, an ability to self-control, self-management, and integrity (Evans et al., 2013). The combination of these qualities is essential for a person in the leadership position; however, not all of them are inborn traits since they can be developed when working with different people and in varied circumstances.

Notably, flexibility is such a characteristic that can be cultivated when working and managing people with diverse skills and backgrounds. In the majority of organizations, the workforce consists of individuals who have varied expertise and the leader has to try concrete approaches to create a single unit out of a group of different people. Therefore, depending on each unit’s peculiarities, the manager needs to execute different influence tactics and approaches to make sure each employee can contribute to the fullest (Dhiman, 2011). Nevertheless, an enthusiastic attitude is a trait that cannot be developed since the leader is the one to cultivate this sensation in others and to motivate the co-workers notwithstanding the conditions. Moreover, self-control and self-management are characteristics upon which every manager builds personal experience throughout his or her leadership, which, in their turn, allow leadership to manage the workers in a comprehensive way. Meanwhile, integrity is a trait that coincides with both personal and corporate values and facilitates consistency in actions (Evans et al., 2013).

Leader’s Effectiveness

It should be stated that the combination of different levels of power, influence, and particular qualities attributable to the individual directly affect the leader’s effectiveness. According to experts in the field, it is crucial that a manager does not prove his or her right to authority and leadership, which has been achievable due to the fact that the person adapts his approaches in accordance with the team’s needs, requirements, and aims (Lichtenstein, 2012). Apart from that, the described qualities ensure he delegates the corporate values and authority to the staff with due respect ensuring their high efficiency. Thus, he can influence the subordinates both directly and indirectly due to his skillfulness and ability to allocate responsibilities.


Overall, it can be concluded that effective leadership is central to the company’s success since it is the role of the leader to inspire employees to work jointly and to drive each team in the needed direction to achieve corporate goals in an effective and feasible way. Contemporary leaders should be adaptive and flexible to be able to establish effective communication within the organization though remaining powerful to influence others when setting specific objectives and goals. It is essential that company’s leaders do not only determine the flow of operation but also strengthen the cooperation among co-workers.


Dhiman, S. (2011). Personal mastery and authentic leadership. Organization Development Journal, 29(2), 69–83.

Evans, P., Hassard, J., & Hyde, P. (2013). Critical leadership. London, UK: Routledge.

Lichtenstein, S. (2012). The role of values in leadership: How leaders’ values shape value creation. Integral Leadership Review, 12(1), 1–18.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, January 15). Effective Leadership Traits for Success in Contemporary Business. https://studycorgi.com/the-role-of-values-in-leadership/

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1. StudyCorgi. "Effective Leadership Traits for Success in Contemporary Business." January 15, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/the-role-of-values-in-leadership/.


StudyCorgi. "Effective Leadership Traits for Success in Contemporary Business." January 15, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/the-role-of-values-in-leadership/.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Effective Leadership Traits for Success in Contemporary Business." January 15, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/the-role-of-values-in-leadership/.

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