Analyzing Lyrics of “Yellow” Song by Coldplay

“Yellow”: A Turning Point Originally from London, Coldplay started their journey in 1997. Their really talented music was noticed very quickly, and the first three albums of the team exploded. Now Coldplay is considered perhaps the brightest and most promising new wave Britpop band from England. Moreover, the team’s popularity...

Miller’s Death of a Salesman: Thematic Analysis

Death of a Salesman is a 1949 chef-d’oeuvre stage play by Arthur Miller, which addresses various issues that were affecting American society at the time. Specifically, the theme of the American dream features prominently in this play. According to Mgamis, historian James Truslow Adams coined the idea of the American...

Repatriate or Keep: Should Museums Return Artefacts?

Introduction In 1832 Greece demanded the return of marble statues that once served as a decoration in the famous Parthenon temple and were brought to England by Lord of Elgin at the beginning of the century. Almost two centuries later, the marbles are still exhibited in the British Museum, with...

“Creation of Adam” by Michelangelo

Michelangelo’s Creation of Adam is a renaissance era work depicting the Judeo-Christion God creating the first human. It is a part of a larger composition of paintings on the same ceiling. Unlike many conventional oil paintings on canvas, the Creation of Adam was developed directly on the plaster ceiling of...

Movie Reflection – “Mi Familia”

“Mi Familia” is a film directed by Gregory Nava, who released it in 1995. The plot reveals the life journey of a family that moved from Mexico to the United States, settling in Los Angeles. By seeing the three generations, from the father of the Sanchez family who traveled from...

Frida Kahlo: Life, Experiences and Art

Introduction Frida Kahlo is often regarded as one of the most popular female artists and artists of Mexican descent in the world. More than sixty years after her death, Kahlo’s thought-provoking and honest works are still appreciated by those interested in self-expression by means of art. Given the stories behind...

How Is the Meaning Constructed in Images?

Introduction In all displays and dimensions, people are surrounded by different images, paintings, billboards, advertisements, illustrations, posters, and photographs. They are depicted and conveyed in different ways and all of those methods imply the use of unique techniques and material. All this encapsulates and presents the visual culture of the...

Beethoven’s Personality and Music

Music, just as any other art is the reflection of the soul and inner feelings and emotions of the creator. It is the reflection of reality as the artist perceives it. Since a work of art is the creation of a person, it is impossible to interpret it apart from...

Maurice by E.M. Forster Novel and Film Adaptation Comparative Analysis

It is not a secret, though the truth is rather sad, that the works of imaginative literature are not so popular today if compared with the demand for movies. There is no doubt that watching a film is less time-consuming in comparison with the reading of a book that can...

One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest: Book and Film Compared

Introduction One flew over the cuckoo’s nest is a novel that was written in 1965 and adapted into stage plays and even a movie in the 1971. Both the movie and novel are set in Oregon State in a mental hospital. This setting reveals the working of the hospital and...

Prisons in “The Shawshank Redemption” by Frank Darabont

It is a reality that prison populations in the United States are rising. The reasons are many, including economic factors, the changing cultural environment, problems in education, lack of enough infrastructure to prevent crime, and too many more to list. Even the media has been blamed. The rising crime rate...

Aquaman: An Evolution Through the Ages

Introduction Arthur Curry is a well-known character that represents the essence of the Aquaman franchise tracing its roots to the middle of the 1940s. A son of an ordinary light man and the Queen of Atlantis, this half-blood superhero has gradually caught the fancy of the general public all over...

Zavattini and Neorealism: Analysis of The Essay

Introduction Cinematography can be seen as a reflection of trends and beliefs existing in the society. Neorealism became people’s response to the atrocities of the war and the path to understanding the world and all of its dimensions.1 Italian neorealism is regarded as one of the most influential movements in...

“The Crucible” Film and Its Historical Value

Introduction While there are various opinions and attitudes towards the Salem witch trials, these hearings that took many lives and occurred between 1692 and 1693 should not be neglected. Nowadays, it is easy to read books or articles to improve one’s understanding of the trials or even watch movies to...

Wynton Marsalis: Jazz in Marciac 2009

Concert and Performers This report will cover the performance by Wynton Marsalis and the ensemble at the Jazz in Marciac festival in 2009. Wynton Marsalis is an internationally acclaimed vocalist, musician, and composer from New Orleans, Louisiana, with an impressive repertoire ranging from jazz to classical music. The musician’s vision...

Humanities: Impressionism and Surrealism

Impressionism and Surrealism emerged at different times. The term “Impressionism” was created in 1974 (Davies 871), and 1924 was the year when surrealists proclaimed their manifesto (Bishop 396). Their influences, key ideas, and techniques were also reasonably different. However, both these art movements were built around the idea of expressing...

Ancient Egypt: Head of Colossal Statue of Ramesses II

Formal analysis The head of a Colossal Statue of Ramses II is a bust of Pharaoh Ramses II, one of the most successful kings of the ancient Egyptians. It is one of the series of colossal objects that were used to decorate the front part of several rectangular pillars making...

“Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction” by Benjamin

Introduction The shift towards capitalist values in the modern world has marked a distinct change in the perception of art, which prompted numerous attempts to explain the phenomenon. The current paper analyzes the essay “Work of art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction” by Walter Benjamin in order to determine...

Magic of “A Peaceful Retreat” by Thomas Kinkade

Introduction A Peaceful Retreat is the name of an incredible painting by a notable artist, Thomas Kinkade. This man called himself a painter of light because every work of this man accents on the eminent light sources that are usually depicted as houses or heaven’s luminaries. A Peaceful Retreat is...

Rivalry and Competition in Italian Renaissance Art

Renaissance art refers to the sculptures, paintings, and decorative arts that were created during the Renaissance era in Europe. This type of art was introduced in the year 1400 and was considered as a monarchy of early traditions but later adapted to modern arts. With time, many people with artistic...

Gender Changes in the Film “Far from Heaven” by Todd Haynes

This is a movie reaction paper on “Far from Heaven” by Todd Haynes examining the following question: how has gender changed since the 1950s and why? The story describes the traditional family of Whitakers living in 1957. The wife of a successful businessperson Cathy finds her husband Frank in an...

Watching a Movie at Home and in Theatres

Introduction It does not matter whether a person likes action, drama, comedy, or another genre of films and movies. Almost everyone loves watching video materials. There are many reasons for the people’s desire to watch video films and movies. While most people watch videos to release stress or for recreation...

Music of the Renaissance

Background The Renaissance era (1400-1600) refers to the period that marked the revitalization of art and rebirth of music. Musicians and artists of this time composed and performed style of music that was different from that of the medieval era due to the influence of the ancient Rome Greece classical...

History of Film Noir

Introduction Film Noir is a term coined in the early 1940s by the French to refer to trendy Hollywood crime movies produced during this period. The term literally means black film in French and the movies were characterized by their black and white visual style, a style generally thought to...

Popular and Serious Music

Introduction Music forms a significant part of entertainment in the modern world, and there are various ways people present their songs to their audiences. The compositions and contexts of different types of music determine their audiences, presentation, and suitability. Music has various components that enable it to play its roles...

Russian Cinema and Political Significance of Censorship

Introduction Governments have long recognized cinema’s ability to advance social and political agendas, shape public opinion, and shape national identities. The Russian government has a deep and abiding love of movies, so it is not an outlier. From the Soviet era’s use of cinema as propaganda to the current Russian...

John Hughes: The Life and Legacy of a Teen Film Icon

Physical Development 1950 saw the birth of John in a little Midwest village. He had three sisters and was the sole male. For his first 12 years in Grosse Pointe, Michigan, he was a Gordie Howe supporter of the Detroit Red Wings. When he was younger, John remembered being “sort...

Master of Deceit in “Othello”: Iago in the Film Adaptation

Introduction Shakespeare’s drama Othello revolves around love, deception, jealousy, and eventually tragedy, which is a story of star-crossed lovers. In the play, Iago forces Othello, Desdemona, and Emilia to indulge in obscene acts to further his cunning scheme, crippling their emotional awareness as they fail to recognize the consequences of...

Hollywood: The Cultural Influence

There is no doubt that Hollywood has a significant impact on society, particularly young people, in political and cultural ways. It has a remarkable power to transmit ideas, cultures, values, and even geopolitical influence. Thus, it is essential to examine how the studio mentioned above promotes American values, which factors...

“If Beale Street Could Talk” and “Moonlight”: Directors and Auteur Theory

Introduction It is hard to disagree that the role of a director in filmmaking is of extreme importance and probably even the most significant one. Numerous talented directors have their styles and techniques, and the audience can see common traits in all their movies, which allows distinguishing the work of...

The Evolution of John Ford’s Idea of the West

Westerns represent a significant layer in American culture for several generations. Among the directors of this genre, one of the most famous filmmakers is John Ford. His work has become a new branch in the history of cinema and has inspired many modern directors. During his formative years, Ford developed...

Titian’s Pastoral Concert and Manet’s Le Dejeuner Sur L’Herbe

Throughout centuries, artwork and the style involved in bringing the pieces to reality have differed greatly as artists continuously find different ways to portray their perceptions and emotions. One best example of such is the difference in centuries between the artworks Titian’s Pastoral Concert and Manet’s Le Dejeuner sur l’herbe...

The ‘Hallelujah’ Song by Leonard Cohen

Music, like any other compulsive work, causes emotions and communicates powerful information to the audience. It is more than words and the instrumentals that accompany it and writers appreciate the texture and flow of phrases. On the other hand, the listeners decide on the music that goes with their personality...

“It Must Be Heaven” Film Analysis

Women-Related Signs The first scene in this movie happens inside a restaurant and features both women and men in the entertainment joint. The society shown in the movie is a male-dominated one where men call the shots and women act at the mercy of their male counterparts. Men are free...

The Political Cartoon “Plumb-Pudding in Danger” by James Gillray

Cartoons provide a platform for critique and, by employing humor, may frequently address topics that are challenging to bring up in formal discussions. The 18th century became known as the Golden Age of Cartoons, with cartoonists engaging in social and political polemics. The Plumb-pudding in danger, or, State Epicures taking...

The Need of Censorship in the Music Industry

Introduction Recently, it has become more challenging for parents and the authorities to make sure that children do not get access to inappropriate materials that may affect their mental system or make them grow up too early. The situation becomes even more difficult because of freedom of speech and personal...

The Film “Do the Right Thing” by Spike Lee

The given film review focuses on Do the Right Thing, directed, produced, and written by Spike Lee. The reflection addresses two key scenes by analyzing how directors and cinematographers shape meaning in the movie. The emphasis is put on choices made of the shots and angles with their corresponding reasons....

The Mona Lisa Painting Technique Analysis

Introduction Last year, the Louvre was visited by many millions of people, firmly entrenching its status as the most visited art museum in the world. The Louvre’s collections include the finest works of art through the mid-nineteenth century and exhibits of ancient civilizations. Naturally, the new generation is not burning...

The Optical Poem Film by Oskar Fischinger

The film Optical Poem by Oskar Fischinger was made in 1938. It is an abstract short film that visualizes the “Hungarian Rhapsody” by Franz Liszt, synchronizing the movement of different shapes of paper cut-outs to the music. The Optical Poem is an example of the stop-motion animation, which became a...

How Has Art Nouveau Influenced the Development of Art and Design?

Art Nouveau is a style that arose in the second half of the 19th century and united different branches of advanced art under common stylistic principles. This is not only a painting style; it is manifested in design, fashion, and architecture. When someone talks about the Art Nouveau style, listeners...

Discussion: Zapata-Style Landscape

In 1907, Diego Rivera received a scholarship to survey Europe. There he was to continue his study of art, which he had begun as early as 1897 (Norwood, 2019). Rivera returned to Mexico in September 1910 to show what he had learned; the artist revealed his paintings at the National...

The Analysis of “Dogon Couple” by Kehinde Wiley

Introduction The modern take on many concepts of art from the past may revitalize outdated ideas with new colors. Artworks change alongside society, and Kehinde Wiley focuses on a single aspect of this shift: the globalization and homogenization of cultures. For this essay, the work Dogon Couple by Kehinde Wiley...

Pablo Picasso’s “Woman with a Watch” Painting

This painting has a shape based on a combination of different geometric shapes. It can be noted that a combination of various straight and broken lines is used. It should be noted that this picture can be described based on the expressive theory of evaluation, due to the peculiarities of...

Henri Cartier-Bresson: Seville Photograph

Biography Henri Cartier-Bresson was born in 1908 in France and died in 2004. Marthe, who was his mother, substantially motivated him to attend chamber music proms and reading poetry constantly. Cartier-Bresson had an extensive interest in painting at the age of five, after which his parents employed two art tutors...

Personal Playlist and Its Meaning

Introduction Every individual has had an experience of listening to music depending on their emotional disposition, values they uphold, preferences, or beliefs; they like the imagery created by music or not. Often are the times one’s music preference is associated with their trait. The kind of music an individual listens...

The Logo of Shell: Design Specifications

B1 Design Specifications Aesthetics: The original logo of Shell should be combined with the flame icon in the background. The purpose of changing the logo is that the current one needs clarity and coherence. Based on the research in A2, Shell’s products are gas and oil, not reflected in the...

Music: Benefits and Positive Influences

Introduction Music supports emotional health, manages stress, and increases psychological well-being. Scientists suggest that a person’s preferences in music can provide insight into various aspects of their personality (Hooen et al. 12). From ancient times, people used music as a motivation for battles. Moreover, some people associate the healing process...

The Culture of Civilizations: A Comparison of Chinese and Japanese Art

Introduction Today it is difficult to answer unequivocally the question of why man needs art. Some argue that art exists to beautify life: these people aim to discover beauty as an eternal law of being. Others believe that art should educate; they search for works for the good, the benefit,...

Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel Fresco and Rivera’s “Man…”

Both Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel Fresco (1508-1512) and Rivera’s Man, Controller of the Universe (1934) seek to depict man’s place in the world. The Sistine Chapel fresco was commissioned by Pope Julius II for the Vatican’s Apostolic Palace and was painted by the Florentine artist Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni between...

Mayan Culture in “Apocalypto” Film Discussion

Apocalypto is a 2006 historical adventure film, written and directed by Mel Gibson. The film depicts Native Mayan culture before the first contact with Spanish Conquistadors. The director has proclaimed that the movie accurately portrays typical Mayan societies. However, its plot, has been harshly criticized. Native communities and researchers focusing...

The Influence of Rap Music on Moral Character

Various critics have railed against the alleged harms of rap music. It is misogynistic and promotes violence (especially toward women), crass materialism, and street crime. Virtually all of the arguments about rap focus on its alleged effects—harmful or, occasionally, beneficial. Yet such arguments are difficult to prove. While not suggesting...

“The King’s Speech” Movie and Anxiety Disorder

Although several movies depict persons with social anxiety disorder, The king’s speech tends to do it particularly well. This film chronicles the narrative of Prince Albert, as well as his ascension to the throne of the United Kingdom as King George VI. With the aid of a speech therapist who...

The Public Enemy and The Godfather Films Analysis

Introduction The idea of comparative analysis of films is a technique that endeavors to comprehend a film by relating it to another film. This article seeks to compare two films (The Public Enemy and The Godfather) by analyzing the common themes and stylistic devices used. The two films have several...

Dance Education and Its Influence on Future Career

The article by Katherine Boland is an interview with ballet dancer Carolynn Rowland. Its main topics are the influence of dance or art education in general on people’s future careers that may be not related to the dance sphere. Carolynn stresses the importance of education as it helps expand the...

The Ballet Dancing History and Special Features

Introduction During the dance masterclass, I ended up learning the basics of ballet, namely warm-up, arm, and leg positions. In ballet, these aspects are essential. The entire masterclass was conducted by choreographer Brittany Cavaco, who seemed to me to be quite an attention to detail, which makes it possible to...

Social Impacts of the Hong Kong Arts Festival

Introduction Art festivals have always been places where people could externalize their desire to watch new trends in art, assess different artists, and form a community based on personal overviews. Moreover, such events play important roles in the social, cultural, and economic life of cities where festivals take place. Hong...

Why Is Impressionistic and Expressionistic Music So Hard to Understand?

Composers have always aspired to the new and unknown. In any era, some musicians kept up with the times and, under the influence of new art trends, revealed and invented their ways through musical means of expression. Expressionism in music is a reflection of the human soul. Expressionism rejects any...

Comparison of the Katsuhiro Otomo’s “Stanley Kubrick Portrait” and “Akira”

Introduction Although Katsuhiro Otomo primarily is famous for his first large-scale creation Akira, in forms of both manga and anime, this work is not the only possibility to become acquainted with his manner. He actually devoted most of his life to illustrating and produced several thousands of pieces, among which...

Polanski’s and Kurzel’s Film Adaptations of Macbeth

Introduction Film adaptations of plays have been common throughout the existence of the movie industry. However, even more so than book adaptations, plays are notoriously hard to get right as they were specifically created to be played out on stage. This is even more applicable to Shakespeare’s work, which has...

The Natural History Museum in London

Background History of the Museum Located on the Exhibit road, along the south Kensington area, the main frontage of the Natural History Museum is on the side of Cromwell Road. The Museum has 70 million specimens gathered from earth and life sciences. The Museum is known as a center for...

Being a Trans Woman in the Call Her Ganda Film

Being a transwoman has unimaginable consequences that society tends to subject the transwomen to. PJ Raval’s documentary speaks volumes on the challenges that these unique gender faces as if it were their own choice to be the way they are. Jennifer’s case represents many other similar cases that transgender women...

Michelangelo Buonarroti’s Background and Career

Artist’s Background Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni was simply known as Michaelangelo. He was an Italian poet, painter, architect, and gifted sculptor of the Renaissance who had an unmatched influence on Western art. He was an apprentice to a sophisticated painter before joining the Medici family to enhance his sculpture...

The Movie ”Trainspotting” by Danny Boyle: Presenting Issues and Interventions

Introduction The problem of drug addiction has been a common subject in cinema for many years. First, it allows attracting the attention of the general public to this topic. Second, different techniques of cinema enable filmmakers to depict in detail all the negative sides of the issue, leaving the public...

“A Class Divided” Film on Discrimination

Introduction This journal is a reflection on the film “A Class Divided”. The movie describes an experiment performed by Jane Elliot, a grade three teacher concerned by discrimination that existed at the time of Martin Luther King. Through the experiment, Elliot hoped to explore the nature of discrimination. In this...

Review of “The Patriot” Movie

The award-winning 2000’s movie “The Patriot” details a man’s life struggles at the time of the Revolutionary war. While far from being a historically accurate portrayal of the events or a real person’s life, the movie still manages to show the general sentiments of the time and tie them to...

“Swan Lake” Ballet by Matthew Bourne

Matthew Bourne, a British director, is known for his ballet, in which all swans are men. After watching this ballet online, it seems that this change was not done for shocking the viewers. This version of “Swan Lake” is a humanistic and light performance with completely original choreography (Scicluna). The...

Music Therapy: Review

Introduction Music therapy is the controlled use of music in treatment, rehabilitation, and a means of optimizing creativeness and pedagogical work. Behavioral therapists widely adopt music to treat depressive conditions. Since the mechanism of the effect is not always clear, music therapy sometimes seems like a kind of miracle, giving...

Averting Evil, Confirming Power: Babylonian Panel With Striding Lion

The Ancient Middle East had produced many great civilizations, each with its own contributions to the region’s history and culture. Mesopotamia was one of the earliest centers of civilization in the Near East and the world in general, and its cities were among the most developed ones in terms of...

The Bust of Queen Nefertiti

The statue of Queen Nefertiti is one of the most famous examples of ancient art, depicting the image of one of the most beautiful women of antiquity. It was created in Egypt, circa 1345 BC, by the sculptor Thutmose, who was the official court sculptor of the Pharaoh Akhenaten, and...

“The Awakening Conscience” by William Holman Hunt

Art Creation and Reflection There are many types of art, and each person perceives them differently. Personally, I prefer portraits and still lives to other kinds of painting since these genres best represent the true shades of images and objects portrayed by artists. In this respect, the works of William...

Photography Art: A Girl on a Bridge on Lake Garda

Reflection Photographs give information on what real-life scenarios look like away from human influence. In this case, a sketched photo of a girl on a bridge on Lake Garda is compared to that taken in real life. The picture shows a vast scene of an unending sea and a girl...

The Pelageya Group’s Live Concert in the US

“Pelageya” is a Russian folk group named after its front singer’s name. In 2016, the USA witnessed a big live concert of “Pelageya” that lasted about 1,5 hours. Their music makes the audience feel part of a subculture that arose among the fans of Tolkien and other elven fantasy with...

“Farewell”: Interpersonal Communication in the Film

Introduction Communication is a critical element in building interpersonal relationships between individuals in the modern world. The multiple spheres, including economic, political, social, and cultural, depend on effective communication for better understanding between people. With the growing influence of globalization tendencies on contemporary people, communication remains a vital tool capable...

Art and Society: The Medieval Art

At all historical stages of development, art performed a number of ideological and educational functions. Society forms a “social order” in relation to art, which expresses the tastes and interests of various social segments. Art makes an undeniable contribution to the development and formation of the social system. Its influence...

Cinematic and Literary Narrative and Narration

Introduction Literary and cinematic narration structures have always been compared to define whether they are symmetrical or asymmetrical. Although there are many analogies between film and literature, mostly their narrative methods differ. The crucial distinction lies in the idea of the narrator and its role in storytelling. Wilson defines a...

Postmodernism in Art and Humor as Its Feature

Postmodernism is a vague notion that is widely used but not completely understood by everybody. Even a French philosopher Michel Foucault, being sometimes classed as a postmodernism itself, admitted that he did not know any postmodernist philosophers (Britannica). However, postmodern art is less debatable due to the fact that it...

The Drag Queens and Drag Kings

Introduction Drag is an art that involves entertaining people by crossing sexes to have the characters perform roles of the opposite sex. Drag shows contain performances of music, dances, skits, and monologues, with either one performer at a time or a group of performers to entertain the audience. Most such...

The Movie My Family/ Mi Familia: Mise en Scene Analysis

Possible Influences of Monet and Rivera The movie My Family (Mi Familia), directed by Nava in 1995, offers many interesting visuals that showcase the view of Mexican American culture. The film starts with shots of Mexico, including some shots of nature, slowly shifting toward a town with people. Moreover, in...

The Best Offer: A Mise-en-Scene Analysis

Introduction The analysis of any film may contain a variety of aspects, but the one that is most likely to offer an insight into the creative work’s main ideas, both apparent and concealed ones, is the mise-en-scene. The careful exploration of a movie’s compositional elements allows the viewer to see...

Renaissance. Man with a Red Turban by Jan van Eyck

Introduction This is an oil painting purportedly, a self-portrait drawn by Jan van Eyck in 1433. It is evident through the inscriptions which have been translated to English and mean “Jan van Eyck Made Me on October 21, 1433″. Jan van Eyck was one of the pioneers of the early...

Gardner’s Objectivist View of Art

Aesthetics is one of the most complex issues discussed by philosophers since the times of Aristotle. While numerous schools of thought argue what constitutes the beauty or lack thereof, one may roughly divide them into two groups: objectivist and subjectivist. The former maintains that there are objective criteria for establishing...

A Conventional Japanese Family in a Film Tokyo Sonata

Introduction Tokyo Sonata is one of the most recent works of Kiyoshi Kurosawa that depicts a conventional Japanese Family. The 2008 film delves deep into a culture where there are strict roles meant for every member of the family and the consequences that might arise when one fails to or...

“District 9” by Neill Blomkamp – Movie Review

District 9 is a science fiction film directed by Neill Blomkamp and written by Neill Blomkamp and Terri Tatchell. Three countries collaborated on directing and shooting the film: New Zealand, the United States, and South Africa. Sharlto Copley, Jason Cope, and David James are starring as main characters. The film’s...

Picnic Scene in “Citizen Kane” Movie by Orson Welles

Introduction The film “Citizen Kane” is a 1941 drama motion picture directed by Orson Welles. The production narrates about a millionaire who seems to receive little happiness from his wealth and needs to hide his sensitive personality under the cynical mask. The present paper will analyze the Everglades Picnic scene...

Music Distribution: Defining Distribution Channels

Every commodity ends up in the hands of the user who is the consumer of the particular good or service. However, in some instances, a product may have to go through intermediaries before it finally gets to its end user. Intermediaries are normally used by companies for the purposes of...

Latin American Film: “Macario” by Roberto Gavaldón

Botz describes the period between 1950 and 1960 as rife with major worker’s struggles and labor unions. This was the era before the 1960 revolution, a volatile time in Mexican politics. It is against this backdrop that Roberto Gavaldón directed Macario. Macario is a Mexican story intertwined with magical realism...

The Power of Photography: Photography’s Reality Effect

Introduction A vivid study of the use of photography by Roland Barthes throws light on how the photographic documentary is held in life writing. I dispute that photographs in real-life writing encourage readers to look further than what is imaged to their own experiences relative to various sort of general...

“Blood Diamond” Movie’s Critical Review

This paper is a critical evaluation of the movie “Blood Diamond”. The movie is about how the global trade in diamonds from the African continent is fuelling wars and genocide among the local populace of the countries where the diamonds are found. The quest for diamonds is vicious and bloody...

“The Truman Show” by Peter Weir

The Truman Show is a film about the infringement by the media groups into the private lives of celebrities and about how such interference causes disruptions such as what happened with Princess Diana. It can also be seen as an intrusion by the media into the life of the common...

Race and Ethnicity in Contemporary Art

The matters of race are still of considerable importance in today’s world. While the age of colonialism is over, the increasingly globalizing post-colonial world introduces new racial and ethnic hierarchies on both domestic and worldwide scale. Contemporary art reacts to these developments and mirrors them in the works of such...

Photography: Hobby of Millions Unique for Everyone

Numerous breakthroughs in technology have allowed people to live better, travel faster, and experience more genuinely. The art of photography has become a hobby and a profession for millions of people all over the world, allowing them to capture unique moments, share their images, and inspire others. With a smartphone...

Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody”

Purpose, Question at Issue, and Assumptions The live concert I viewed is the Queen’s show at Live Aid in 1985 (“Queen – Live at LIVE”). I will analyze the event and one of the songs, in particular, Bohemian Rhapsody. The song’s author is Freddie Mercury, the lead vocalist of Queen....

Vincent Van Gogh: Art and the Mental Illness

Abstract Vincent Van Gogh made a significant influence on the art of the 20th century. This researcher has also been influenced by Vincent Van Gogh and wanted to learn more about him. A historical study began to explore Vincent Van Gogh’s depression and his artistic production throughout his close relationship...

Music in the Movie “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind”

Introduction: The Essential Details Movie title: The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Composer: Jon Brioni Music styles: Pop, soft rock (“Everybody’s Got to Learn Sometime”), psychedelic pop (“Light&Day”), art rock (“Mr. Blue Sky”), filmi songs (background music), trip-hop, electronic, indie (“A Dream upon Waking”). When the Music Is an...

Queen’s Album “A Night at the Opera”

The name of this particular band causes a wave of appreciation in any audience all over the world, and the sounds of their melodies cause a wave of excited screaming of the band’s numerous fans and admirers. Everyone knows the names of the band’s members. Their path towards fame was...

Medieval Art Characteristics

Introduction Medieval art is presented in various masterpieces of literature and architecture. Several styles were widely spread in the Middle Ages. The main goal of this paper is to describe examples of medieval art, highlighting their distinguishing characteristics. Manuscripts of the Early Middle Ages The Rochefoucauld Grail is a medieval...

“El Cielito Lindo” Composition by Los Rogacianos

The composition selected for the analysis in this paper is called El Cielito Lindo. This is a popular Mexican song traditionally performed in Spanish, but there are several translations of this composition to other languages. El Cielito Lindo was written in 1882 and promoted by the composer called Quirino Mendoza...

Jazz Music and Its Role in Society

Introduction Jazz is a music genre that is difficult to define. It is a type of music that heavily uses musical elements such as ragtime, blue notes, brass band tradition, European harmony, swung note, syncopation, polyrhythms, and improvisation (Baskerville, 2009). Jazz gets its appeal from the blend of different musical...

Abstract Art: “Disk of Newton” by Frantisek Kupka

The picture under analysis is Disk of Newton by Frantisek Kupka. He was a famous Czech painter. His name tends to be one of the most famous among all other representatives of this country. The reason of this popularity is very simple. Frantisek Kupka is one of the founders of...

The Art of Geisha

Introduction The geisha culture in Japan is commonly referred to as the flower and the willow world or karyuaki. A geisha can be either a male or a female, whose image comprises a white face, red lips, kimono clad, glorified prostitute among others. The art of geisha requires skill and...

“Akeelah and the Bee” by Doug Atchison

Introduction “Akeelah and the Bee” is a movie that transcends the limitations of its average plot and linear storyline to reveal valuable and intrinsic lessons that have been forgotten by people at present in their pursuit to be “winners.” In a sense, it is a critique of the current predilection...

Pedro de La Blanca Calderon’s Drama “Life Are a Dream”

Staging plays to reinvent the ideas offered by various authors in their plays is one of the trickiest issues imaginable – not because these ideas are so hard to convey with the help of a certain visual medium, but mostly because setting a staged play based on a certain work...

The “E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial” Film by Spielberg

Introduction The early beginnings of 1982’s E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial can be found in various projects that Steven Spielberg was unable to immediately realize. Just after the release of Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Spielberg announced plans for a low-budget movie entitled Growing Up (McVay, 2022). It was supposed to...

Love in Paintings and Photographs

Works depicting love can show a range of emotions and settings, presenting the different moments of romantic relationships to the audience. With some works showing great passion and sexuality, others focus on capturing small moments of tenderness and daily routine among people in love. As a result, each painting and...

Character Development in the Forrest Gump Film

My favorite movie is Forrest Gump, which was released in 1994. It follows the life of a man with a pronounced intellectual disability, which hinders his reasoning. The setting is America in the 1950s, the 1960s, the 1970s, and the early 1980s, as well as Vietnam in the 1960s. Four...

The “Laocoon and His Sons” Sculpture

Recovered in 1506 through excavation in Rome, the ancient Greek sculpture “Laocoon and His Sons” depicts three individuals in agony as they fight off serpents attacking them. It is attributed to the works of the Ancient Greeks sometimes between 200BC and 68 AD. The subject of the matter depicts the...

Why the Titanic Film Is Overrated

Introduction James Cameron’s monumental movie The Titanic continues to stand out as one of the crowning film production achievements of the 90s. The film is extremely profitable and has received several awards over the years. The Titanic movie was the first few productions to apply a blend of practical and...

Meaning of Symbolism in the Film “Parasite”

Introduction The film, Parasite, is directed by Bong Joon-ho and was released on May 21, 2019. The viewer follows the lives of individuals who choose to pursue employment opportunities from wealthy family. To achieve their goals, these family members design an ingenious plan of posing as qualified workers. The storyline...

Leadership Styles in the Forrest Gump Film

Introduction Forrest managed to inspire Elvis Presley, who imitated Forrest’s dance moves. As such, he received a football scholarship and became a top running back and was awarded by John F. Kennedy. After graduation, Forrest was drafted into the US Army and fought the Vietnam War, where he saved almost...

The Oedipus Complex in Pasolini’s Movie

Introduction Many ancient plays still inspire artists, musicians, and other people related to art, and Sophocles’s Oedipus the King is one such tragedy. Thus, in 1967, a movie named Oedipus Rex, directed by Pier Paolo Pasolini, was created. It is noticeable that Pasolini inserted a prologue situated in current times...

Psychoanalytic Criticism of “The Wall” Film by Alan Parker

Among the theories of literary criticism, psychoanalytic criticism is one of the most interesting and complicated methods. It can be used for analysing the artwork to both decipher the message of the author and investigate the way the audience perceives this message. In this paper, the film The Wall (1982)...

Films “172 Hours” and “The Day After Tomorrow”

Introduction People have been known to act in extraordinary ways to survive. Perhaps it has something to do with the brutal, distinctly human ability to adapt to anything or the reminder that the Earth can be a shocking yet abundant place. Still, wilderness survival stories are always some of the...

The Mona Lisa Painting by Leonardo Da Vinci

Introduction The Mona Lisa is among the globe’s most popular paintings because of several reasons. First, it is the brainchild of art genius Leonardo Da Vinci, who painted it as a respected and talented painter during his prime. However, several other features of the painting, apart from its captivating dynamics,...

Jimmy Page and Brian May Comparison

Introduction As a kind of art, music has the power to touch us in a variety of ways. Rhythm, pitch, texture, timbre, and dynamics make up the heart of music (Gemuhay et al., 2019). It’s impossible to fully comprehend the impact of music since it’s utilized in so many different...

Review of “Jeremy” Song by Pearl Jam

Some events are striking, which as a result, is reflected in the news, discussion, or even music. The song “Jeremy” by Pearl Jam was based on the story of a teenager, Jeremy Wade Delle, who killed himself in front of classmates in 1991 (Smith, 2018). The song’s author and front...

The Development of the Music Industry

Introduction The moment that changed the music business occurred when Shawn Fanning started working on Napster, once a famous file-sharing platform. Although distributed file networks existed on the Web, Napster focused on MP3 files combined with a relatively conventional interface. Accordingly, this enabled the service to reach 80 million registered...

The “Moses” Painting by Frida Kahlo

Frida Kahlo presents an interesting case of creating surrealistic artworks despite generally denying it herself. Apart from many artworks, which can be considered controversial regarding their surrealistic features, her work Moses (Figure 1) undeniably contains a surrealistic sense and message. The painting reflects her understanding of Moses and Monotheism, the...

Critical Analysis of Moonlight by Barry Jenkins

The film Moonlight by director Barry Jerkins shows the challenges that Chiron encounters through different stages of development. Act 1 of Moonlight highlights the life of Chiron as a schoolboy, Act 2 his teenage years, and the last Act, his life as an adult. The movie’s genre is a drama...

Snowpiercer, Directed by Bong Joon-ho Review

Environmental problems concern society, and this issue is reflected in various ideas, such as science fiction books or films. The movie Snowpiercer, directed by Bong Joon-ho, represents the world of the future, where, in an attempt to stop global warming, humanity has frozen the planet. The last people were forced...

“Cantares” by Joaquin Turina: Composition’s Theme, Style, and Key Features

“Cantares” by Joaquin Turina is a composition with an underlying message of unfulfilled love and conflict. The smooth melody and soothing vocals from Turina’s composition resonate with a sentimental style different from the Spanish style. The composition style is typical of the traditional Spanish style reminiscent of the traditional technique...

Photographic Essay: The Key Advantages

Introduction It is important to note that using written or oral means of communication are highly useful when trying to deliver information, but they are rather weak when it comes to sharing an experience. Photos that tell a story are vital because they contain more depth on visual aspects of...

Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody Song Analysis

I think that Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody is a song of the decade for the 70s. It is an obvious choice, but I think it is really difficult to name a more iconic and long-standing track. Being a rock ballad, it combines unexpected shifts of melody and style to the point...

Independent Filmmaking and Artistic Expression

Independent filmmaking has been around for centuries, with one of the earliest examples being Georges Méliès’ A Trip to the Moon in 1902. This film was not commissioned by a studio, and Méliès financed, wrote, directed, and starred in the film himself. In the early days of Hollywood, there were...

The Film “Memoirs of a Geisha” by Rob Marshall

Introduction The movie Memoirs of a Geisha (2005), directed by Rob Marshall, is based on the book of the same name, written by Arthur Golden in 1997. The film represents the life of a young Japanese girl, Chiyo Sakamoto, whose parents sold her and her sister, Satsu, into prostitution because...

Hero’s Journey and Archetypes in “Django Unchained” Film

The incorporation of conventional stages of a hero’s journey development is a characteristic feature of classic literature pieces. However, the same principles, although with some alterations, might be identified in contemporary works of filmmaking art. In particular, the film under the title Django Unchained directed by Quentin Tarantino and released...

Social Conditions Reflected in Tokyo Sonata Film

Introduction Tokyo Sonata is a film directed by Kiyoshi Kurosawa, a prolific director in Japan’s television and film industry. The film is Kurosawa’s most internationally applauded work as it depicts real life rather than his usual supernatural films. Kurosawa uses this film to show social issues by observing the cracks...

Mozart’s and Beethoven’s Styles Comparison

Mozart and Beethoven are types of music played across the globe in contemporary society, even though they were produced several centuries ago. Mozart originated from Austria, while Beethoven was from Germany, and their works have continued to influence the music industry. The two pieces are almost similar types of music,...

Great Sphinx of Giza in Ancient Egypt’s Culture

The Sphinx is a colossal structure, the mystery of which still is not completely revealed. Located near the Great Pyramid in Giza, Egypt, this monument is considered as one of the most recognizable relics, whose origin, despite the number of researches, remains unclear ( Editors). Professor of Philosophy at Marist...

“Frida”: Background Information, Plot, Criticism, and Personal Response

Background Information and a Star Rating Julie Taymor’s Frida is a biographical drama based on Frida Kahlo’s life story. The movie premiered in 2002, producing box sales revenues exceeding its initial budget by more than four times (“Frida: 2002, Biography/Drama, 2h 3m”). As per the movie’s aggregated rating, Frida’s average...

American Society in the 1980s in the Rocky IV Film

Introduction Sylvester Stallone directed Rocky IV in 1985 in the United States of America. Apart from Stallone, who played Rocky, and Dolph Lundgren, who played Drago, another main character is Talia Shire, Rocky’s wife, Adrian Pennino. The film portrays Italian-American boxer Rocky Balboa’s journey to defeat Ivan Drago, a world-renowned...

The “Blood Quantum” Film by Jeff Barnaby

The 2019 film, brightly titled Blood Quantum, reflects many cultural moments related not only to Canadian culture and history but also the history and culture of all America. Cultural assimilation, super-aggressive and brutal absorption of resources, land, and living space by white settlers are the issues covered in Blood Quantum....

Comparing Impressionism and Expressionism

Impressionism and expressionism differ in the message of the art and painting techniques. Impressionists created art for art’s sake instead of using art to teach something, while expressionists began to use art as a political instrument (Art in Context). Further, impressionists paid much attention to depicting light in their paintings....

World of Art: Culture of Regions of the World

Summary The following is an exhibition of objects of art from cultures from five select regions in the world: Oceania, Africa, Japan, China, and India. These objects are representative of the cultures and highlight significant and essential ideas of each culture, giving a glimpse into their ways of life, cultural...

“Vesperbild”: The Scale, Composition, Perspective-Pictorial, Space, and Pattern

People of lower classes in society majorly observed Christianity in the past, and therefore religious art did not receive substantial funding. People also adhered to the forbiddance of crafted images, apart from having a smaller number of Christians. They obtained most items from pagan artists and molded them to include...

Beethoven’s Piano Sonata No. 23 in F Minor

Ludwig van Beethoven is a German composer and pianist who entered history as a musical genius. Usually, his career is divided into three periods: early, middle, and late. The first period is characterized by notable Haydn’s influence, his teacher, and the most respected composer of the time. Despite this fact,...

Discussion of the Work of Arthur Lessac

Introduction History knows hundreds of gifted people who contributed to the development of theater. One of the famous ones is Arthur Lessac, a legend among those who do not see voice as a regular tool to deliver information. Arthur is a renowned voice teacher, movement instructor, speech therapist, creator of...

“The Creation of Adam” by Michelangelo as Inspiration

Rethinking the past is beneficial for idea generation, so turning to the universally recognized masterpieces for inspiration is a common practice. The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo, one of the key tourist attractions of the Vatican, is among such thought-provoking pieces. This paper presents a drawing inspired by Michelangelo’s painting...

Visual Effects in the “1917” Movie

1917 follows the story of two British soldiers as they rush in trying to stop the British attack from falling into an ambush. The film received numerous awards and positive reviews and is credited as an incredible achievement in planning, camera work, and editing. The final result looks as if...

Ecology in Art: A Literature Review

Ballard, S. (2017). New ecological sympathies: Thinking about contemporary art in the age of extinction. Environmental Humanities, 9(2), 255-279. Web. Ballard utilizes the study of human-animals-machines relationships in H. Bergson’s and S. Butler’s essays to present the contemporary artistic method of species extinction imagery. He introduces video and installation art...

Rebel Without a Cause: Clothing as a Character Development Tool

Rebel Without a Cause has been praised for capturing the complexity of emotions of an entire teenage generation. The movie has encouraged a wave of teenager dramas, and after the premier, it helped to solidify a completely new market in Hollywood, unique to the otherwise overlooked teenage demographic. Throughout the...

Gender and Family in “Gone With the Wind” Film

Introduction “Gone with the Wind” is a cult film based on the novel by Margarett Mitchell, an absolute ageless classic for all times and epochs. Love is depicted here against the background of a big story. It is not only a narrative about romantic, as many people usually perceive, but...

“A Beautiful Mind” and “Erin Brockovich” Films

“Erin Brockovich” is a beautifully filmed narrative of a chronicler by Soderbergh, the center of attraction is human grit and perseverance, working flawlessly for the public good. More importantly, it is a monumental monument to a brave woman, skillfully constructed by the talent of one of the best actresses in...

Claude Monet’s “Impression, Sunrise”

The Impression, Sunrise is a famous painting by Claude Monet. It portrays a misty background set in the French harbor of Le Havre, his hometown. The orange hues contrast with the dark vessel as it seems to be a reflection of the sun rising in the background. There are multiple...

“Go Carolina” by David Sedaris Review

David Sedaris describes several challenges which he faces during his life, starting from the first story, “Go Carolina,” about his childhood. Classism theme influences him from the very beginning at school due to external judgments and separation of himself from the majority of the surrounding community. A sense of belonging...

The Movie”Smurfs”: The Problem of Gender Roles

The gender ratio in the Smurfs is one to ninety-nine, with just one main female character. The male Smurfs have diverse professions: an architect, chef, painter, poet, etc. Smurfette is the only main recurring female in the storyline. She is a feminine character: caring, curious, girly, and often helpless in...

Lady Sennuwy Statue of Ancient Egyptian Culture

This is a statue of Sennuwy, which was found in a tomb at Kerma. It was buried with a Nubian King three hundred years after Sennuwy died. The meaning of the Sennuwy statute is that it represents the new dynasty and the old Egyptian Kingdom. This statue is carved very...

Female Figures in Art from Ancient to Medieval Times

Art from Roman Empire Title: Medici Venus; Date: Late 2nd century B. C. – Early 1st century B. C. Medium: Parian marble, lychnite variant; Current Location: Tribuna; Culture: Greek; Size: 153 cm (height). Art defines every political, social, cultural, and economic state of a society or a community at a...

Conflicting Object Lessons: Charlie’s Angels

During the 1970s, women’s role in society differs considerably from their position in today’s world. A pilot episode of Charlie’s Angels changed the way how females had to be viewed and treated. According to a radical feminist, Vivian Gornick, the 1970s was a turning point in human history, when the...