The Value of PowerPoint Presentations for Healthcare Management

With the advancement of technologies, the opportunities to collect and share information improve, allowing users to achieve higher goals efficiently and productively. In the fast-evolving spheres like healthcare, informational technologies play a crucial role in the achievement of health-promotional, educational, strategic, and developmental goals. In particular, healthcare managers using PowerPoint presentations as a tool of information distribution and delivery might enhance the power of their influence on the stakeholders when requesting additional resources.

As opposed to textual information delivery, PowerPoint presentations provide a range of audiovisual, graphic, and animated tools that help enhance the presenter’s message. As Knight et al. (2018) emphasize, PowerPoint presentations used by managers rely on visual mechanisms that strengthen strategy meaning-making. Indeed, managers might purposefully use different visual means, such as graphics, tables, photographs, and others, to add context, show the author’s strategic approach, and stimulate a favorable response in the audience.

When presenting using PowerPoint, a healthcare organization manager is more likely to succeed in achieving goals, including additional staff or policy change requests. Firstly, presentations allow for concise and informative facts illustration. Secondly, the narrator can enhance their messages with visual evidence. Thirdly, one can influence what information is emphasized and where the addressed stakeholders should direct their attention. Fourthly, it is possible to engage the audience more effectively and ensure a better understanding of the information, which might be achieved using animation (Goring & Stodolski, 2018). Thus, using a variety of PowerPoint features, a healthcare manager might succeed in obtaining the desired outcomes.

In conclusion, the use of PowerPoint presentations in the healthcare management setting is a valuable tool that serves multiple purposes. Through illustrations, tables, graphs, and animation, a presenter can diversify the types of information, engage the audience, enhance listeners’ attention, and highlight the essential data concisely. In such a manner, one can effectively communicate tentative issues and achieve strategic managerial goals for the benefits of the organization.


Goring, R., & Stodolski, E. (2018). How to create healthcare presentations that wow your audience. Association for Talent Management. Web.

Knight, E., Paroutis, S., & Heracleous, L. (2018). The power of PowerPoint: A visual perspective on meaning making in strategy. Strategic Management Journal, 39(3), 894-921.

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