The Sun as an Ultimate Source of Energy

The sun is known to be a very big ball of hydrogen gas atoms compressed together by the force of gravity to cause fusion. This fusion results in two hydrogen atoms forming a helium atom and in this process, photon light is produced. The helium particle is seven percent less massive than the hydrogen atoms. This difference in mass weight is what is expelled as energy and light through a process known as convection. This fusion results in hydrogen atoms forming helium and in the process of helium formation, it gives off light which is then used by human beings for sight. Plants use this light to make food by a process known as photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the process by which plants, bacteria and other organism use the sun’s energy to manufacture food and in the process sugar and energy are formed as by products. For survival, human beings and animals depend on plants directly or indirectly through a chain of food. The sun is a source of heat energy. Almost all of the energy that drives the various systems (climate systems, ecosystems, hydrologic systems, etc.) found on the Earth originates from the sun. Solar energy is created at the core of the sun when hydrogen atoms are fused into helium by nuclear fusion (Pidwirmy 1). In Helmholtz law of conservation of energy, he questions the role of sun in provision of heat energy. He states that energy can be transferred but cannot be created or destroyed and therefore the main source of energy remains the same. He analyzed various sources and came up with one main source: the sun.

The locomotives used steam to produce the energy needed to drive them using fuel.

All this fuel can be traced back to the sun for example, petroleum products come from dead decaying plants that once existed and without the sun they would have not survived and therefore no fuel. For electricity to be produced, the sun is involved in that, the electric generators use fuel to produce electricity. Even the ones that do not use fuel also rely on the sun for energy even though not directly. They rely on rainfall water to turn the turbines. Were it not for the sun, the water would stop flowing. The rainfall comes from the sun whereby the sun heats the ocean water. The water vaporizes to rise and form clouds which then fall eventually in form of rainfall. Bacteria and insect control: The ultra violet rays emitted by the sun are known to be antiseptic and to a great extent, they are able to kill bacteria, various viruses and other microorganisms. By hampering the growth of bacteria, it prevents the spread of diseases such as malaria and typhoid. (Mohatta3). Source of vitamin D Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin that is found in most of the foods. The sun is able to trigger the synthesis of vitamin D endogenously when ultraviolet rays strike the skin. This takes place when one is exposed to the sun. Cholesterol in the skin is converted into vitamin D.

Benefits to the skin: Moderate exposure to sunlight makes the skin tougher by thickening it, making it to be more resistant to injuries and infections. It also improves the skin’s texture.

Works cited

Mohatta, C.D.Importance of the sun. Ezine articles, 2009. Web.

Pidwirmy, Michael. “Natural sciences.” The encyclopedia of earth. The encyclopedia of earth, 2008. Web.

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