Iran’s Nuclear Energy and Relations with Israel

The Islamic Republic of Iran repudiates claims that it manufactures as well as possesses weapons of mass destruction. Iran is a signatory to a number of United Nations statutes and international treaties. The fact that Iran has questioned the existence of Israel as Jews homeland and threatened to annihilate it has further complicated the issue.

The Islamic Republic of Iran has insisted that its nuclear program is purely based on energy purposes, considering the urgent need of adequate energy given its rapidly growing population. To make its case, Iran questions the international community on their restriction upon the republic regarding the generation of nuclear power, while oil, which is their primary source of energy, is non-renewable and may be depleted in future.

The argument for the legitimate pursuit of nuclear energy by Iran has, however, been opposed by Israel and the United States. Led by the United States, the concealment of the nuclear technology and the facilities that are being used by Iran has been a point of contention between Iran and other world powers. Lebanon’s Hezbollah and Hamas of the Gaza strip enjoy a close friendship with the Islamic Republic. Israel as an arch foe with Iran points out that those nuclear weapons will be readily available to such militant group.

This easy accessibility of weapons of mass destruction will eventually result in a nuclear arms race in the Middle East. Such a scenario will ultimately plunge the Middle East into deeper chaos.

The ongoing negotiation between Iran and the world powers is a positive step towards accomplishing a consensus. It is important that the negotiating leaders prioritize a safer world, free of nuclear weapons (Shultz, Perry, Kissinger, & Nunn, 2007). They should avoid chasing their political interests and stereotype antagonism to strike a suitable deal. The agreement should ensure that Iran thrives as an economy in Middle East by alternative sources of energy.


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