The Virginia Colony’s Historical Impact on the US

The indentured workers’ letters from Jamestown and Massachusetts highlight the discrepancies between their experiences. Their opinions on the colonies and treatment were different. The two sons were different because one had access to better land, food, clothing, and familial support than the other. Frethorne’s colony relied heavily on food supplies brought in by ships, but had minimal possessions and no means of subsistence or commerce from his family. Pond had requested fabric to produce clothing for his colony, and he had gotten shipments from his family, hogshead/cheese to enjoy and sell these items and others. According to William Apes, the Plymouth Puritans were thieves who robbed the natives. Misrepresenting them as savages, they pretended to be friends with them before betraying them.

One reason more indentured workers were surviving to the end of their contracts is a decrease in the indentured worker mortality rate. If indentured Servants were to complete their contracts after five to ten years, they would become landowners and, in turn, the ones in need of laborers. Since acquiring and selling enslaved people from European colonies was simpler than completing contracts with Englishmen, the international slave trade flourished while Indentured Servants outlived their contracts. The inability of enslaved West Africans to speak, read, or write English made it much simpler to consider them as property. In addition, the growing demand for tobacco necessitated hiring more laborers to help farmers cultivate the crop. Moreover, that is why the slave trade was so important to the colonies’ economies.

I believe the Virginia Colony’s establishment in 1607, the Great Enlightenment/ Awakening, and the Proclamation of 1763 were the three most important events in forming American identity. These three occurrences represent the process by which we severed ties with England and the motivations that led to this decision. In 1607, the English dispatched Englishmen to colonize a new globe for the benefit of the English, not the Englishmen who accepted the assignment, but the Englishmen who set the mission. Because of this, it became clear that the English cared primarily about money and prestige. The Great Awakening roused the American people that this was their nation and that their ideals should be free to flourish all over their land. The declaration of 1763 is the last event and, in my opinion, the push toward secession from England and America. In the French War, American farmers fought on the English side so that they might expand westward; today, that right has been taken away from them and is being enforced by English-standing forces.

Slavery abolition was central to the principles that drove the American Revolution. Abolishing slavery would have meant less output from plantations and more liberated farmers, which was considered a danger, but the movement never got off the ground. By limiting its application to white males, the ideology of freedom was rendered meaningless. The influence of thoughts on slavery sparked the revolutionary war: the idea of splitting the United States in two, with free labor in the North and slavery in the South. Because of the American Revolution’s goals, our society is now deeply divided about who gets to be free. The Thirteenth Amendment guarantees freedom for all people to the United States Constitution, which also abolished slavery.

I think George Hewes would tweet about colonists donning feathers to make it seem like Indians were assaulting the vessels. This would account for the tea party from his vantage point as one of the participants who threw tea from boats. His tweet would depict the origins of the Sons of Liberty, a group formed to thwart British efforts to uphold laws. Paul Revere’s ride would be the subject of his tweets since the mission he was on was urgent, crucial, and impossible for anyone else to accomplish. A Captain John Parker tweet would raise questions about the soldiers, prompting a debate about possible responses. Captain John’s tweet would likely spark conversation on how the military had rushed in and opened fire without first debating the problems at hand, killing members of the militia group.

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