The Story About Joseph: God Always Has a Plan

Joseph was one of Jacob’s twelve sons and the most loved ones, so his father gave him a beautiful colorful coat. Joseph’s brothers became jealous of him and decided to sell him as a slave. He was taken to Egypt and started to serve the Potiphar, who was a Pharaoh’s official.

In Egypt, he interpreted the dreams of two prisoners and then of the Pharaohs. He said that he would have seven years of plenty and the same amount of famine. When Pharaohs understood that Joseph had an ability from God, he made him the governor of Egypt. One day Joseph met his brothers again because they were starving, and their father sent them to Egypt to buy grain. The Brothers did not recognize him, and Joseph decided to keep it a secret and test their characters.

He invited them all for dinner and put a silver cup to the sack of one of the brothers to see if he changed. Then he realizes that they are different now and forgives them. He says to his brother” “But now do not be sad, and let it not trouble you that you sold me here, for it was to preserve life that God sent me before you. You did not send me here, but God” (English Standard Version Bible, 2001, Genesis 45:5, 8). Joseph showed his wisdom and realization that his brothers did what they had to do.

Joseph understood that everything that had happened to him was God’s plan. He knows that God leads him even if he cannot see it at the moment. Joseph accepted the faith because it eventually showed him his purpose. He could save his family from the hunger that he predicted. That is why he trusts God and knows that he guides him.

Joseph is an example of a person who lived faithfully and had God’s mercy for his excellent behavior. This story shows how God always has a plan that people might not see at the beginning. Therefore, it is important to be righteous and have faith so God will always show the way.


English Standard Version Bible. (2001). ESV Online. Web.

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