The Wine World: Development Trends


Since the Shang dynasty, wine has been made in China. China is the world’s foremost grape grower, accounting for roughly half of global grape output due to its vast territory and suitable temperatures. It also features the world’s third-largest vineyard acreage when it comes to winemaking. Wine has traditionally been seen as a sign of social prestige and wealth in China. Currently, a rising number of Chinese people accept grape alcohol as a healthy drink and consume it on a regular basis. This work was written with the aim of studying the wine world and development trends based on a comparison of the old and new worlds of winemaking.

China Market

China’s wine business has grown exponentially in recent years, thanks to a burgeoning middle class, discretionary money, and industrialization. China’s market share was the world’s third-largest in terms of value in 2020, after only the United States and Europe (Statista, 2021). While yearly per capita wine production and consumption continue modest in comparison to the entire globe, desire is expanding significantly. China’s yearly wine total production increased dramatically in the first decade of the twenty-first century, fueled by the lucrative industry. Due to low production expenditures and tight pricing margins, the development of the domestic wine sector has experienced significant competition from overseas rivals since the second half of the 2010s. In the second section of the 2010s, both the amount of output and the number of producers declined steadily.

For Chinese wine consumers, foreign wine is blessed with improved taste and a high reputation, and it is frequently served at business banquets or given as a gift. Chinese customers like both new-world and classic wine-producing locales. Nonetheless, like the local wine business, China’s wine importation sector has been in upheaval in recent years, with import value declining. The coronavirus epidemic and China’s anti-dumping actions against Australia, China’s most prominent wine import market, both contributed to the year’s drop in alcohol import demand.

Old World France SWOT


  • Unique wine and winemaker story;
  • Wine with traditional technology;
  • Prestigious wine school training.


  • Lack of new reputation;
  • Slow brewing process.


  • Satisfy new consumers’ needs;
  • Old-fashioned but passionate to succeed.


  • New wineries;
  • Lack of technology.

New World Australia SWOT


  • Product quality;
  • Low price;
  • Technological innovation.


  • High dependence on export;
  • Low awareness.


  • Market expansion;
  • New world brand portfolio.


  • Dependence on UK market;
  • Increased competition.

Strategy Plan and Recommendations

Grape is one of the world’s most essential fruit crops, including several of the most precious nutrients required for life. Grapes have a wide range of adaptability and may be cultivated in warm, tropical, and subtropical regions, as well as a variety of agricultural production environments. The crop’s food, nourishment, medical, and economic qualities might be substantial for the region’s people. As a result, the public hearing suggested that every attempt be made to fulfill the crop’s entire farmland. In some nations, such as India and Australia, significant improvement has been made in grape production and productivity levels, while development has been slow in others. The grape business appears to have excellent prospects for future growth. However, the problems that must be addressed are numerous and significant. As a result, the different countries must consider taking suitable measures to solve the current challenges to the greatest extent feasible.

All of the region’s grape-producing nations have one or more soil-related issues, most prominently phylloxera, worms, salt, dryness, and poor soil chemistry, which impede effective grape development. Some nations in the region have firsthand knowledge of rootstocks’ capacity to withstand severe soil conditions, as well as their tremendous influence on fruit quality and vine fruit output. These nations also have a considerable number of rootstocks, although the majority of the countries in the region only have a handful. The adoption of several rootstocks into nations around the area, as well as their assessment for appropriateness under local circumstances to meet industry needs, was seen as a critical goal. Initially, this might be accomplished by collaboration between nations having a diverse array of grapevine rootstocks and countries with production issues that may be alleviated by the adoption of suitable rootstocks.


In China, wine has long been seen as a symbol of social distinction and riches. Grape wine is now widely accepted as a healthy drink by a growing number of Chinese people, who consume it on a daily basis. China’s wine industry has expanded rapidly in recent years, owing to a growing middle class, disposable income, and industrialization. The profitable sector fueled a significant expansion in China’s annual wine total output in the first decade of the twenty-first century. Foreign wine has enhanced flavor and a good reputation among Chinese wine drinkers, and it is regularly served at corporate lunches or given as a gift. The flavivirus outbreak, as well as China’s anti-dumping efforts against Australia, China’s most crucial wine import destination, both led to the year’s decline in the alcohol trade balance. Adoption of numerous rootstocks into countries throughout the region, as well as their evaluation for suitability under local conditions to fulfill industrial demands, was viewed as a crucial aim.


Statista. (2021). Global: Revenue of the wine market 2020, by country. Web.

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