The Teaching of Developmental Psychology

This study aims to analyze and develop the teaching of developmental psychology. Also, the research concepts integrate interpersonal spirituality with developmental systems. Based on attachment theory, relational spirituality is one of two theoretical frameworks for comprehending a person’s attachments and religious growth. To understand why some people are more robust to stress than others, one needs a nuanced, dynamic knowledge of development. Historical, cultural, longitudinal, and biological inquiries support this perspective.

Speaking about the demographics of the study, it should be mentioned that it is displayed in the survey of recipients. SurveyMonkey© distributed the survey for the study to 121 recipients at 98 of 118 CCCU colleges. In addition to demographic questions, the survey consisted of 11 integration questions. All this formed the basis of the conclusions and the fundamental foundations for information analysis.

Developmental psychology examines how people and animals grow and develop from conception to death, including treating developmental disorders and animal behavior. In this field, fresh, sophisticated hypotheses have surfaced. When writing the article, the researchers were requested to discuss the importance of religious studies in developmental psychology classrooms (Cook & Leonard, 2014). This led to the presentation of a theoretical integration model based on development literature. Various approaches created by Christian developmental psychologists fall under the umbrella of integrating religious education.

Relationships are the foundation for development, and early attachment experiences are crucial for a child’s future success in interacting well with the outside world. Faith development happens with social and cognitive growth (Cook & Leonard, 2014). As people age, they understand themselves, their connections, and their holy enemies more profoundly and nuancedly (Kail & Cavanaugh, 2018). The study presents a systemic development model that is comparatively integrated and provides the opportunity for historical and cultural effects. The development systems model is a systems paradigm aiming to comprehend how many aspects, such as historical, cultural, biological, and psychological perspectives, influence development.

The Faith Integration assignment was mandatory for more than half of the survey participants, while it was optional for a few others. The writing of essays on the growth of religion using Erickson or Piaget or in light of the Amish Roomspring video The Devil’s Playground was among many special assignments given to pupils in the form of articles or magazines (Cook & Leonard, 2014). The individuals’ moderate reactions surprised the researchers. Teachers may want to alter pupils’ worldviews or foster their growth, and integration concerns are frequently handled in the curriculum. Seráce learning capacities are frequently considered crucial integrating components (Cook & Leonard, 2014). Religious differences can arise when discussing moral growth, although they do so less frequently when discussing cognitive development. Age-appropriate assignments and discussions are also possible, such as those focusing on forming religious identities and young children’s descriptions of God as a kid.

A purely religious perspective on this issue does exist, in any case. The Bible, based on the Christian religion, has several explanations for aging, development, and life. For instance, elder individuals should assist the less fortunate younger generation wherever feasible while discussing aging. The Bible quotes Psalm 71:18 as proof that this is the case: “Even when I am old and gray, do not leave me, my God, until I declare Your power to the next generation, Your mighty works to all who are to come” (The Bible, Psalm 71 (KJV), n.d.). Youth and adults may require assistance in making the appropriate decision, and the wisdom of older people can aid them. Seniors might serve in their religious communities or share Scripture.

This study, aimed at analyzing and developing the teaching of developmental psychology, successfully explores personality development issues at different stages of a person’s life. The theory is supported that relationship spirituality is one of two theoretical frameworks for understanding attachment, especially religious and religious growth. The study presents a systemic development model that is relatively integrated and allows for historical and cultural effects. Moreover, religious controversy may arise in discussions of moral growth but less often in discussions of cognitive development.


The Bible, Psalm 71 (KJV). (n.d.). Bible Gateway.

Cook, K. V., & Leonard, K. C. (2014). A relationally integrated systems model for faith and learning in developmental psychology. Journal of Psychology and Theology, 42(2), 150–163.

Kail, R., V., & Cavanaugh, J. C. (2018). Human Development: A Life-Span View (8th ed.). Cengage Learning.

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