Analysis of Energy Sources: Fossil Fuels and Nuclear Power

Fossil fuels are a significant source of energy around the world. They are the aggregates of the remains of organisms that existed on Earth and, after being exposed to the heat and pressure of the Earth’s crust for hundreds of millions of years, formed and contained large amounts of energy. The fossil fuels are formed due to the aerobic decomposition of dead organisms (Pirani, 2018). Over time, this decomposition turned into hydrocarbons capable of holding energy (Pirani, 2018). The energy of fossils is produced by the process of burning the components coming from the remains of different kinds of living organisms. These remains have been composed for hundreds of years. Millions of years ago, these remains were buried by natural phenomena and the action of microorganisms (Pirani, 2018). After being buried in the Earth’s crust, they are exposed to the pressures and high temperatures that gave them their present characteristics. Various types of fossil fuels are now used for energy production. Each has different characteristics and origins. However, they all contain large amounts of energy that are used for various purposes.

Fossil fuels have a very high caloric content. Thus, burning 1 gram of fossil fuels releases considerable energy. Hence, the energy produced by fossil fuels is greater than the equivalent amount of other energy resources (Pirani, 2018). Fossil fuel reservoirs are relatively easy to find with advanced equipment and technology. One of the most used types of fossil fuel is coal, since the cost of its production is minimal in comparison with other kinds of fossil energy. Transporting hydrocarbons in liquid or gaseous form is very easy, they are transported through pipes. Building power plants that run on fossil fuels is also quite simple. Petroleum is the most predominantly used fossil fuel for all types of vehicles (Pirani, 2018). Fossil fuels are easier to extract and refine, therefore, they are cheaper than unconventional energy. Considering the advantages of nuclear power, it is necessary to highlight such as the relative cheapness of energy extraction, environmental purity of the resulting product, significant economics of energy consumption, the possibility of saving space.

When comparing nuclear and coal-fired plants, it is important to keep in mind that burning fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. In fact, 90 percent of the carbon emissions from electricity generation in the United States come from coal-fired power plants (Pirani, 2018). It is also vital to consider the cost of nuclear power compared to fossil fuels. While the operating costs of the former exceed those of other power generating sources, their overall cost is less than most (Pirani, 2018). Even though fossil fuels are a preferred energy source, their consumption and some undesirable properties have led to several important concerns. Despite the fact that oil, natural gas, and coal can be found in abundance, the rate at which they are consumed has led to significant depletion of their deposits (Pirani, 2018). In addition, it is impossible to replenish these resources, as this process takes millions of years to form from organic residues. The hydrocarbons present in fossil fuels emit greenhouse gases such as methane, carbon dioxide, which can destroy the ozone layer. The extraction of fossil fuels threatens the ecological balance in some areas. In addition, coal mining endangers the lives of miners (Pirani, 2018). The depletion of fossil fuel deposits could affect fuel prices in the near future. Making vertical cylindrical tanks of petroleum products is expensive. Moreover, if such fossil fuels as natural gas or oil leak, it can cause consequences disastrous for the environment. Consequently, transporting these fuels is also very risky. Growing demand for fuels and ever-increasing fuel prices have made the use of alternative forms of energy inevitable.

Bioenergy is defined as the production of energy from biological fuels. Such fuel can be different: derivatives of wood (chips, sawdust, and so on), briquettes of straw, husks, peat, paper, and biogas and liquid biofuel (Gurunathan et al., 2021). Compared to fossil fuels, bioenergy has several advantages. First, it is a renewable form of energy, which will not force humanity to face shortages. In addition, bioenergy does not increase the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, and it also solves the problem of waste management.

At the moment about 1% of electricity on Earth is obtained by processing solar radiation (Nemet, 2019). The process of converting solar energy into electricity is called solar power generation and can be accomplished in several ways: photovoltaics, heliothermal power, and solar balloon power plants. In the first case, the electric current appears due to the photovoltaic effect. The principle is that sunlight hits the photovoltaic cell, the electrons absorb the energy of the photons and come into motion. In heliothermal energy, solar radiation is used to heat a vessel with a liquid. This converts it into steam, which rotates a turbine, resulting in electricity production. The principle of operation of a solar balloon power plant with a steam turbine is the absorption of solar radiation by the balloon’s surface and heating of the water vapor inside the balloon due to this. Modern selective absorbing materials are capable of heating from direct unconcentrated sunlight up to 200 ° C and more.

Considering the radiation from the sun as a source of energy, it should be noted that this energy is infinite. This is a significant advantage because all hitherto known sources of energy are detrimental to the planet. The stock of solar energy is quite enormous, thus, every day the Earthourus is irradiated by about 120 thousand terawatts of light from the biggest star (Nemet, 2019). And this, for a second, is 20 thousand times more energy than the entire world can consume daily.

Moreover, the energy of the sun cannot be overused, as it always remains stable. Even now and for future generations, the sun will continue to shine. Energy from the sun’s rays can be harvested and used every summer day, all over the Earth’s surface. Germany, for example, is by far the most solar-powered country in the world and has an excellent supply of solar energy (Nemet, 2019). Comparing the costs and impacts on nature of traditional ways of obtaining power with energy from the sun, you can see the small impact on wildlife and the atmosphere from the production, transportation, and installation of solar panels. This is undoubtedly the most crucial action in combating global warming. Using a separate source of electricity in a private home, is very economical (Nemet, 2019). Fundamentally, the maintenance of the panels is reduced to a minimum. A few times a year, the panels should be cleaned from contamination.


Gurunathan, B., Sahadevan, R., & Zakaria, Z. A. (2021). Biofuels and bioenergy: Opportunities and challenges (1st ed.). Elsevier.

Nemet, G. F. (2019). How solar energy became cheap: A model for low-carbon innovation (1st ed.). Routledge.

Pirani, S. (2018). Burning up: A global history of fossil fuel consumption (Illustrated ed.). Pluto Press.

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