Reflection on “Pensees” by Pascal

Pascal’s thoughts expressed in Pensees is a philosophical work that can leave any reader frustrated and questioning whether his view on the human nature and descriptions of existing humans’ social and physical worlds is reliable and trustworthy. Pascal’s (1958) comparison of a human to the infinite is the most striking...

Hume’s Problem and Kant’s Solution

The disagreement between Hume and Kant resulted in the awakening of the latter from his dogmatic slumber since he was disturbed by Hume’s skepticism against causality. The so-called Hume’s problem was in his disbelief in cause-effect relationships due to the fact that people can see only a row of events...

Global Governance Institutions in Context of Globalization

Introduction The global community established a community that was meant to share a culture and some values that would enable the member states to come together and have an environment that would enable them to provide solutions to the global problems to achieve globalization (Wolf 2004). The global governance institutions...

Secularist Counter-Arguments Against Religion Ability to Give Added Meaning to Morality

Divine command theory was presented by John Calvin, St Augustine, and many other famous philosophers. Its followers argue that “ethical principles are simply the commands of God” (Pojman & Fieser, 2011, 188.4). The theory that appeared in the era of early Christianity and has been dramatically transformed since then has...

Sports Coaching: Virtue Ethics and Emulation

A research performed by Alun Hardman, Carwyn Jones, and Robyn Jones was based on 2 linked grounds. The first ground argued that the moral aspects of sport were intrinsic rather than reliant on the rules applied in it. It upholds the attributes of playing that do not hurt the opponents...

Kant’s Moral Philosophy and Judge Patrick’s Final Decision

Kant’s moral philosophy falls under deontological ethical theories. The theories in this group hold that “the rightness or wrongness of actions does not depend on their consequences but on whether they fulfill our duty” (Walla 731). Kant argued that events such as lying, theft, and murder were morally wrong even...

Moral Intuitions: A Heuristic Model

Introduction The purpose of this paper is to analyze a heuristic model of moral intuitions as described in the book, The Moral Psychology Handbook, by John M. Doris. To present the model, it is first necessary to identify it and explain its working principles. Models of heuristics can improve on...

Perception of the World: Personal Worldview Inventory

Although there have been several definitions of worldview, it is evident that a world view involves a system of beliefs. It can also be defined as an individual’s perspective or attitude about the world. A worldview is a particular perception and interpretation of the world. (Hutchinson, 2013).This essay, therefore, will...

The Justice for Socrates: The Influence on the Development of the Philosophy

The influence of Socrates on the development of the philosophy could hardly be underestimated since his views provided a foundation for many philosophers to dwell upon. In this essay, one of the most fundamental works by Socrates, The Apology, will be analyzed with the aim to understand the Socrates’ attitude...

Religion and Science Cultural and Philosophical Hostility

The philosophical and cultural tension between science and religion reached its peak in the period of scientism, which was dominant in nineteenth-century society. Olson (2008) defines scientism as the displacement of opinions, perspectives, methodologies, and practices from the framework of research of the ordinary world into the study of people...

John Maynard Keynes’s Argument on Practical Men

Introduction Economists and politicians who consider being quite exempt from intellectual influence are typically slaves of some defunct philosophers (Cahn 73). Such people prefer to back their ideas by philosopher’s Big Idea. However, some philosopher’s assumptions and thoughts are outdated and taken for granted through the social order. In the...

“From Living Large” by John Sullivan

Introduction John Sullivan’s article From Living Large dwells on the Confucius’ argument of the small-minded person as well as that of a large-minded person. According to Confucius, these are two possibilities found in the same person. The advice posed by the author is that these people need to recognize times...

Meaning of Life in the Sidney Lumet’s Film “Twelve Angry Men”

In hot stuffy room, twelve men decide matters of life and death. Only one decision is to be maid whether a Puerto Rican teenager accused of murdering his father has to live or to die. One decision, one death and one protest. In the room, there is a man who...

Analysis of Euthyphro Dilemma

Introduction A causal chain problem has always been an essential part of numerous philosophical questions and paradigms. The Euthyphro dilemma highly resembles chicken and egg problem, where the central debate revolves around of which causes which. However, the Euthyphro dilemma possesses much deeper meaning regarding religion and philosophy. In the...

Philosophical Ideals in Relation to My Life

Philosophy is not merely a studied discipline. It is also a complex of views, opinions, and attitudes to various values and the community one belongs to. The system of values and beliefs consists of thoughts, which are connected with each other and make a kind of cooperation. When one starts...

“The Laws” by Plato

The Laws is Plato’s famous political dialogue. He casts light upon main political concepts such as ‘law’, ‘state’, ‘power’, ‘peace’, and others that are relevant in political philosophy in this dialogue. Plato looking for the means of creating the structure of ideal government describes one of the most important means...

Bentham’s Method of Determining Right Acts & Laws

Introduction Bentham argues that human beings are dominated by pain and pleasure. He says that people have the authority to determine the things they need to do. In his theory of utility, Bentham argues that every behavior is supposed to be evaluated as good or bad depending on how it...

Boethius and Dante’s Ideas of Friendship

Introduction Boethius, the writer of ‘The Consolation of Philosophy’ was a Christian philosopher of the 6th century in Rome. It should be noted that, Boethius was executed by King Theodoric the Great; after being suspected to be conspiring with the Byzantine Empire. It can further be argued that his work...

Meno 88-c Socrates Summary & Analysis

Introduction In this paper, I will defend Socrates’ claim that the same traits of character can be beneficial if the person is wise and could lead to misery if the person is not, against the objection that an ignorant action might lead to happiness, and a wise action might end...

Why History Matters to Philosophy

Introduction History is a very important subject to every discipline of life and particularly in philosophy. History is basically a representation of all human activities, events, and processes. On the other part, history can be considered as the practice that humans have of collecting and inferring happenings. History has been...

Ayer’s Argument Against Ethical Objectivism

Introduction Objectivism is also called philosophical realism. It claims that reality or facts do not depend on the mind of the individual and that facts do not change. The claims made are not necessarily true; they at times could be false. Ethical objectivism has to do with morals (Waller, 2008)....

Five Years of My Life ‘ by Murat Kurnaz

In the modern world, all of the political priorities are arranged. The USA is the world leader which protects people from the humiliation, cruelty, and terror of the aggressive Islamic countries of the Middle East like Iran, Iraq, or Afghanistan. But nobody knows the real situation in international politics and...

Moral Philosophy in Making Worthwhile Decisions

Abstract As a human being, various aspects of life are instrumental when it comes to making worthwhile decision and choices. The world is awash with ideas and trends that influence a person’s capacity to respond and act. It is quite important to have a moral position and standing that puts...

Personal Worldview Inventory, Theory and Types

Introduction A worldview is a theory of how the world works. According to Sire (2015), “worldview is the fundamental perspective from which one addresses every issue of life” (p. 24). Although every individual has his worldview, there are some common views on the world within people in similar cultures. Spirituality...

Principle of the Brain and Awareness: Opinion of Philosophers

Rene Descartes considered the mind as a nonmaterial element. The brain that has physical representation but still holds the abstract concept of intelligence is separated from the mind, an entity which includes self-awareness and consciousness. John Searle questions the classical concept of dualism. The consciousness is real and non-reducible because...

Herbert Marcus And the New Left

Introduction Marxist Herbert Marcus was regarded in the 1960s as the guru of the new left. Although Marcus was not the only Marxist to formulate theories of integration and capitalist stabilization his vigorous search for alternative forces and how he bluntly presented his theories distinguished him from his contemporaries. As...

The Main Ideas Behind Kant’s Formula of Humanity

Kant has described various aspects of humanity that define their moral standing and capability. There are various forms of moral standing which mainly depend on what the person feels is right to do and that he has the ability. There are many right things that can be done, yet people...

Art Issue in Nietzsche’s “The Birth of Tragedy”

In the essay “The Birth of Tragedy”, Nietzsche talks about such an issue as art. He tries to find connections between German and Greek art. In this work, he states that progression in the field of art is closely connected with the Apollonian and Dionysian duality. After naming Apollo and...

Conservatives and Liberals Approaches in Politics

Introduction In American politics, power is the focal point with differences in ideology becoming very influential. Liberal and conservative ideologies complicate American political views. As a result, the two ideologies are critical in understanding American politics (Conover and Stanley 11). This essay discusses the general differences in the way in...

My Definition of Leadership

The word leadership assigns and unimaginable task upon one person who has been chosen to be the head of a group. It is the act of steering a group of people who share qualities or ambitions towards a common goal. This person is called a leader. Somebody who knows how...

Kant: Ethics Must Be Based Purely on Reason

This assignment defines on justifications of Kant’s arguments that Ethics must be based purely on Reason. Ethics is a branch of philosophy which seeks to address questions about what one believes. It is based on morality, reason and ability of human brain with an aim of attempting to shape or...

Nietzsche and Peculiarities of His Theories

Introduction Nietzsche is an eighteenth century philosopher that had a unique perspective especially on how the previous philosophers looked at morality. His writings are based on some of the assumptions that most philosophers had based their reasoning on. He hence feels that there is a different way through which such...

Free Will According to Susan Wolf

According to Susan Wolf, free will involves conducting oneself in a manner that is consistent with reason guided by what is good and what is true. This means that people are free when they do the correct things and slaves to their own flesh when they act in the wrong...

Thomas Hobbes and John Locke Comparison

Thomas Hobbes Thomas Hobbes was a famous philosopher from England whereby he dwelt much on philosophical ideas in politics. He was born on the 5th day of April 1588. Hobbes was very instrumental in developing some political theories which were mainly geared towards protecting the sovereignty and rights of citizens....

Connection Between Summum Bonum and Moral Right Action

According to Mills, any action has to be considered either as being morally upright or being morally incorrect. He explains that this is actually a property of every action. An action is considered to be morally upright according to the extent which it causes, a given individual or the society...

Originality as Interpretation Philosophy of Law

Introduction Originality is a philosophy that is associated with interpretation. It has been used since the 1980s after being coined by Paul Brest. In this case, originality can be termed as a hypothesis of explanation and interpretation. Originality is a theory that tends to shy away from construction. Basically, this...

Summarized Account of Knowledge of Theory and Practice

The study of knowledge is classified under a branch of philosophy called Epistemology (Kurtus, 2002). This study has several schools of thought describing how knowledge was developed or gathered. Up to date, people have certain varying perspectives about knowledge such as what is knowledge and how it helps people in...

Political Theories: A Perspective on Human Nature, Order, Freedom and Equality

Concept of Human Nature Considered by the State The concept of the human nature is an important part of the political theory because concepts, suchlike state, liberty, freedom, and others are discussed with a view to relations of human beings and a state. Sometimes a living organism is even presented...

Fairies Presence and Significance in Modern Society

My research project aims to give an account of the presence of fairies in modern society. This project work will also examine the significance of fairies in modern society. This subject concerns us because fairies are widely believed to be troublesome to men and women. Fairies would prove the existence...

The Main Risks of the Utilitarianism

The term utilitarianism can also be known as utilism. This idea correlates with the term utility to maximize its usefulness and on the other hand minimize the negative aspect of utility. Before we define utility lets understand the term utility first. Utility can be defined as the pleasurable satisfaction in...

What Kind of Thing Is the Mind?

The concept of mind is obscure, controversial, and impossible to define perfectly. Philosophical analysis, researches on the brain, and remarkable advances in the field of neuroscience prove to be futile with regard to defining the concept of the mind. Most philosophers have the opinion that the mind is an entity...

Confucian Ethics and Authority in Chinese History

The Chinese history can be traced back to several thousand years. It is known to have been entwined among various dynasties that contributed differently to the development of the Chinese political, social and cultural standards. It is during this period of ruling by the different dynasties, that there emerged a...

Are There Limits to What Should Be Questioned? Philosophical Questions

Questions are usually used by many people to set the base for an inquiry. Therefore, any constructive conversation must contain some questions. This piece of work therefore tries to explain whether limits should be put to what should be questioned or not. Philosophy is a discipline that is characterized by...

The Prince, On Liberty and Social Contract

The Prince, by Niccolo Machiavelli Machiavelli wrote The Prince as a useful guide for governance, this is apparent from the beginning of the book: its dedication to Lorenzo de Medici, the leader of Florence. Chapter 1 and 2 illustrate the book’s scope, a discussion of autocratic systems. These chapters describe...

State Toleration of Religion: John Locke’s Opinion

Introduction The relations between government and religion are not always smooth. To solve this problem many philosophers, discuss the question of whether the state should tolerate religion or not. John Locke was one of the representatives of the philosophic world who cared greatly about the problem of the state, religion...

Inconsistency of Socrates’ Arguments

It is often the case that philosophical judgments are self-contradictory. This can especially be seen from the arguments that Socrates makes in Crito and Apology. In Apology, for instance, he tells how he refused to take part in the unjust killing thus going against the Thirty Commissioners’ order. In Crito,...

Yoruba and Consumerism Religion: William Young’s Phenomenological Approach

Introduction William Young defines religion as, “a human transformation in response to perceived ultimacy” (Young, 2). According to Young, there is no standard definition of religion. He therefore uses seven questions to build a framework around his definition. This framework is helpful in the study of various religions around the...

Locke’s Empiricism: The Logic Behind Ideas

For years, philosophers have pondered the issue of the intellect and the conceptualization of ideas. Locke’s view on the ‘idea’ itself centers on the fact that he made no distinction between the intellect and the imagination. Therefore, Locke stood to believe that the idea was a sensory image which is...

“The World Philosophers” Theories Relevance to Nowadays

Introduction Over the years, great reliance has been placed on the market system to support and maintain economies. There have been emergent issues that have varied with time and include the Great Depression, inflation, unemployment, and financial crises among other economic issues. The ancient philosophers and thinkers came up with...

How Models Have Affected Acquisition of Knowledge in the Natural Sciences

Introduction Although you may not know it, models are used everywhere we go every day to assist in the search for knowledge. What makes models different from the aspects they represent, however, is that they are created with the human element. By being created in this way, models are susceptible...

Young Goodman Brown by Nathaniel Hawthorn

“Young Goodman Brown” is believed to be one of the most famous short stories by Nathaniel Hawthorn. In this work, the author explores the delusiveness of human nature and its propensity to sin. Having much peace, love, happiness, and religion in his young life, the main character Young Goodman Brown...

Aristotle’s Ideas of Persuasion in Advertising

In today’s world, markets have been globalized; we can access information about any product sitting right at home. Every advertiser tries to sell his product at any cost. Advertising promotes a product to its customers. One main aspect of advertising is persuasion. Every advertiser tries to persuade people effectively. Persuasion...

Immanuel Kant and his Personal Philosophy

Immanuel Kant was a German philosopher who lived between 1724–1804. His work and philosophical ideas reflect his time and historical epoch. In his philosophical works, he discusses and analyses moral rules and principles of ethics and moral judgment. Ideas and concepts discussed in this work became a ground of deontological...

Sartre and Ardent on the Freedom Notion

The notion of freedom may be characterized by a multiplicity of interpretations and possible shades of meaning ascribed to it. This fact is unquestionable evidence of the importance of this concept for humanity. Freedom may be understood as a multidimensional concept as it may refer to almost any sphere of...

The Christians Book of Houston Smith and Lewis

Introduction Houston Smith wrote his book on the World’s Religion in 2004. He grew up in a Christian background but has gone ahead to study various religions that are in the world. He has written many other religious books that are still studied today. Most of his work is based...

Jonathan Edwards and His Ethical Reasoning

Introduction Among those who have played an important role in the development of American thought in the XVIII century we should mention Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758). The man, who removed far from social and political storms era (he died too early to participate in debates on national self-determination), he finished his...

Moral Theoretical Positions of Kant and Mill

Introduction Consequentialism and Deontology are two moral theories that define the ethical parameters based on which an individual should act. Both theories share opposite concepts. For Kant and Mill, actions are either classified as right or wrong with no excuse for a grey area. But for a common man, strict...

Liberal and Conservative Views

Introduction A conservative person believes in personal responsibilities and conserves his/her existing cultural or traditional norms. A conservative person preserves his/her social norms and is reluctant to any kind of change. A liberal person on the other hand welcomes and implements new changes even if they are unrealistic. A conservative...

Understanding Forgiveness and Forgiveness Word Concept

The word forgiveness is defined as the act of excusing an offender or a wrongdoer who has committed a mistake. Synonyms of the word forgiveness include, pardoning, condonation, exculpation among others. Other authorities have defined forgiveness as the compassionate feelings that support a willingness to forgive. However, confusion surrounds what...

Moral Reasoning – Virtue Ethics

I choose virtue ethics as one of the five major perspectives of moral reasoning as being most closely related to my personal views. Virtue ethics is an approach that looks at the principles which are more concerned about the behavior of the moral agents, instead of the set principles or...

Is Belief in God Rational: Discussion

Introduction This paper seeks to examine not the existence of God or negation, but whether man’s belief in god is rational and based on sound logic and deductive reasoning. The aspect that needs to be discussed first is which acts constitute holiness. It is seen that the acts which gods...

How Do We Evolve Knowledge?

Introduction The question “how do we evolve knowledge?” is a debate in philosophy older to human existence. Philosophers differ on the source of knowledge. Some say that reasoning is a way to acquire knowledge while others say that perception is the way to get knowledge. Art, ethics and math are...

John Locke, Father of American Philosophy

John Locke (1632-1704) has been credited with many of the founding principles upon which the Declaration of Independence was based including concepts of property and religion and the role of government on these in the lives of the individuals governed. Several of these ideas propounded by Locke in his description...

Aristotle’s Discussion in Nichomanchean Ethics

Aristotle’s discussion in Nichomanchean Ethics provides a perfect definition of an ethical society and the meaning of such ethics. His discussion leads him to a quest of wanting to find out about voluntary and involuntary actions. In the process of attempting to differentiate the two terms, it occurs to him...

Daily Struggle and Law of Non-Contradiction

There is one wise saying that philosophy is a queen of all sciences. It is really true as it is very difficult to find so ancient and wise science as philosophy is. Due to philosophy and works of famous philosophers, people find explanations of the events and actions which seem...

Moral Virtue of Learning Foreign Languages

Reason A skill that most utilizes the concept of reason is learning and speaking a second language. Scientific research suggests that language learning leads to enhanced cognitive control, which improves mental attention, flexibility, and reasoning. The reasoning is applied in learning a language since a person has to acquire specific...

Hard Determinism Theory: Responsibility for Our Behavior and Actions

Introduction Why do I act in certain ways? Am I really responsible for my behavior and actions? These are some questions that most of us have asked ourselves at one time or another. While philosophers have put forward many theories to explain this phenomenon, no one seems to have satisfied...

Compatibilism: Philosophical Meaning and Application

What Is Compatibilism? Compatibilism is often given the name of soft determinism. In its application, it is used to refer to the theory that expresses the views that voluntary choice and predestination or God’s exhaustive sovereignty is dependent. In short, it can be put that there exists an amount of...

Jerry and Alan: Unethical and Illegal Situations

Jerry and Alan had different motivations. Jerry’s motivations were to earn money to pay off his loan, as well as to pay for the house he had contracted and wedding he was about to have; but his main motivation was to justify Alan’s trusting him with a responsible position. However,...

Are Human Rights Universal?

In recent years, citizens in Western countries are being encouraged to think of the concept of “human rights” as something universally objective. Moreover, they are also being prompted to think that, despite utterly euro-centric subtleties of this concept, it fully applies to just about any “human”, regardless of his or...

Moral Theories: Utilitarianism, Duty-Based Ethics and Virtue-Based Ethics

Introduction Ethics and morals are close in meaning, interchangeable and quite often complementary terms. Studying ethics, people seek to assess the actions and their consequences from the moral point of view. In that sense, moral can be an abstract term, whereas the assessment of one’s actions’ morality is of practical...

The Ethics of Global Conflict: Violence vs. Morality

Introduction Ever since the dawn of civilization, groups of people united by a common interest used to wage wars on each other, as the ultimate mean of resolving seemingly irresolvable issues. Modern historians and anthropologists cannot even find a consensus on whether the first stone axes, produced by revolutionizing homo...

The Influence of Phrenology on Modern Science

Introduction Phrenology has been a subject of heated debate among criminologists, psychologists, and sociologists for more than two centuries. This theory is based on the belief that the personal qualities of a human being can be deciphered from the shape of his or her cranium (Hanen et al, 1980, p....

Consciousness: Science and Technology

Exceptional Human Experiences The issue of exceptional human experiences is begging to be brought out at the beginning of the chapter. This is presented in the context of various experiences that are not a usual phenomenon to many for instance Hypnotic regression and psychic visions in the human mind. The...

A Journey to the Self in a Philosophical Paradigm

Although we have been studying history of ideas throughout the semester, the course could as easily be considered to be a history of the self or the rise of individualism as the ideas presented continued to advance new concepts of the self. These concepts changed in relation to the dominant...

Physicallism and Dualism: Definition

Physicallism and dualism are two different paradigms, which have the opposite views on the essence of life, however, they complement each other. Abstract Physicalism and Dualism are the most confronting philosophical theories that represent the views of the origin and nature of life and the surrounding world. Physicalism stands for...

Violence: Dialogue Between Sigmund Freud and Michel Foucault

The following is what would have accounted for a hypothetical dialogue between Sigmund Freud and Michel Foucault on the subject of violence’s intrinsic subtleties. Both thinkers were presented with the statement that “Violence is a mundane, everyday part of our lives. So much so we are largely immune to its...

Religion, Science and Atheism

Evolution and Intelligent Design Intelligent design holds on to the believe that most of the universe and living things features are only well explained through the use of an intelligent cause instead of the commonly known natural selection method. Those who advocate for this kind of view insists that the...

What Is Identity Theory?

Introduction Over the years, the brain has been known to significantly affect the mind. However, only recently it has been found out that the brain consist of different parts which perform different functions. The proponents of the identity theory are of the view that when we experience stimuli e.g. pain,...

Ethical Issues in Business: Professional Code of Ethics

Similar to other employees, Moira is faced with moral and ethical dilemma. The best solution for Moira is to report the problem to the supervisor over the manager’s head. This behavior will not be considered as unethical because Moira had already reported the problem to her direct manager but received...

Science vs. Religion: West European Studies

Outline: The relationship between the two streams of thoughts and ideologies emerged in the early part of the sixteenth century. This relationship has been changing with changing years and there have been periods of rivalry, marked by some periods of friendship between the scientists and the Church. It was due...

Gifford-May on “Deep States” of Meditation Review

Meditation is a process concerning the condition of the person’s soul when his or her mind does not take part in the process. Meditation aims to relax, to forget all problems, and to try to look inside oneself. The process of meditation is rather long and complicated, as it may...

The Philosophy of Social Research

Abstract The paper is an analysis of the philosophy of research, core concepts of research designs as well as other approaches to research. In philosophy of research, it has been established that there is a progression from scientific methods alone into more flexible concepts that incorporate contextual experiences such as...

“Theopolitical Imagination” by William Cavanaugh

First of all, let us present some information about the author of the book under consideration. William T. Cavanaugh is a Catholic theologian. The subject of his investigation was Christian liturgical practice and its interrelation and interconnection with Christian political witness. Now William T. Cavanaugh is Associate Professor of Theology...

Cartesian Dualism: Arguments and Objections

Introduction Dualism is a very old theory that has its roots in the Greek culture. According to the Greeks, the spirit of a man is supposed to be distinct from his physical body. According to them, the soul and the body do not have any contact with one another. In...

Craig-Dacey Formal Debate on the Existence of God

In the dispute is born truth. Socrates The world of man is full of various things to excite the imagination and personal way of thinking. People tend to adhere to their own opinion so that to incline others to follow their prospects on the problem. Thus, in society, namely, in...

Different Accounts Of The Afterlife

The afterlife (also referred to as life after death or the hereafter) is the idea that the consciousness or mind or soul of a being proceeds a kind of life after physical death comes. Many scientists think that existence after death often happens in some kind of a spiritual sphere...

Franciscan and Dominican Orders

The history of Christianity cannot be complete without mentioning such aspect as religious orders. The religious orders throughout history had a great impact on the major historical events in general, and the flow of Christianity in particular. In terms of influence and longevity, two orders should be mentioned, the Franciscan...

Truth in Mathematics, Ethics and Arts

This essay aims at illustrating in what way truth in mathematics, ethics and arts is different. It is widely believed that mathematical truths are objective, universal and agreeable to all in all situations. It is also widely accepted that truth in art is more of subjective i.e. depends on individual...

The Power of Ideas: Philosophical Development

Feminist philosophy Feminism could be defined as a belief which accounts that like men, women should as well have similar rights which include economic rights, political, intellectual, sexual, and social rights. Feminism involves several philosophies as well as theories all touching on matters involving gender difference, campaigns of equality and...

Religion and Pragmatism: Interconnection

When one sees an object or a person or anything, generally he or she creates an imagination or an opinion about what he or she sees. This opinion or imagination so developed more probably depends on the physical appearance of the person one sees or the situation in which one...

Formal Ontological Debate Between Craig and Dacey

This debate revolves around the question of whether God exists or not. William Craig supports the idea that there is some higher power governing the lives of all living beings, whereas Austin Dacey rejects this hypothesis. In this paper, we need to assess the quality of the arguments, which these...

Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Self-actualization is the topmost need in Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. It can be achieved through self-exploration and action. This need manifests itself when lower-level needs have been satisfied. What can you really control? You can control yourself. To achieve this, there is a need to learn how to manage...

Karl Marx: Manifesto of the Communist Party

What Marx has tried to highlight is the prevalence of classical and neoclassical economics over historical materialist categories which includes and exploits the traditional concepts of utility, choice, and scarcity in the form of feudalism. This has emerged in a historical context as class struggle and according to Marx, has...

John Calvin and His Approach to Religion and Philosophy

John Calvin due to the several aspects of his approach to philosophy can be correctly identified as Augustinian. The teachings of the Catholic Church on free will and predestination are doctrines postulated by the Doctor of Church St. Augustine. Calvin also focused on these doctrines as the center of his...

Ignorant Bliss and Tormenting Knowledge

“Ignorance is Bliss”, is a famous saying from many different cultures. They say the more you know, the more aggravated you will be. To know whether ignorance is truly bliss is the common theme of the two readings, Plato’s “The Allegory of the Cave” and Voltaire’s “The Good Brahmin”. In...

Comparative Eastern Philosophies Influences

Introduction Eastern philosophy is a terminology referring to the philosophies in the Asian continent, these philosophies have their origin in China, India, Kuwait and other countries in Asia. Unlike the rest of the world most philosophies in Asia revolve around their religion that happens to take three very dominant perspectives;...

Continental Philosophy: Existentialism and Phenomenology

Absolute idealism was championed by G. W. F. Hegel. To him, being is an all inclusive whole. He stood for the idea that, for the human reason to be in a position to know the world, there must be an identity between thought and being. He believed in rationality in...

The Great Person Theory Definition

Everything in this world has a history. How is history formed is a topic long debated by historians. Historians believe in different theories behind the formation of history. These theories have led to controversies like the dependability versus unreliability of their reasoning. A few historians, including ancient and modern, believe...

Philosophy. The Problem of Personal Identity

A possible thesis of this reading is ‘personal identity is flexible on a number of levels but remains based on a solid foundation of rarely changing principles.’ The author says, “if you are like me and you have a strong attachment to the belief that we persist through time …,...

Kant’s Aesthetic Judgment and Beauty Theories

Different people have different attitude to different problems. Beauty is not an exception. One and the same item may attract these people and make feeling of disgust in others. It is impossible to say who of them is right and who is wrong. All these perceptions are personal and appear...

Leo Strauss and Friedrich Hayek on Democracy

Introduction The idea of ‘democracy’ has been in the domain of political theorists for quite a long time. It can be remembered that the controversy over democratic space for the citizens has been in existence from the time when classical theory centered on the proposition that the people hold a...

Liberalism in Kant’s and Rawl’s Views

Introduction There are a lot of different conceptions and theories in philosophy which are closely interconnected with world politics. Liberalism, capitalism and democracy are political concepts which were carefully discussed by such philosophers as Kant, Rawls and others. The attention, which is paid to these theories, could be understood as...

Review of Works Francis Bacon and Michel de Montaigne

The Renaissance is the period of European history marking the waning of the Middle Ages and the rise of the modern world: usually considered as beginning in Italy in the 14th century. This period progressed in all countries of the European continent and made its contribution into different spheres of...

Moral and Cultural Relativism as a Concept

The notions of moral and cultural relativism have been thoroughly investigated by most famous thinkers from ancient period; it is interesting to note that the principal difference between them lies in human beliefs based on cultural or moral truths and propositions; the paper will be focused on the analysis of...

Monarch in “Leviathan” Book by Thomas Hobbes

Introduction The issue of power and state were constantly in focus of many outstanding philosophers. From ancient times until nowadays the humanities insist on better ways of state conduct in terms of its kind and form for different societies. People tend to merge, in fact, with the current status quo...

Social Contract Theory: Individual-State Relations

Introduction Social Contract theory is based on the principles of political philosophy described in a number of theories of well known thinkers, such as John Locke, Thomas Hobbes and Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Political philosophers managed to present the key assumption through the freedom and priority of individuals underlining the motivations of...

Hobbes’s Reply to “There Is No Such Thing as Justice”

Thomas Hobbes’s “Leviathan” in focus The work of Thomas Hobbes’s “Leviathan” tells about different approaches on the state power with the author’s personal points on it. The work tends to keep a reader following the gradual understanding of how to make out the power itself and what kind of it...

Socrates and Plato: Ideas of the Great Philosophers

Introduction The ideas of the ancient philosophers such as Socrates and Plato are often looked to for wisdom and an idea of the ‘right’ path one should take. These individuals provided a great deal of information regarding the proper functioning of a society, including what it would take for a...

Philosophy. Rationalism, Epistemology, Metaphysics

Introduction Rationalism is a theory in which the measure of the truth is not sensory but intellectual and deductive. Rationalistic philosophers believed that reason is the exclusive path to knowledge. Not all philosopher are uniquely empiricist or rationalist, some of them have two stand points belonging to the schools of...

Why Should I Be Moral When Is Not in My Best Interest to Do So

Whether a person should be moral or not, is a matter of dispute that many of the writers and thinkers of the world have been asking each other for years. By morality what we mean is that a set of rules passed to us through social and religious experiences which...

Influence of Yin Yang on Confucius and Lao Zi’s Way of Thinking

Yin Yang refers to the concept that is used to describe and explain how some opposite or converse forces in the world are mutually supporting and intertwined. It describes and explains how they give rise to each other in turn and seem to be mutually dependent on each other. This...

When Should We Trust Our Senses to Give Us the Truth?

Introduction The most difficult thing is getting to know the truth, to know the truth takes a lot and there is no prescribed procedure for getting to know the same. So the question is how exactly can a person know whether his perception of a given thing is true or...

“Popular Sovereignty and Nationalism” by Bernard Yack

Introduction This paper is a critical evaluation of “Popular Sovereignty and Nationalism” By Bernard Yack. Discussion In his article, Yack proves the relationship between nationalism and popular sovereignty and shows that against popular belief, modernization is not a prelude to nationalism but rather a result of nationalism to some extent....

The Philosophy of Karl Marx and John Stuart Mill

Of the different philosophers that have influenced world political thought, John Stuart Mill’s contribution in the field was very significant and his political ideas have been frequently referred to regarding debates on equality and freedom. His most important work On Liberty is widely recognized as a remarkable and classic contribution...

Aristotle and Plato Works Comparison

Along with Socrates and Plato, Aristotle is believed to be one of the most ancient Greek philosophers. Being arguably the most educated man of those times, Aristotle had a wide range of interests, like instance logic, ethics, music, and metaphysics. Naturally, this list can be easily continued. In his studies,...

Moral and Political Discourse Analysis

Betham’s main critics were on the law and of moral and political discourse. He was particular on the law and how there were legal fictions in it, all that would lead to confusion. To him, morals and legislations can be described scientifically although the description would require an account of...

The Purpose of Philosophy

The most important question in philosophy Philosophy is an extensive subject and what separates philosophy from other subjects is that it is the perspective that other subjects are examined through. Being of such nature, there are a number of questions that are of prime importance, but what is widely considered...

Socrates in Phaedo: Equality and Justice

Introduction One of the major questions of philosophy has always been the nature of the soul, what it is, where it resides, where it comes from, how it is developed, and for what purpose. This abiding interest like the human being from a philosophical rather than physical standpoint is evidenced...

Kant’s and Aristotle’s Ethical Philosophy

Introduction There are many aspects to consider when one is engaging in a definition of something as amorphous and subjective as ethics. What might be an ethical move in one case may prove to be disastrously unethical in another. Not only does the outcome depend on the specific situation involved...

The Theory of Phenomena

Introduction Phenomenology comes from structures that are found within a conscious experience. Phenomena are the structures that exhibit themselves on the assumptions and presuppositions of science. One can consider them the way a thing is immediately experienced and the way it is. Edmund Husserl was the first distinguished phenomenologist. He...

Philosophy. God, Omnipotence, and Evil

There are so many religions that are followed by numerous people all across the globe, and it is considered by many who believe in God that God is present everywhere, which means there is omnipotence with regard to the presence of God. Many religions teach the followers that God is...

The Factual Character of Socrates & the Fictional Character of Antigone: Comparison

The dictionary typically defines philosophy as “the love of or search for wisdom or knowledge” or “as the theory or logical analysis of the principles underlying conduct, thought, knowledge and the nature of the universe” (Neufeldt, Goralnik, 1994, p. 1015). With such a general definition, one might begin to understand...

Is Descartes Right About Doubting Our Senses?

Humans in their nature hypothesize and at the same time are skeptical of everything they believe. Every human belief has the predisposition of being doubted at some point in time. Even God, in all His wisdom has been doubted. Humans are a marvelous creation, but have many imperfections. If God...

Is It Morally Permissible to Drive After Having One Drink?

Introduction The very term “ethics” has a great number of definitions, naturally, it is not necessary to present all of them, but overall we can single out two definitions, which seem to be the most appropriate. First, ethics is a branch of philosophy, which studies the moral value of human...

Comparative Eastern Influences “Confucianism”

Introduction Philosophy is an eternal search of knowledge and vital wisdom in which scientists of this direction tried to define laws of life and to issue them literally. Eastern philosophy indifference from the west was not limited to the search for rational proofs and decisions of the vital and fundamental...

“Virtue Ethics and Confucianism”: Article Analysis

Describing and analyzing the philosophical article “Virtue Ethics and Confucianism” by credible scholar Bryan W. Van Norden (professor of the Vassar College of the Chinese and Japanese Philosophy Department) from the anthology volume “Comparative Approaches to Chinese Philosophy”, it is important to note that it critically evaluates and represents the...

Plato and Absolutism in “The Allegory of the Cave”

The nature and accuracy of knowledge that people get using their perceptive apparatus are among the most discussed questions in philosophy. In the Allegory of the Cave, Plato provides his perspective on the issue by using a dark cave and prisoners in chains as the symbols of limitations related to...

Meaning Of the Life: Albert Camus and Nozick

Introduction The implicit behind constructing a philosophical self-portrait is central to contemplating in the lead one’s existence, (aspirations and participation) and to bring these components into an interconnected sum total. These constituents are unified into an unswerving whole by virtue of expanded knowledge, influenced or transformed by these reflections in...

Descartes’ View: Why Cogito Ergo Sum Is Foundational?

Descartes started with defining knowledge in terms of doubt. He made a clear distinction between rigorous knowledge and lesser degrees of conviction by stating “ I distinguish the two as follows: there is conviction where there remains some reason which might lead to doubt , but knowledge is conviction based...

Socrates and His View on Happiness

Philosophers and thinkers are always the rebels of their contemporary society. The foundations of their philosophy are laid based on human welfare. Looking into the history of all the mighty revolutions becomes evident that it was philosophers who awoke the sleeping nation and fought for the noble cause of freedom,...

Modern and Traditional Moral Political Philosophies

Worthy Future For a Great Nation Consolidated America is a voluntary union of American citizens whose main aim is to provide a well-deserved life to the current and future generations of Americans. We are building a society of people assured and confident in their future, engraining the psychology of personal...

Kierkegaard’s Philosophy in “Fear and Trembling”

Thesis: Kierkegaard claims about absolute choice, which on being a realization of freedom, means a choice of not this or that, but self in the eternal meaning. In Fear and Trembling Kierkegaard wrote: “If faith cannot make it a holy act to be willing to murder his son, then let...

Antigone & Socrates’ Philosophy: Critical Analysis Essay

Sometimes the best way to understand a person’s philosophy is to attempt to apply their thinking to an outside situation or event. There is a catch to the process, though, in that if one is not careful to apply this mode of thinking to another individual within that same society,...

Philosophy. Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics

The Nicomachean Ethics is Aristotle’s best-known and significant work that defined his ethics. This writing includes ten books that were initially introduced as separate scrolls and are believed to be based on his lecture notes at the Lyceum. Aristotle was one of the last great Greek philosophers and the heir...

Hobbes’ vs. Locke’s Account on the State of Nature

Hobbes and Locke are among the most influential political philosophers to ever write in English. The state of nature, which precedes the organization of the complex societies, is the common premise that both Hobbes and Locke share but interpret in different ways. The former views humans in their natural state...

Marx’s and Weber’s Opposing Views of Capitalism

Introduction Marx and Weber are some of the leading classical social theorists that have shaped the modern discourse on capitalism. Weber is among the profound critics of Marxist ideologies, and thus the two have opposing views on the issue of capitalism even though they share some similarities on the same...

The Theories of Von Clausewitz and Understanding of Warfare

There have been multiple attempts to understand the nature of armed conflicts and study the topic of war and warfare from the philosophical viewpoint. To express his understanding of war as a socio-cultural phenomenon, Carl von Clausewitz, a prominent specialist in military theory and practice, formulated the concepts of the...

“How It All Began” by Brockway

Introduction The anthropological origins of human development, ranging from prehistoric times to ancient civilizations, is an important but highly debatable topic. There are numerous disagreements about methods to studying fossils, the evolutionary process of homo sapiens, and the introduction of language. In the chapter How It All Began, Brockway claims...

Analysis of Rowe’s and Hick’s Ideas

There are some topics on which people have been arguing for centuries and still cannot come to a consensus as there is no such evidence that no one would doubt. Some of those questions are God’s existence, the nature of evil, and the human soul. William Rowe and John Hick...

Plato’s Concept of the True Art of Politics

Introduction According to Plato, the central axis of the state is justice; it contains the answer to the question of why and how a perfect polis is born and dies. The correct organization of government, according to Plato, is able to curb and make impossible the greed of rulers, in...

Epistemology of Falling Trees and Sound

Introduction The question about whether a tree falling in the forest makes a sound when there is no one to hear it is a philosophical puzzle, which has elicited unending debates in various circles. As Livingston argues, humans need coherent answers to archetypal patterns (12), and thus the answer to...

Philosophy: Descartes’ Meditation I

Introduction Reading Descartes’ Meditation may be difficult because of the impossibility of finding out the truth and staying consistent. The intention of the author to clarify the things to doubt is a complex work with many perspectives. In this paper, the analysis of Descartes’ Meditation 1 is developed to explain...

Descartes’ Meditation II: Reading Analysis

Introduction After reading the first part of Descartes’ Meditation, it was interesting to learn other thoughts about the chosen topic. His Meditation 2 about the human mind and the body seems to be a logical continuation of the discussion. The goal of the chapter is to understand the essence of...

The Socratic Method as a Particular Way of Teaching and Learning

The Socratic Method is a particular way of teaching and learning, which originated in the V century BC in Athens. The method entails engaging in a structured debate to uncover more accurate meanings to concepts. In the debate, the teacher does not provide the students with undeniable factual knowledge but...