The Good Life Overrides the Moral Life

To assess philosophers’ arguments regarding which life takes precedence over which, acknowledging the structure of morality when it comes to human understanding is important. It is imperative to recognize that objective moral worth exists and must be included in the discourse. As per Nigel, when people detach from their particular...

The Cross-Generational Discrimination

Harmful biases may present themselves in forms that not many people recognize. Ageism is one such discrimination that is widely accepted among many companies, with over 78% of older and many younger workers being subjected to it (Hasserot, 2021). I observed this phenomenon myself, as I have been deemed inexperienced...

The Culture, Language, and Race Interconnection

For the purposes of this discussion, two sources discussing culture, language and race will be viewed. One is a chapter of the book “Racialization and Language” by Bonnie Urciuoli concerning the racialization of certain people and the impact racism has on one’s understanding of culture. The other is “Michael Silverstein...

Decolonization as a Response to Racism and Discrimination

Decolonization as a term is often connected to the second half of the 20th century when countries of the Global South gained their formal independence from the colonial powers of Europe. However, according to Norwegian Students’ and Academics’ International Assistance Fund (2020), the notion of decolonization is much bigger than...

Slave Resistance Strategies

It is well known that historically, many slaves were trying to resist their status. The multitude of ways enslaved people could oppose slavery ranged from the passive aggressive behavior to open revolts. Regardless of the method, one goal that slaves pursued in particular was the ability to sustain communities and...

Bullying and Methods of Solving This Problem

The article is devoted to the causes of bullying among children and adolescents. At first glance, bullying is a particular phenomenon in psychology. However, this term originated initially in the process of studying adult collectives. Bullying develops in almost any closed community — be it an army unit or an...

Agricultural Influences on the Developing Civil Society

Introduction Many historians take different viewpoints on whether the development of civil society led to the introduction of agriculture or the agricultural advancement made society and humanity advance. Most, however, agree that agriculture started a long time ago, and in its preliminary stages, it was combined with other methods of...

An Interview with the Member of the Taliban

Of all nationalist movements, the Taliban is perhaps the most notorious and feared one. In a recent conversation with a Pakistani friend at a Ramadan party, my assumptions were mostly confirmed. The controversy surrounding the Taliban is undeniably warranted, given its history of attacks on its opponents and merciless executions...

Researching of House Discrimination

Aranda, C. L. (2019). Housing discrimination in America: Lessons from the last decade of paired-testing research: Testimony before the house appropriations thud subcommittee. Policy Commons, 46(2), 96-115. Aranda’s main arguments about the existence of housing discrimination are unequal accessibility to socially significant objects. For example, the black population of America...

The Formation of the Idea of a “Lens”

Introduction It is significant to mention that the institution of slavery started the history of American racism. This also applies to the problem of the exploitation of Native Americans. The community structure, where a persons’ rights, duties, opportunities, and access to economic and other resources depend on their gender, is...

A Study of Infant Mortality Among Black Mothers in the United States

Introduction High rates of infant mortality remain a severe problem on the current health care agenda, reflecting the failure of the clinical system to deliver high-quality services or the low availability of medicine and related knowledge among mothers. Infant mortality is a highly sensitive societal threat affecting not only the...

Gender Stereotypes in Academic and Family Settings

Annotated Bibliography Adamiak, Marzena. “Gender Stereotypes in Emmanuel Lévinas’ Concept of Subject.” Gender in Focus, 2018, pp. 195-206. The article aims at providing the reader with a reflection on the development of gender stereotypes and their effect on the people. The source will be essential in providing information on how...

Should Sex Workers Be Allowed to Unionize?

Introduction The subject of sex worker legalization and unionization is highly controversial. In most countries in the world, prostitution is considered illegal or is extremely limited by law, making it a dubious and shadowy practice. Discussions about the sex industry typically revolve around morality, human rights, and the protection of...

Detroit on $1 Million a Day and The Post-Post-Apocalyptic Detroit

The two articles assigned for this week’s reading show a huge difference in terms of their context, content, authors’ arguments, and audience. Due to this diversity, the articles are perfect for the learners’ analysis and critique. This paper reflects on these two articles’ main ideas and authors’ arguments and their...

Utilitarianism and PR During the Pandemic

The most relevant area for consideration of ethical issues at the moment is public relations and information policy. Often within the framework of this discipline, the PR manager is faced with difficult dilemmas requiring the use of an ethical framework. The situation of a pandemic in which it seems difficult...

The Ethics of Control Groups in Cancer Research

Hypothesis-Driven Study Treatments for breast cancer include several surgeries – mastectomy and lumpectomy – and radiotherapy. Lumpectomy is not as invasive, as only cancer-affected areas are removed, while the breast is preserved as much as possible (Giannakeas, 2018). In the case of mastectomy, the breasts, lymph nodes, and muscle tissue...

Gender Stereotype in Advertisement

Nowadays, stereotypes about men and women are widely spread in many societies. New technologies are changing people’s minds regarding the division between men and women (Ellemers 275). One of the common examples of stereotypes is an advertisement proposed by Scott, a promotion of washing powder called Tide in the 1950s...

Poverty, Housing, and Community Benefits

Poverty and Housing In the Houston area, there are communities less than 15 miles apart from where higher their eventual income varies by $50,000. This inequality that exists now can be traced back through the region’s history. Years of discriminatory federal, state, and local policies focused on preserving racial segregation...

Critique of Ellin’s Position on Professional Morality

In recent years, deception, dishonesty, and bluffing have become increasingly prevalent in the professional realm. By examining current corporate practices, it is easy to see why today’s society is more skeptical about seeking professional service, whether in law or medicine, than ever before. As Ellin asserts, is it ethically appropriate...

Importance of Rhetorical Features in Literature

A brilliant leader can convince people by using conclusive and meaningful language. A conversion is a way of delivering a verbal message to an audience. The proponent aims to change the audience’s affection and reason by adopting certified words or behavior which can influence them. The leader’s success depends on...

Harsher Laws for Cyber Bullying

The availability of the Internet and the development of social networks have allowed many people to expand their communication boundaries. For adults, virtual dating has become an addition to the existing skills of real communication. Teenagers learn communication skills both in life and on the Internet. Remote communication can be...

What Will Happen When AI Picks Up Social Biases About Gender?

Social biases on gender will not have room when Artificial Intelligence takes over and the systems are put into everyday life. Artificial Intelligence has changed how society does things, how people relate to each other, and how people rediscover themselves. Gender stereotypes have been an issue in society, which has...

Assisted Suicide and Its Morality Aspects

Introduction Assisted suicide or euthanasia used to be allowed only in some European countries, but today residents of several US states are eligible for AS. The essence of the idea of AS is to allow a person who suffers from an incurable disease and experiences severe pain symptoms to die...

American Society’s Attitudes Toward Aging

Introduction Aging is a natural biological process that is inherent in all living beings in the world. It is a development both at the physical and psychological levels, without which a living organism cannot exist. However, ways to slow down or even stop this process are gaining popularity today. This...

Gender Roles in the Boys Don’t Cry Movie

Introduction Topics surrounding human sexuality, for instance, gender roles, have been of interest to screenwriters and directors for a long time. Boys Don’t Cry is a famous movie directed by Kimberly Peirce at the dawn of the twenty-first century. It explores the influence of rigid gender-based behavioral expectations on a...

Changing Social World and Addressing Discrimination

Individual discrimination involves two or more racial or ethnic groups in which the actions of one have an obviously harmful effect on the other. This form is often found in everyday American life and manifests itself, for example, in poor service in a store due to skin color (Sociology, 2016)....

Social Darwinism as an Idea by Herbert Spencer

Social Darwinism is a broad group of beliefs that applied Charles Darwin’s theory of natural selection to explain specific sociopolitical and economic viewpoints. As mentioned in the discussion, supporters of this theory believed in “survival of the fittest,” which holds that only certain people rise to positions of prominence in...

Freedom of Speech: The Basic Human Right

Freedom of speech allows everyone to seek, receive and impart information. People and communities should articulate their opinions, thoughts, and ideas without fear of any form of intimidation. Figure 1 above is an image to illustrate the restriction of freedom of speech. I chose to use this exact image to...

The Anti-Drug Programs in Boston

The history of drug abuse across the United States has been a challenge for decades. Having a population of over three million people and one of the largest cities in the US, Boston was faced with an imminent problem. In 1986, almost one thousand drug trafficking arrests had been made...

The Individual’s Position in Society: Impact of Ethnicity

Introduction An individual’s position in society may depend on many identities, one of which is ethnic origin. This work focuses on ways in which ethnic identity impacts individual social standing. The definitions of an individual’s position in society and ethnicity are examined to provide background for the discussion. Then, impact...

Sex Worker Unionization: The Main Benefits

Introduction The legalization and unionization of individuals in the sex work industry is a critical issue. There are differing opinions on whether persons providing sex services should be granted the same benefits as workers in other industries. Lack of union representation can contribute to sex workers being underpaid and not...

George Zimmerman and Black Lives Matter Movement

The acquittal of George Zimmerman triggered the creation of Black Lives Matter in the United States in 2012 after the killing of a black American teenager, Trayvon Martin. It was then publicly demonstrated in 2014 in the streets with the hashtag #blacklivematter on social media platforms. This after the death...

Reflective Ethics Paper: The Moral Problem

Philosophy may be described as the pursuit of knowledge. Based on this viewpoint, we can attribute ancient Hebrews as exceptional thinkers and ethic founders since they had a lifelong love for knowledge. Morality dictates that philosophy must value the pursuit of understanding morals and ethics in the proper and hopeful...

“The “Mommy Track” Isn’t Anti-Woman”: Main Message and Personal Reaction

Felice Schwartz attempted to deliver a simple message: the companies should create work environments in which the employees are not penalized for their commitment to family. Consequently, professional success should stop being a function of whether an employee has children (Schwartz). Since women are routinely tracked to child care duty,...

Gender Stereotypes Have Changed by Eagly et al.

Eagly, Alice, et al. “Gender Stereotypes Have Changed: A Cross-temporal Meta-analysis Of U.S. Public Opinion Polls From 1946 to 2018.” American Psychologist, vol. 75, no. 3, 2020, pp. 301-315. Several authors have written this article, all of them are qualified professors. Alice H. Eagly and David Miller are professors of...

COVID-19 Consequences to Indigenous Canadians

One event has inevitably changed the world once and forever: COVID-19 affected every person materially, mentally, or physically. Unfortunately, the Indigenous people of Canada were not an exception. Due to the lockdown, these people suffered from different mental health problems and disorders. Some women were exposed to violence, and the...

The Rise of Black Activists for Black Women

Introduction Racial injustice dominates the US society, denying minority groups essential services, including quality healthcare services. One of the most affected groups is black women who continue to experience various social inequalities, including physical and sexual assault and poor healthcare. White supremacy has suppressed the voice of black women in...

Historical and Modern-Day Slavery

Introduction The concept of slavery is seemingly disappearing in terms of media coverage and overall discussions due to the inexistence of the problem. Yet, research shows slavery to be a major concern worldwide. Slavery is often associated with its historical context, which makes individuals think of it as an aspect...

The Issue of Immigration: Articles’ Topics, Methods, Evidence, and Key Findings

Introduction It is important to note that the issue of immigration has always been a problematic element, which was the point of many disputes in the political and legislative areas. One of the most common and troublesome manifestations of the notion includes criminalization, data misrepresentation, and racialization with elements of...

Persuasive Policy Against Female Genital Mutilations

Leye, Els, et al. “Debating medicalization of Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C): learning from (policy) experiences across countries.” Reproductive health 16.1 (2019): 1-10. The paper overlooks the impacts of the medicalization of FGM on sustainable development, criminal justice, and health. Egypt, Indonesia, Kenya, and the UK are the countries engaging in...

Resistance to Conservation of Whale Sharks

Many people resist local conservation efforts because it compromises their income or safety. This human tendency is especially relevant for the conservation of whale sharks. Marine wildlife biologists recognize that whale sharks are gentle, fascinating creatures currently facing endangerment because of unethical human interference. However, the general population sees all...

Lockdown From an Utilitarianist Perspective

The COVID-19 epidemic has presented healthcare professionals, health systems, and national governments with a significant and almost unprecedented problem. The potential threat to a significant number of patients has resulted in limitations on transportation, work, and daily life, affecting billions of people and resulting in enormous economic expenses. Flattening the...

Housing Discrimination Across Race, Gender, and Felony History

Introduction House discrimination largely involves leasing/renting, putting on sale, or rather acquiring property while handling the individuals performing the buying, renting the property or selling the unit differently because of the characteristics they possess. In the United States of America there exist different discrimination modes which may include charging different...

History of Drug Use in Incarceration

History The history of drug use among incarcerated people could be dated back as far as when prisons and drugs began. However, there is no documentation of this history, which mean only inferences can be made from the trends and statistics. Between 2000 and 2009, the US Department of Justice...

Ethics: Women’s Right to Abortion

Abortion is the termination or evacuation of an embryo or fetus from a pregnant woman. In the past, abortion limits and bans have been in place for three primary reasons. To begin with, the procedure was risky, and abortion doctors were murdering a large number of women (Berer, 2017). As...

“My Son Was a Columbine Shooter”: Video Description and Critique

The story My Son was a Columbine Shooter on TedTalk by Sue Klebold is based on Dylan Klebold, a student who committed suicide after involving himself in a Columbine Highschool massacre. The incident led to the death of 12 students and one teacher (Klebold). The purpose of this talk is...

Indian Boarding Schools and Native Americans Genocide

Introduction Indian boarding school experience was one of the most horrifying examples of harmful cultural assimilation. Despite the fact that the primary aim of the schools was to provide ample educational opportunities for Indians, in fact, children and their families were prone to bullying and cultural stigmatization. The use of...

Discussion: Neurobiology of MDMA Abuse

Introduction Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), commonly referred to as Molly, is a synthetic drug that alters perception and mood. The chemical components found in MDMA are similar to the hallucinogens and stimulants because, upon its use, the person experiences increased energy levels (García-Pardo et al., 2017). It is prudent to note that...

The Issue of Teen Dating Violence

Articles under analysis address teen dating violence (TDV) that may be regarded as a relatively serious social issue. Its significance is determined by the fact that physical, sexual, and psychological violence that occurs in relationships has a highly negative impact on adolescents’ health and well-being and may affect their lives...

Conflict in the Workplace: Impact of Social Aspects

One of the most effective tools in understanding some issues is the sociological analysis of the initial reason for the problem. Especially when dealing with confrontations in the workplace, sociological approaches might be beneficial in finding the solution. Therefore, this paper aims to use sociological perspective, theory, and concept on...

Cruel Optimism: How People Feel About Animals

Introduction As a social species, humans have a complex relationship with other species and nature in general. The human-animal relationship is particularly interesting as people develop close bonds with their pets and attachments to certain species while disregarding the well-being and importance of others. However, positive attachment to animals can...

How Colorism Has Affected African Americans in Today’s Society

Racism and historical beliefs that favor the light skin color of the White people over the darker skin tones have enabled colorism to persist in today’s society. The preferential treatment of light-skinned black people over the dark-skinned has created a lot of disparities among African Americans. Although the issue of...

Civilizations and Their Thinkers’ Views on the Subject of Slavery

Introduction Different civilizations and their thinkers had their own views on the subject of slavery, ranging from avid support to rigorous opposition. It can be productive to examine the subject from different angles in order to enhance the modern understanding of ancient thought, philosophy, and rhetoric. Aristotle’s Opinion on Slavery...

The Issue of Homelessness

Homelessness is a critical issue that is widespread all over the United States and affects tens of thousands of people. During the past five years, the number of people who have died on the streets because of the absence of housing significantly increased (McCormick, 2022). However, the problem remains unresolved...

Racial and Gender Macroaggression in the White College Campus

This article discusses the problems of racial and gender macroaggression faced by students on a predominantly white college campus. One of the work topics is devoted to the perception of black people as dangerous and threatening, regardless of their characteristics. Another important topic of the article revealed that Latin American...

The Campaign Against the R-Word

The main theme is that a student named Elizabeth Marince absolutely does not support the use of the ‘R-word’. She tries to convince the whole world that its usage is incorrect, irrelevant, and insulting. She has got a brother, Michael, who is nonverbal, nearly blind, has some difficulty walking and...

Black Minority in the United States of America

Sniderman, Paul M., and Piazza, Thomas. Black Pride and Black Prejudice. Princeton University Press, 2021. The book shows how black people in America suppress their unique traditions to meet the equality between them and white Americans. The black community has been trying to receive the same rights as other ethnicities...

‘It Was Hell’: Long Lines of Ukrainian Refugees at Poland Border

There have been ongoing debates about the situation in Ukraine. Many people had to flee to different neighboring countries due to political instability. The events taking place are horrible, and the only thing to do for residents is to protect themselves in any way they can. Poland has become a...

The Impact of Marijuana Studies

Introduction The use of recreational and medicinal drugs is a topic of public discussion across the world. Many people are concerned with the influence of marijuana, which is an important subject due to cannabis having substantial negative consequences but also being affiliated with certain health advantages (Dahlke et al., 2022,...

The Concept of Social Inequality

Introduction The materials, examined in the course, are quite informative for the purpose of increasing one’s awareness of sustainability in all its aspects. However, some of the parts seem more critical for developing a suitable guidance for people in order to make a global change while relying on themselves. Therefore,...

The Effects of Homelessness on Single-Parent Families in Black Community

Introduction For several decades, the United States has been experiencing an increase in the number of homeless people across the country. Although the phenomenon is a global problem, it is more common in the U.S. compared to other first-world countries such as the U.K. and France (Ortiz-Ospina & Roser, 2017)....

Aspects of Society in Relation to Gender and Sex

Gender and sex are quite multifaceted topics to discuss within a contemporary society. Over the past decades, the overall perception of gender has been constantly changing. It is a relatable theme which can be applicable to anyone, yet it can be controversial and evidently influential. Additionally, although different concepts are...

Societal Reflection of the Movie Hustlers

A group of women in the film are having wonderful experiences and making a mockery of an industry that is frequently mocked and shamed. The context allows the women to take back authority from their work’s men-dominated, transaction-oriented nature. The movie is deliriously fun and has far more on the...

Same-Gender Families and Marriage Law

Introduction Marriage is the formalization of two individuals who are in a romantic relationship. Married people form a bond supposed to last until death but is often broken by separation or divorce (Saez 637). Many people enjoy marriage, and this is a right that every human being is entitled to,...

Animal Replicating: The Ethical Issues

The ethical landscape is complicated due to the various objectives and methods. Animal replicating poses dual kinds of ethical anxieties: it may hurt wildlife, beings, or the ecosystem, and it may breach significant decent boundaries or standards. The initial category of issues presented by animal replication is contextual in character,...

Causes of the Changing Population of the World

The human population has seen unprecedented changes in numbers, demographics, and social patterns. The world today is much different from what it was less than a century ago: a third of the world’s people lived in economically advanced countries in 1950, while the end of the last century witnessed a...

An Introduction to Organizational Behavior: Chapter Summary

Work Attitudes A person’s attitude is one of the essential contributors to organizational success. According to Bauer and Erdogan (2020), an attitude is an individual feeling toward a certain aspect of the environment around us. The two particular concepts that are inextricably linked to employee attitudes are job satisfaction and...

Deep Dive Reading and Intercultural Communication

The articles “Intercultural communication competence in specialized languages and contexts” by Candel-Mora and “A Review on Intercultural Communication Competence for Business Research” by Topcu are evaluated in the reading reflection on intercultural communication. Candel-Mora’s study of the literature on cross-cultural-specific tools focuses on measuring an individual’s capacity to converse in...

Deviant Behavior: Sociology in Our Times

It is no secret that everyone in this world is different, and all the people have a unique perception of society. While some people think a particular action is wrong, others, on the contrary, will support it in every way possible. However, there is such a phenomenon as generally accepted...

Evidence for T/D Deletion Across Gender

Introduction To describe language as a social reality, urban sociolinguistic studies seek to establish connections between language and society. This survey concentrated on one well-known phonological feature: (t, d) deletion, which has been widely studied in the UK (Tagliamonte & Temple, 2005). This work uses quantitative methodologies to investigate patterns...

Motivating Followers and Underlying Theories

Introduction Motivating followers is essential for a person who works and strives to receive accurate results. It is crucial for employers and supervisors, as the significance of appropriate motivation is excellent. The motivated worker contributes to their position and organizational goal, and thus, the motivation becomes mutually beneficial (Mahmoud et...

Affirmative Action in Civil Rights Movement

Affirmative action has been in the spotlight of the political, and in particular, liberal agenda, since the 1960s Civil Rights Movement. Affirmative action policies implemented by organizations or institutions imply consideration of an individual’s sex, race, gender, sexual orientation, and age when providing them with educational or employment opportunities. It...

Sexual Health and Identity as Global Issues

Origins and Essential Information about the Issue The first question about sexual health issues was raised during the two Population Conferences in Rome in 1954 and Belgrade in 1965. However, the participants of the conferences were predominantly concerned with the demographics and control of the population growth. They believed that...

Animal Ethics, Welfare, and Veganism

People often have conflicting opinions on whether it is morally permissible to raise, kill, and eat animals in society when other substitutes are available. Some argue that it is morally permissible, while I am of the conflicting opinion and believe that it is wrong. Killing animals and eating them is...

Sources on Mark Zuckerberg’s Speech in Congress

The Image Source This is the image someone named Zack Bornstein posted on Twitter in the midst of the Cambridge Analytica scandal: The text below the picture gives a comprehensive perspective on the Cambridge Analytica scandal and Mark Zuckerberg’s part in it. Although Zack’s opinion might sound somewhat superficial, it...

Overcoming Racism in “The Blood of Jesus” Film

Belittling the status of a person based on his gender or race is impossible and terrible in modern society, but it is the tendency of the present time. For a long time, such a belief as racism existed and humiliated people. People belonging to racial minorities suffered because of prejudices...

Communication Accommodation Theory

Based on convergence, divergence, and maintenance, the theory explains how, when and why people adjust their way of communication, knowingly or unknowingly, to include or exclude others in a conversation. This enables the speaker to know their audience well and communicate appropriately. In a way, they can understand despite differences...

Racial Discrimination and Poverty

Introduction Racial discrimination and poverty reinforce contemporary issues, hindering global progress toward equality. With the growing population of African Americans in the United States, severe discrimination and racial inequality heighten. Despite progress in certain areas, evidence from several studies establishes that racial discrimination and poverty are salient risk factors of...

Doctor-Assisted Suicide in Personal View

Doctor-Assisted Suicide is recognized as a topic in the medical field that creates dilemmas among various medical personnel with some intellectual personnel advocating for it while others oppose it as unethical. Nevertheless, the aspiration that each patient suffering from a terminating illness comes to the end of life is at...

Race in “The Long Walk Home” Film

Introduction For this study, a film called “The Long Walk Home” was selected, which was first released in 1991. This cinematic film tells the story of two families who faced crisis times in American history. One of the wives is a decent black maid who works hard both at work...

Increased Minimum Wage and Its Implications

Ford, George S. “Updating the Minimum Wage: Setting a Uniform Wage across a Diverse America.” Phoenix Center Perspectives, vol. 21, no. 01, 2021, pp. 1-10. With the Democratic Party once again becoming the flagship of American politics, the topic of reformation of the minimum wage policy in the states has...

Legalization of Marijuana in the Commonwealth of Virginia

Introduction The legalization of cannabis, or marijuana, has been fiercely debated in the United States of America for decades. Other countries, such as Canada and India, have had the same issue. In 2021, the Commonwealth of Virginia passed the law in the general assembly, permitting the legalization of marijuana through...

“Understanding the Illegality of Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine”: Article Analysis

Summary of the Article After many months of tension between Russia and Ukraine, the Russian military has finally done what it promised not to do and has invaded Ukraine, resulting in a war. O’Meara (2022) believes that this action is illegal and violates various international ordinances. The author demonstrates how...

Racelessness and the Success of African Americans

Introduction Racelessness can be described as the idea that race should not exist since it is merely a human creation. According to Mason, the theory of racelessness is founded on two alternative philosophical positions on race: eliminativism and skepticism. In a nutshell, the theory calls for anti-race and antiracism, which...

Utilitarianism as the Only Effective Paradigm

Introduction Utilitarianism developed in the eighteenth century is still employed in modern society as the central philosophical paradigm that frames the creation of laws and norms. At that, utilitarianism has also been heavily criticized as it is regarded as an idealistic and rather oppressive model. Many thinkers stress that human...

Similarities and Differences Between HIPAA, APA, and Ethics

HIPAA, APA, and Ethics All practicing psychologists are responsible for the healing processes of their clients and their data security. The guidelines on the ethics of practice for psychologies are derived from many sources, including the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and American Psychology Association (APA) (Jacob et...

The History of Slavery Impact Analysis

The history of slavery is one of the most complex and debated topics in modern research. Unfortunately, in the contemporary world, the issue of human trafficking and enslavement is still relevant. Even though all the forces of international organizations have been thrown at solving this concern, it has not been...

Aspects of Communications Technology

Communication is the most crucial detail of building personal relationships, which is vital for the existence of a family. Sometimes, family members are far from each other, but they need to discuss an important issue immediately. In this case, technology can help solve this problem. The technology industry brought many...

The Rise in Divorces and Remarriages

In the recent past, issues that families have encountered have been changing throughout time as the nature of their families evolves. Divorce and remarriage bring with them new challenges for individuals. For instance, certain lengthy domestic concerns, including abuse, continue to put a burden on today’s homes’ success and wellbeing....

Informed Consent: Landmark Case of Henrietta Lacks

Medical advancements would be impossible without the use of biospecimens. Over the decades, scientists have used the tissue of patients to experiment, which has contributed to a large body of scientific knowledge that humanity has access to nowadays. However, as the ethics and policy issues surrounding research started to gain...

Conflict Resolution: Video Analysis

The video on conflict resolution skills shows an individual who is instigating a conflict by complaining about a range of things such as the nationality of the new receptionist, cleanliness of the garage, and his car being blocked (Seven Dimensions, 2013). Therefore, some of those complaints are valid such as...

Sociological Experiment: The Salience of Social Norms

People who break societal norms are rarely welcomed and often perceived with suspicion. The folkway that I decided to challenge is not interfering in strangers’ conversations. I chose three locations to test the reaction of various groups of people to this behavior: the student cafeteria, the Michael Kors store in...

Analysis of Slavery and Resistance

It is important to note that slavery was the most abhorrent practice in both American and world history. It violated every connotation and notion of human decency, right, freedom, liberty, and justice. The main reason is the fact that slaves were able to exert a significant form of resistance through...

Overcoming Disappointment in the Job Search

Crises can occur in job interviews, work, or ordinary life situations. Thousands of little things can disappoint every day, but one must comprehend how to overcome hardships and remain optimistic in any, even the most challenging, life situations. If something undesirable happens, it is evident that the most straightforward thing...

COVID-19 and Immigrant Labor Exploitation

The COVID-19 epidemic has wreaked havoc on migrant workers all around the world, particularly those in precarious low-wage jobs, who were typically the first to feel the pandemic’s economic impact. According to the report, migrant workers were also targets of discrimination and xenophobia (Jones et al., 2021). The immigrants’ labor...

Justice Towards Local and Foreign Citizens

There is a significant essence to considering the measure of justice within and across borders and the impact on the societies. Over the decades, many communities have encountered difficulties based on the conflicting policies across dynamic institutions (Appiah & Bhabha, 2018). A demonstration is a requirement for fair treatment among...

African American Studies: Black Lives Matter

In one of Joy DeGruy’s most famous publications on post-traumatic slave syndrome, she debunks the myth of race. The prominent psychologist argues that humans are fundamentally identical in their genetic/biological makeup, and the differences in cultural expression and physical appearance are merely examples of what makes people diverse. DeGruy educates...

Analysis of “A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy” by Marx

K. Marx, A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy, Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1977, with some notes by R. Rojas. “In the social production of their existence, men inevitably enter into definite relations, which are independent of their will, namely relations of production appropriate to a given stage in the...

Child Abuse and Its Impact on Society

Introduction One of the most pressing issues affecting children worldwide is child abuse, which has garnered the attention of countries internationally. Parents, teachers, clergy, neighbors, and others can all harm children. An investigation of the case of Stacy, a youngster who was molested, is the focus of this paper. During...

Ageism: Contemporary Perspectives

Such a global problem as discrimination often goes in parallel with such concepts as gender or race. However, the emergence of age prejudice or ageism is gaining more and more importance. This phenomenon, like any social problem, affects other spheres of people’s lives, bearing consequences such as poor quality of...

Going to War to Protect the Loved Ones

This work will argue that participating in war using lethal force can be justified to protect loved ones against unjust aggression even if the actual reason for war is not morally permissible. As individuals, people would refuse to idly stand by while witnessing the loved ones face unjust cruelty. A...

Analysis of The Ballad of Mulan

Mulan was displayed weaving with the noises of weaving equipment while facing the doorway, as mentioned in the first half of the poem. The poem suggests that a daughter’s natural function is to remain at home and do chores like weaving, which Mulan is undertaking. Mulan tells people that nobody...

Ethnic Minorities and Dual Identity

The dual identity is how the population perceived people, particularly women, who were born half American and half Mexican. Those people are called Chicana, and the female representatives, Chicano, were viewed either as a virgin or a whore, creating extreme definitions and not considering other images (Anzaldúa 43). There is...

Thought Experiment: The Morality of Human Actions

Helping one’s fellow, doing good things, and avoiding crime are important religious instructions designed to improve the world. In different religious traditions, conduct following covenants is encouraged by the promise of reward, and derogation from them is punished, like heaven and hell in the Christian tradition. Society also has morality...

Legal Responsibility of Child Soldiers in Africa

Introduction The use of child soldiers is not a novel concept in the grand scope of history. In fact, the first recorded cases of children used in war date back to ancient Greece. These were known as ‘spartan boys’ and were exposed to high degrees of violence from childhood to...

Intercultural Conflict Communication Style

There are various approaches to characterize conflict resolution styles, and one of them is the Intercultural Conflict Style Inventory. It was developed by Mitchell Hammer in 2005 and, according to it, there are two dimensions that an individual’s conflict-solving technique consists of – the analytical one and the emotional one...

Legalization of Same-Sex Marriages in the US

Introduction Same-sex marriages refer to a marital union between homosexual individuals. This topic is of significant contention in society due to diverse opinions concerning the same. In the US, the legalization of same-sex marriages was passed by the US Supreme Court in 2015. However, despite having the issue as law...

Sexual Health and Identity Through Historical Lens

Historically sexual health and identity have been and still remain taboo topics for the majority of people in society. Despite all the detachment from the topic all along, it affected different spheres of a person’s life. Reproductive health and sexuality will always be the inevitable part of humanity, whether it...

Women’s Limited Choices: O’Connor’s Position

The short story written by Flannery O’Connor is one of her most famous works. A Good Man Is Hard to Find is an excellent example of southern gothic, combining dialogues about everyday things and Christian values. It is characterized by many questions raised, allowing scholars to explore the work in...

Mezzo- and Macro-Levels of Social Work

The different levels of social work all aim to achieve social justice and human well-being. However, the ways in which they accomplish this can be different, usually depending on the scope of the practice at hand. Micro-level social work, or the traditional approach, entails working closely with individuals, families, and...

Sex Workers and New Code of Ethics

The existing social paradigm of redefining equality, respect, and human autonomy has resulted in the rapid need for reconsidering the commonly accepted code of ethics and the overall definition of ethics. Thus, in the article presented by Canadian sex workers’ rights advocate Valerie Scott (2017), the issue of legislation in...

New World Slavery and Racism in Society

Introduction It is significant, to begin with, Virginia; the Africans who arrived on this land knew something of European culture and could speak Spanish or Portuguese. Their primary motivation was to settle in Virginia because there was an opportunity for freedom. However, some remained enslaved people for the rest of...

Coronavirus Could Trigger a Backslide on Freedom

The debate on the importance of freedom and security has a long history. With the emergence and development of states, people began to contemplate the dilemma of liberty and public safety. The governmental response to the COVID-19 pandemic contributes to the discussion and can be examined as a real-life instance...

The Case of Human Trafficking in China

Introduction China is regarded as a major source, destination, and transit country of human trafficking. This illegal activity takes the form of marriages, sex, and labor that are done by force, including human smuggling and the sale and adoption of babies. The practice is further fueled by the undocumented immigrants’...

Defining Race in Brazil and Racism Reducing

Race appears to be an easy concept to grasp when mentioned in other countries. However, it is more complex in Brazil to define race after the government introduced some physical features that define the concept. The implication is that skin color is not the only aspect of physical differences used...

Race in “Black Women Feel Sting…” by Morrison & Mascado

The story “Black Women Feel Sting of ‘Traumatizing’ Jackson Hearings” is about a black Supreme court nominee named Ketanji Brown Jackson who seeks support to become the first female Afro-American Supreme court judge. The scrutiny she is subject to and the questions she is asked testify that the Senate Judiciary...

Social Class Mobility in Our Times

Introduction Sociologists do not look at society and social interaction through the lens of general myths or guesswork. Their research is systematic, and the scientific community holds sociologists accountable for their methods and findings. Some sociologists argue that sociology must be value-free and free of personal or emotional bias. Others...

“Race: The Power of an Illusion” Documentary

Episode 1 of the documentary Race: The Power of an Illusion dismantles the myth of race. According to this myth, race is an important characteristic rooted in biology or genetics. It accounts not only for visual differences among people, such as various skin colors but also for complex internal differences,...

The Boat Discussion: A Moral Dilemma in “The Dark Knight”

For this discussion, I will be imagining myself in a moral dilemma shown in “The Dark Knight”. Two boats, full of civilians and prisoners, respectively, are rigged with explosives (Youtube, 2010). The passengers have the choice of blowing the other boat up to save themselves. If I were a passenger...

“Canadian Council for Refugees v Canada”: Aims and Principles

A state can treat its citizens and non-citizens differently, although there should be legitimate and reasonable causes for this approach. In Canada, the Canadian Council for Refugees v Canada is an example of the different principles applied to the people who have citizenship and those seeking asylum in this country....

The “Bambi Complex” in Promoting Animals Care

“Bambi”, a classical feature from Walt Disney Productions, formed a certain representation of nature for the audience. The resulting feelings were complicated: while viewers rediscovered sympathy for wild animals, it was, in some aspects, impractical. It influenced American hunters’ reputation for the worse as well. Therefore, what came to be...

Teen Alcohol Consumption Reduction Plan in Long Island

The Need to Reduce Alcohol Consumption Excessive drinking kills nearly 90,000 Americans each year, and there are significant short and long-term health risks associated with heavy drinking. Common health risks include a weakened immune system, risky behavior, and chronic illnesses: high blood pressure, cirrhosis, and mental problems. In Long Island,...

Negative Racial Stereotypes of African American

The death of African American George Floyd after being detained by the police provoked protests and riots not only across America but also beyond its borders. Actions against racism are taking place in Europe, Australia and even Taiwan. Accusations leveled at all four police officers involved in Floyd’s arrest did...

Abortion: The Lifesaving Procedure

Introduction Abortion can be defined as the act of terminating a pregnancy so that it does not result in the birth of a child. The process may be accomplished using medication or a surgical procedure (Sanger, 2018). For millennia, the procedure has been contested, and laws have been enacted and...

Successful and Unsuccessful Strategies in Relationships

Relationships of any kind are based on the connections between people. The connections may be either consolidated or weakened, depending on the work of the partners. Not every couple is able to feel complete harmony and vivid emotions for many years. Sometimes the peak of emotions, joy, and love may...

The Vulnerability of Poor People

Introduction The harm caused by natural disasters is one of the most dangerous and tragic. People who live in unfavorable areas and work in unsafe neighborhoods are exposed to danger from nature daily. Low-income people are more vulnerable to natural disasters than others precisely because they live in areas that...

Social Justice and Civil Rights

Justice has been one of the most discussed topics for thousands of years. As such, Steiner (1994) concluded that justice is primarily concerned with the termination of resolving conflicts that develop as one follows ambitions in a social setting, which means that there should be an authoritative source for fairness:...

Violations of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in China

China has a long history of suppressing the authors and the freedom of speech. For instance, Liu Xiaobo was a literary critic, known for his active participation in the social and political spheres in China. Liu Xiaobo was fighting and protesting for subjects such as freedom of expression. He was...

Florida’s Bill ”Don’t Say Gay”

One of the most insidious ways political parties have sought to criminalize LGBTQ+ identities is forbidding so-called “propaganda of homosexuality.” In March 2022, Florida governor Ron DeSantis signed the “Parental Rights in Education” bill, forbidding public school teachers from mentioning sexual orientation or gender identity for students in kindergarten through...

The Uniqueness of the Extent of the Poverty Rate in America

Introduction Poverty is defined as a lack of access to or provision of an essential supply of food, water, and shelter for oneself or one’s family. It persists to varying degrees in each country and is unlikely to go soon. Amidst being the wealthiest country on the planet, millions of...

The Need for More Justice: Philosophical Issues

In her essay, Baier discusses the concepts of the ethics of justice and the ethics of care. She states that “the best moral theory has to be a cooperative product of women and men, has to harmonize justice and care” (Baier 1987, 56). In particular, the ethical theory proposed by...

The Essay “Don’t Just Stand There” by Diane Cole

In the essay “Don’t Just Stand There,” Diane Cole talks about ways to combat prejudice and inappropriate comments based on a person’s belonging to a certain group. She claims that it is important to speak out and convey to the other side emotions, feelings, and a clear position about the...

Native Americans in Schools: Effects of Racism

Introduction Racism is one of the problems affecting the country in all its sector of the economy. The education sector is one of the key sectors impacted negatively by racism. In various schools across the country, racism takes different forms. Students, teachers, and other educational stakeholders participate in racist acts....

Euthanasia from the Ethical Point of View

Euthanasia is a controversial aspect of medicine that causes a lot of discussion. The main issue is the ethical side of the problem, namely the choice made by the individual whether one should live or not. Besides, it is important to distinguish what exactly euthanasia is and the mechanism of...

Supply Chain Slavery and Exploitation

While the term “slavery” is usually associated with the historical atrocities in which entire communities were taken advantage of, modern-day slavery is based on similar premises, yet it is often ignored due to its major influence. This is especially critical due to the global market in which the demand for...

Should People Be Ashamed of Poverty?

Since the American Industrial Revolution era, the culture in the country places a huge value on work and employment. The assumption is always that a person is employed or working and employment is the way one provides value to society (Ali, Bahar, Gopalan, et al., 2018). Nevertheless, it is arguable...

Demographic and Epidemiological Transitions Resulted in an Aging World

Demographic transition is a theory that proposes three distinct stages in the gradual shift of population groups from high fertility and mortality to low fertility and mortality. These include the pretransition, transition, and post-transition phases, which have different relationship dynamics between mortality and fertility (McCracken & Phillips, 2017). The pretransition...

The Alcoholics Anonymous Group Meeting

Introduction Open and closed psychological support groups have at all times been an essential mechanism of maintaining a mentally healthy society. Speaking of them, it is impossible not to mention one of the most popular varieties of such groups – Alcoholics Anonymous. It is a community of men and women...

Cannabis Legalization in the U.S.: Population Health Impacts

My first reaction to the article revolves around the use of cannabis and its health effect on its users. While it is claimed that cannabis and its derivatives enhance results for various diseases, they have been shown to have detrimental side effects such as decreased short-term memory, a changed judgment...

Virtue, Utilitarianism, and Deontology

A set of guiding principles – morality – focuses on the core of what allows people to live in unified communities. In addition, morality sets what society considers acceptable and right. However, it is not a universally established principle. What one might think is acceptable in their culture could be...

Definition of Aging and Social Theories

Ageing is an unstoppable process in all human lives, perceived in biological, psychological or sociological dimensions. However, the concept of “old age” is related not as much to biological reasons but the sociological concept. Various social theories explain the complex relationships between elderly people and the societies they live in....

Dishonoring the Dead and Hitting Them Hardest When They’re Small by Kozol

The racial issue has always been especially acute given the historical past of this problem. Today, politics has chosen the direction of equality and the elimination of racial discrimination or any of its manifestations. However, there are still some facts about racial separation, and one of the most prominent examples...

The Accommodation Theory Analysis

I selected the accommodation theory, a theoretical framework for intergroup and interpersonal communication. Howard Giles developed this theory in the 1970s to explain the different ways people use to accommodate others when communicating (Elhami, 2020). This theory focuses on three adjustments, convergence, divergence, and maintenance, which individuals use to accommodate...

Asian American Women and Racialized Femininities

Introduction According to study findings, this paper analyses second-generation Asian American women, particularly Korean and Vietnamese immigrant women, regarding gender and racial discrimination. The research aims to integrate race and gender factors from a social angle by interviewing a hundred daughters of Korean and Vietnamese immigrants. White women are the...

Micro-Practice Social Work to Strengthen Communities

Introduction The micro-level of social work, often referred to as the traditional approach, entails working in close collaboration with individuals, families, and small groups to strengthen one-on-one support as they navigate complicated multidimensional challenges. In this setting, social workers usually deal with individuals that struggle with various issues, such as...

Researching of Sexual and Social Norms

In sexology, a clear definition of the concept of norm faces specific difficulties determined by the close interweaving of biological, personal, and social factors and the extreme variability of individual deviations. The definition of sexual norm criteria is complicated due to the close interweaving of biological, social, and personal factors....

Psychological Perspectives on Racism

Introduction The article “Psychological perspectives on racism” deals with psychological theories and perceptions that help to explain the nature of racism and prejudices. Briefly outlining the existing theories, the article explores in depth the connection between psychology and racism, looks at its roots, and discusses what can be done to...

Socialisms of Orestes Brownson and Eugene Debs

As the United States spearheaded the development of the capitalist economy in the world in many respects, the inequalities and disadvantages of industrialization and the market revolution provoked widespread resentment. Dissatisfaction with the low income and poor living conditions of wage laborers, as opposed to the growing profits of industrialists...

The 12-Step Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting’s Purpose and Stories

The General Purpose of the Meeting I attended the AA meeting, which was held in the format of an open discussion on March 6 at 12 AM. This meeting was organized online through the Zoom platform. The first thing I did was check with the group’s facilitator to ensure that...

Understanding And Exploring Deviant Behavior

Introduction Deviant behaviour is a stable way of acting and performing, which differs from statistical norms that are not typical for the general population. As a rule, such behaviour does not correspond to officially established or actually designated moral and legal norms in a particular society. At the moment, the...