The Topic of the Floating Exchange Rate

I think that your discussion regarding currency boards is very interesting, and has managed to successfully pinpoint the most important parts of the topic in question. While the practice of currency boards was more prevalent in the past, their current use remains limited, and not many people are familiar with or approve of the practice. Both the summary and the description provide a good understanding of the subject to the reading, introducing relevant concepts and backing them up with citations. The work is presented in a professional and organized tone, improving credibility. As a way to promote discussion, I think the inclusion of further arguments for and against the currency, boards could be made, as it would be a good tool for informing the reader (Enoch & Gulde). By engaging your audience and giving them more information on a given topic, you could further increase the impact of your work.

This response, generally, is well made and managed to inform its audience on the topic of the floating exchange rate. The sections are divided appropriately, and the defining features of the term are expanded upon in sufficient detail. Some formatting mistakes can be seen in the inconsistency of font choices, but that mistake can be overlooked to focus on the actual contents of the discussion. The study in question is summarised well, helping the reader quickly understand the intentions, goals, and results of the work done. The floating exchange rate was discussed concerning both the US and the global market. I think the importance of the US as an international economic force is well-measured and justified, given the sheer power of the dollar compared to other currencies (Siripurapu, 2020). It would be favorable, however, to further discuss some of how the United States economy and exchange rates affect countries under its influence.


Enoch, C., & Gulde, A.-M. (n.d.). Finance and development. Finance and Development | F&D. Web.

Siripurapu, A. (2020). The dollar: The World’s currency. Council on Foreign Relations. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2022, October 21). The Topic of the Floating Exchange Rate.

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StudyCorgi. (2022) 'The Topic of the Floating Exchange Rate'. 21 October.

1. StudyCorgi. "The Topic of the Floating Exchange Rate." October 21, 2022.


StudyCorgi. "The Topic of the Floating Exchange Rate." October 21, 2022.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "The Topic of the Floating Exchange Rate." October 21, 2022.

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