The Turing Test: Can a Computer Pass for a Human?

Turing’s test can be an effective tool to approach the idea of intelligence, but it is important to note the fact that the current understanding of the given concept is still unsubstantiated to the fullest extent. It means that such methods can be plausible since no modern computer can reliably and convincingly pass the evaluation despite some being able to trick judges through sophisticated strategies. However, if a computer is able to exhibit a strong sense of individual personality through a conversation, the test would identify as a highly advanced one since it will not require memory and high computational power but also intuition and insight.

Human thinking and machine computing are similar in the function of memory in terms of storing previously acquired information for future reference in case of equivalent occurrences. However, the key difference can be found in the notion of the connectedness of human memory with emotional factors, which give some memories prioritization over others, whereas computers are able to store vast amounts of data without any particular emotional element attached to it.

It is possible for computers to become as intelligent as humans and have the capability to think like us. The main reason is that the fairly recent history of computer innovations shows a constant improvement of the latter in all regards, and their functional capabilities becoming more and more competent, which means that it is only a matter of time.

Self-care is ingrained into human intelligence due to the forces of evolution, whereas a similar concept needs to be incorporated into computers. Social justice is also inherently embedded since humans are social creatures, whereas computers have no insight or intuition of what the term means. Emotional intelligence is a complex set of abilities of the human mind to interpret emotions, which might not be achieved by artificial intelligence. Career connections of these two fields are becoming highly interconnected, whereas ethics is critical for developing AI.

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