The World of Late Antiquity: The Old Roman Culture


The break of the Eastern Roman Empire from the old Empire was characterized by several social, cultural, and economic changes. It has been argued that although the territory demonstrated some shifts from the old order, some elements continued to exist. The deviation from worshipping the old Roman gods and economic reforms showed the Eastern Roman Empire’s strength and stability, although, over time, weaknesses in the political system led to invasions from Arabs.

The Eastern Roman Empire

The Eastern Roman Empire has often been described as having broken from the old Empire despite showing some continuities. On the one hand, it can be termed a break because the Roman gods ceased to have power in the Eastern Empire, demonstrating a cultural shift. On the other hand, some evident continuities existed that tied it to the old Empire, including the office of the emperor that was maintained and titles such as Caesar were still important.

Justinian’s Conquest and Weaknesses in the Byzantine Empire

Justinian’s reconquest of the western Mediterranean, which came to be known as the vandal conquest, significantly influenced Christianity and the Germanic kingdoms. He formulated a series of parallel reforms that formed the Corpus Juris Civilis, shaping Byzantine history. In addition, Justinian defended Christian Orthodoxy and extinguished Greco-Roman paganism, advancing Christianity. The weaknesses of the Byzantine Empire that made it prone to Arab invaders are mainly characterized by leadership challenges in the political sphere. The instability and lack of military potential led to social unrest, facilitated aristocratic factionalism, and invited regional rebellion, making the Empire vulnerable to invasion and the conquests of the Levant and North Africa.


In conclusion, the Eastern Roman Empire deviated from the old Roman culture by advancing Christianity and destroying Greco-Roman paganism, including their gods. Although the Byzantine Empire seemed to separate from the old leadership, it maintained the office of the emperor and titles for the kings. As the Empire experienced internal conflicts and lost its military control, Arabs had a great opportunity to invade and conquer the Levant.

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