How the United Nations Leverages Digital Media for Global Outreach

The United Nations (UN) is highly concerned about global citizenship and operates to encourage people to become a part of international open-minded society. The organization tries to provide the most authoritative information for the representatives of the general public to understand what changes are currently needed and why. Thus, it is vital for the UN to communicate with the global community and influence them, minimalizing the effects of fake news that tend to form the views of the current society.

Nowadays, people rarely resort to traditional media if they are willing to get some information. Mobile devices, such as smartphones, became much more popular than print and television (Fletcher 8). Thus, the UN has to consider the way of connecting people with the help of new digital media.

Trying to follow current tendencies, the organization can reach the public if it cooperates with leading technology companies because they have much experience in reaching individuals through innovations. Getting senior officials on social media, the UN can make them closer to the general population. Their posts are likely to be followed by many individuals, which is a great opportunity to influence them. In a similar way, the UN website can operate.

The creation of a Universal Declaration of Digital Rights can also be beneficial because it will organize and control online activities (Fletcher 7). Resorting to new digital media, the UN can spread its messages to the public, ensuring that people get access to the most relevant data. Posting information to social media platforms, it obtains an opportunity to reach diverse populations of the Internet users who spend a lot of time online.

Being the representatives of different locations and even generations, they can share this knowledge with others, facilitating the integration of the UN ideas in people’s minds. In the majority of cases, individuals use the Internet for entertaining purposes, so it is advantageous that the UN approaches them through social media in addition to other resources. It ensures that people do not only spend their time observing pleasant images and videos but also notice some serious and thought-provoking materials. Digital communications also make the Internet users feel that they are valued because they receive particular feedback. As a result, they become interested in those issues that affect the life of the global community and focus on the possible ways to overcome them.

The UN also has its own collection of digital products. The representatives of the general public can easily reach them if they enter the website of the organization. Then, they are free to choose any source of information they prefer, including apps, eBooks, eCollection, or databases. I believe that in this way, the members of the global community are provided with an opportunity to reach authoritative content provided by the UN and be sure that the information is valid and true-to-life.

What is more, using new digital media to interact with people, the organization not only makes it easier for them to find and use the information, but it also minimalizes adverse impact provided on natural resources. This issue is widely discussed nowadays that is why a lot of people will appreciate the UN initiatives and track its activities. As a result, they are likely to be influenced by the information shared by the organization and become more conscious of issues faced by the global community.

Works Cited

Fletcher, Tom. United Networks: Can Technology Help the UN Meet the Challenges of the 21st Century? 2017. Web.

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StudyCorgi. 2020. "How the United Nations Leverages Digital Media for Global Outreach." November 17, 2020.

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