Islamic Culture in American History and Present

The history of Islamic religion and culture in America is somewhat complex due to multiple political and socioeconomic issues. Reflecting on the position of Islamic culture in America provides a way of understanding the effect of politics on culture and communication, which is essential for improving cultural awareness. The present...

Cultural and Linguistic Competence Policy Assessment

The primary purpose of this assignment is to reflect on the results of self-assessment, which is based on the conceptual framework developed by the National Center for Cultural Competence. The form for the self-assessment task is retrieved from the Center’s website, and it is entitled The Cultural Competence and Linguistic...

Japanese Cultural Rites and Customs in American Context

It is evident that even though people from various countries share some universal values, there are some aspects of cultural background that differ significantly from culture to culture. Therefore, it is of high importance to explore and investigate these peculiarities to obtain a more profound understanding of how other cultures...

Citizen of the World in Appiah’s “Cosmopolitanism”

Introduction Living in the modern world is intriguing and challenging at the same time, as it implies that people have to be engaged in different kinds of relationships and show respect to each other despite differences in race, ethnicities, and cultures. Now, these days can be referred to as the...

American Cultural Studies and Their Development

Purpose The purpose of American cultural studies is to offer a multi-disciplinary approach to the analysis of modern and historic cultural processes which are relevant to the United States society. While the subject focuses on the United States as a country, it provides a much broader global context and the...

Understanding and Managing Diversity

Diversity is one of the most important issues to address in the contemporary globalized world. Organizations often have employees who have different backgrounds. Of course, gender issues and the generation gap are also important to take into account. It is clear that the development of proper relationships among employees is...

The Impact of European Cultures on the American One

In the modern globalized world, different cultures significantly affect one another. However, distinct cultures still retain a number of differences; for example, some moral values may be common in one culture and quite alien to another. In addition, differences in language also can cause distinctions in worldviews. It is paramount...

Race as a Product of Culture

Introduction Members of racial communities do possess certain biological traits that make part of that group. However, in anthropology, the phenomenon of race gains an even richer understanding; that of ideological and cultural constructions that need to be demystified and analyzed. Race definition Race does derive some of its understandings...

Latino and Other Cultures in the United States

Brief Description of Selected Cultural Group The targeted culture for the Immersion Project was the Latino population. The respondent from the cultural group was named Kenny. The project made it easier for me to identify several attributes associated with members of this population. To begin with, Kenny indicated that many...

European American vs. Socio-Cultural Group: Italian Heritage

Points European American Italian Heritage A Brief History of the Group The end of the 16thcentury was the period when the first European Americans appeared; Martin de Arguelles could be defined as one of the first official European-Americans (Barkan, 2013). The beginning of the 17thcentury was the period when the...

African American, African and Haitian Heritage Culture

A Brief History of the Cultural/Socio-Cultural Group African American & African cultural group is represented by individuals who live in Africa or in the African Diaspora in the USA. Haitian Heritage’s socio-cultural group includes people from Haiti (some are of European descent). African Americans initially were Africans who became black...

Cultural Competence Assessment Using the Purnell Model

Overview The interviewee’s name is CS and she is of Hispanic origin. CS’s paternal family emigrated from Mexico to find a better life in the United States two generations ago and first settled in Texas. CS was born in California, United States. Her father had come to America at the...

Hispanic, Latino Americans and Mexican Heritage Culture

Brief History Hispanics/Latinos are the largest minority cultural group, while Mexicans form the largest socio-cultural group among the Hispanic/Latino constituency (Pineda, n.d.) Their history spans around 500 years Harsh colonial experiences, quest for a better life, and political instability were key to migrating to the US. Values In both groups,...

Cultural Research and Its Usefullness in Daily Life

Nowadays, it became a commonplace practice, on the part of recently arrived immigrants from the Third World countries, to indulge in clearly anti-social behavior, which proponents of political correctness justify by the particulars of these people’s cultural uniqueness. In its turn, this disrupts the normal functioning of Western societies to...

Barriers to Cultural Competence

There is no doubt that national culture, traditions, and customs impact our behaviors and shape self-identity. In its turn, cultural and social identity largely defines actions and decisions every person makes, influences his or her social orientations and preferences. At the same time, the term “cultural competence” implies the ability...

African American Cultural Group and Heritage

A brief history of the cultural Group Including immigrants from Africa and slaves First arrived in 1619 as slaves. Work for free for white colonists. Abolishment of slavery during the American Revolution Acquisition of equal rights during the 18th century (Smith, 2014). A brief history of the socio-cultural group Cultures...

Asian Americans and Japanese Heritage

A Brief History of the Cultural Group Early Asian immigrants arrived in the 1830s The first wave of Asian immigrants The population of Hawaii (Tanaka, 2014) The exclusion period The elimination of exclusion criteria Populating the West-Coast American territories A Brief History of the Socio-Cultural Group Immigration to Hawaii The...

Native Americans and Apache Heritage

A brief history of the Native American group 15th century – the arrival of European colonizers Continuous violent conflicts with the colonizers August 1, 1758 – first Indian reservation established Diseases such as smallpox and measles Slavery forced relocation to spark further conflicts 1911 onwards – continuous non-violent efforts for...

European American Culture and Polish Heritage

A Brief History of the Cultural Group Chosen cultural group: European Americans; First Europeans in the US: Spanish; “Euro-Americans”: to emphasize geographical origin; Arrived in two large migration waves; Largest groups: German, Irish, English Americans; US citizens still call them “Whites” (“Euro-Americans,” n.d.). A Brief History of the Socio-Cultural Group...

Latin Americans and Cuban Immigrants

A brief history of the cultural group First Hispanics in the 16th century Immigrants from Latin American countries (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2014) World Wars and immigration patterns Political and economic factors of immigration The Immigration Law of 1965 Immigration from Latin America after 2000 A brief history of the socio-cultural...

European Americans and Jewish Heritage

A Brief History of the Cultural Group Offering Europeans to Immigrate The immigration of colonials Undergoing examinations on the Ellis Island The second wave of immigration (Shi & Tindall, 2016) The migration of East-European peoples Populating the East-Coast American territories A Brief History of the Socio-Cultural Group Inhabiting the USA...

Cultural Group Presentation: Asian-Americans

A Brief History of the Cultural Group (Asian-American) The largest wave of immigration in the 18th century. Immigration was met with prohibition laws. Some arrived as unskilled workers, others – as refugees. Later groups of immigrants were highly educated. The creation of a “model minority” stereotype. The fastest-growing minority group...

Native Americans and Navajo Heritage

History of the Native Americans Settlement in small separate groups Spread across the territory of America Struggle with colonizers for survival Participation in various military conflicts (Kiel, 2016) Victims of genocide and extermination Obtaining the right of autonomy History of the Navajo Heritage Migration from the northern regions Independence from...

Enculturation Process of Amanee

The Case Amanee is a 21 years old Muslim girl from Egypt. She lived in a very religious, educated household. She came to the United States to study English. She is living alone with her roommate from the same country. Once she finishes school, she will be back home with...

Hispanic Ethnocultural Population: Immersion Project

Reflection Observation The population that I choose for my Immersion Project can generally be referred to as ‘Hispanics’. This population is best defined as such that consists of the US citizens (as well as illegals) affiliated with the Hispanic (Spanish, South-American, Latino) ethnocultural background, who appears to share a number...

Auto-Ethnography: US and Saudi Arabia Differences

Personal Experience The United States and Saudi Arabia have different cultures and lifestyles. Remarkably, people, who live in the respective countries, demonstrate a range of diversities in their lifestyles. As a woman, who is a mother of four children, and a teacher, who traveled from Saudi Arabia to the United...

National and Cultural Identity of Canadian Population

Introduction It is worth noting that many people consider the culture of Canada to be contradictory. They stress that it is based on a constant desire to differ from the neighboring country – the USA. Nonetheless, some individuals believe that both states exhibit varieties of common cultural heritage. In addition,...

Thinking About Diversity and Inclusion

Introduction Culture is the complex of concepts including customs, laws, morals, beliefs, etc. assimilated by a person as a member of society. The overall picture of social diversity is formed according to these factors. One of the manifestations of the dimensions of cultural diversity is behavior in the workplace since...

“Captivating Cultures: The Politics of Exhibiting” by Hall

Hall Reflection Part 4 of Chapter 3 of the book by Hall is titled “Captivating cultures: the politics of exhibiting” (184). It revolves around the concepts of knowledge and power and describes ways in which the former becomes the latter in the context of colonialism. People nowadays are used to...

Miami Jewish Community’s History and Issues

Introduction Miami-Dade County is characterized by a high level of population diversity. In the ethnically diverse environments, racial and cultural features affect individuals’ lives to a large extent, and the consideration of these factors is necessary for the adequate community health assessment. History For the given Capstone Project I selected...

French, Chinese and Hispanic Cultural Customs

French Cultural Rites and Customs The interviewed person is French. She states that an important custom or even ritual is getting together to have dinner. She stresses that inviting people to such dinners can also be regarded as a ritual. An invitation to a dinner should be seen as an...

Chimamanda Adichie on the Danger of a Single Story

Introduction “… and that is what people become…when they realize there is never a single story about any place, we regain a kind of paradise” (Sarah Para 9). It is surprising to learn the high capacity of human being exposing themselves to the dangers of trusting and believing in one-sided...

The Batek Community in Malaysia: Cultural Behavior

Introduction The Batek of Malaysia represents a group of people from the Semang dialect that lives near Lebir River in the Kelantan State, Malaysia. People from Semang are characterized by physical feature of Negros origin, which are inclusive but not limited to noses that are flat and broad, curly hair,...

Sabbath in the Judaism Culture

What is the Sabbath? What does it commemorate? When does it begin and end? The Sabbath is a day of rest that commemorates that day in the book of Genesis when God stopped creating the world because he thought it was already complete. It normally begins at sunset on Friday,...

Cultural Values in Working with Diverse Groups

Human service professionals and social workers are required to offer quality support to people from diverse backgrounds. Failure to focus on the cultural differences of the targeted people can result in injustice and ineffectiveness (Murcia & Lopez, 2016). Cultural competence has, therefore, emerged as a powerful concept that can empower...

The Caucasian and Asian American Cultural Immersion

Past race relations in the United States continue to encourage many citizens to interact positively with individuals from other cultural backgrounds. This practice makes it possible for them to appreciate diversity, empower one another, and make decisions that can meet their needs. The paper presented below gives a personal reflection...

“Culture Wars? The Myth of a Polarized America”

The Author’s View The book, under consideration, dwells upon the so-called culture wars in the USA. The author stresses that there is not such a process in the US society, as culture wars ceased to exist in the early 2000s.1 The author notes that now Americans are more concerned with...

Cultural Diversity Effect: Human Diversity at Risk Populations

The composition of people from different cultures is called cultural diversity. Cultural diversity defines the component of an organization with social connection (Audrey, 2013). The underlying effect of cultural diversity is evident with human diversity at risk populations. The article evaluates the correlation between human services and cultural diversity. The...

Cuban Health Perception and Cultural Heritage

The family member that is being interviewed for the assignment is my husband’s uncle. He is a 77-year-old male who was born in Cuba. He came to the United States when he was 52. His parents were also born in Cuba, but they chose to live there instead of coming...

Communication in “Why Culture Should Be Cool”

Abstract The paper provides a review of the article “Why Culture Should Be Cool” published in the print and online versions of The Economist in 2013. In addition to the summary of the key points mentioned in the article, the paper also provides the reader’s reaction to the claims made...

Chinese Immigrants’ Socio-Cultural Group

A Brief History of the Cultural/Socio-Cultural Group Chinese immigrants were first introduced as railroad builders in the American West. Due to an increased influx of Chinese immigrants, the Chinese Exclusion Act was issued in 1882 (Chinese Immigration and the Chinese Exclusion Acts, n.d.). It suspended the immigration of Chinese laborers...

Cross-Cultural Interactions and Differences

Cultural Dimensions It has been postulated that the behavior of every individual is largely defined by the cultural environment in which he or she lives. Cultural traditions and values themselves are developed under the influence of various social, political, and historical contexts. Due to the uniqueness of the combination, each...

“Media, Culture, and the Meanings of Hockey” by Lorenz

Critical Analysis It should be noted that many Canadians are fond of hockey, and they consider it a symbol of their country. It is not only a kind of sports but also a lifestyle for many fans. Hockey Night is one of the most crucial events in the sports life...

Importance of the Multicultural Competence

Cultural competence involves a great deal of self-examination in relation to inner beliefs, biases, values, and preferences. Throughout this course, we have covered material on how cultural competence is embedded in various professional disciplines. However, it is up to the professionals to be aware of their individual levels of cultural...

Alcohol Culture World History

Introduction Alcohol consumption is a rather widespread phenomenon, as the culture of liquor drinking exists in nearly every state of the world. However, in some states, the production of alcohol and its promotion among certain denizens of the population based on the existing drinking culture is used for political reasons....

The Emo and Goth Subcultures Comparison

Introduction The paper at hand will attempt to compare the Emo and Goth subcultures. Both subcultures emerged in the 1970s on the basis of punk rock and quickly spread across the globe (Brake, 2013). The present study aims to prove that despite the fact that representatives of these movements seem...

African-American Family Heritage Analysis

The importance of analyzing one’s heritage lies in people’s need to understand their culture and compare it to the customs of other people. As individuals learn more about their families and behaviors that are unique or inherent in their communities, they can find that their personal values and habits were...

International Audiences: Kenya, Australia, USA

Training to the international audiences requires the consideration of multiple cultural and social differences. The success of training largely depends not merely on the subject content but also on the mode of communication with the targeted audience and ability to meet their interests and cognitive needs. Kenya The logical guide...

A. Fadiman’s “The Spirit Catches You and You Fall”

Anne Fadiman, in her book The Spirit, Catches You and You Fall Down, tells the story of a child whom doctors and nurses treated from convulsions. The book revealed the conflict between the child’s parents and the health care specialists of a medical institution in the United States. This writing...

Cultural Competence Holistic Health

Introduction The world is continuously evolving and changing. Apparently, these changes and evolutions affect all sectors of society, which include the healthcare sector. Over the recent past, the healthcare sector has experienced numerous changes, which affect the nature of service delivery in healthcare centers. Some of the changes include the...

Four Intercultural Conflict Styles

Abstract The current paper aims at discussing the peculiarities of the Intercultural Conflict Style model and inventory offered by Hammer in Moodian’s book. There are four main styles defined by the author: discussion, accommodation, engagement, and dynamic. Each style is a good chance to explain how conflict is developed, what...

New York Ball Culture in “Paris is Burning” Documentary

Did Paris Burn in Vain? The tolerance and acceptance of minorities into society is always a tough process. American society has witnessed several successful occasions when the outcasts have gained their right to equality. Saying that you are gay today is a much less risky feat than it was, say,...

Ethnic Contention of Urban Settlements

This section of the book explores the nature of social struggles that are faced by individuals who reside in urban settlements. Some of the key factors that have contributed to social strife of urban dwellers include forced displacement or transfer of populations, gentrification and urban renewal. Loisaida and the Mission...

Hispanic American Cultural Group: Demographic and Behavior

Overview The Hispanic American cultural group is comprised of individuals of different ancestry. The group includes the Mexican, Colombian, Rican, Neomexican, Guatemalan, Cuban, and Dominican. The Hispanics consist of a group of Americans who originated from Spain (Census Bureau, 2015). Hispanic Americans speak the Spanish language. The Hispanics occupied the...

Hispanic Population in the USA

The Hispanic population is the largest national-linguistic minority on the territory of the USA, which has a long and complicated history. The Hispanics living in the USA are the representatives of two unequal groups. The first, which is rather small, is represented with the descendants of the Spanish, who had...

Hispanics Health and Cultural Practices

The Hispanic ethnic grouping (also known as Latino Americans), refers to a group of people who are defined by both their linguistic and cultural origins. Hispanic Americans originated in Spain and other countries in Latin America. Hispanic Americans are made up of a wide range of other ethnicities, including Chicanos,...

Popular Culture: Introductory Perspectives

Introduction Population culture includes all the aspects of life that we live by. It is the manner in which we socialize and the basis that helps in decision making (Danesi, 2008). It is the laid out set of laws by the society at any given time, which defines changes in...