The Theatre Arts Program at the ABC Center for Families

In order to participate in the program to obtain the funds necessary for the implementation of a particular idea, it is not enough to find the required sponsor. The decisive condition is the correctness and completeness of the corresponding project application’s preparation according to the requirements of the grant competition. Two descriptions of one program were presented for evaluation. Program Summary 2 has clear advantages over the first text and is more likely to receive a grant.

As a rule, most grant experts first get acquainted with the summary and, if it makes a good impression on them, proceed to study the project application further. Based on this practice, the annotation should be as clear, concrete, and expressive as possible (Hash 2019). The second description of the program has a clear structure – the organization is presented, then the program’s purpose, the intended participants, and the time of the event. The information provided is concise and understandable, unlike the first application, in which there is no information about the center of the participant, and no specific team members are named.

The second reason why application 2 is better is the use of language and grammar. The text should be confident and comprehensible, contain no errors, and be easy to read. Summary number 1 is more like a draft ad – emotional words are used more than necessary; the program’s expected results are presented using the words “We are hoping.” Moreover, a passive voice is given in excess even where it is not necessary – for example, participants “are going to be taught.”

Thus, Program Summary 2 has significant advantages over the first text – it is structured, shows what to expect, and readable. The introductory section attracts no less attention than the project budget. Therefore, it should be written so that the grantor has no doubts about the institution’s possibility – the applicant of the grant to implement the project and manage the money properly. The text for experts issuing grants should express confidence, be concise, and explain precisely why this application deserves the donor’s support.


Hash, Francene. 2019. Award Winning Grant Proposal Writing. 2nd Edition. Morrisville: Lulu.

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