Economic Benefits of Gender Equality in the European Union

Solution Gender inequality is a highly complex and extensive social issue that is prevalent in every layer of society and industry. It is difficult to pinpoint a solution that would lead to a resolution. However, one of the most efficient methods to combat sexism has been education. The proposed solution...

A Plan to Reduce Racism in Medicine

Introduction The theme of racism, which is increasingly emerging in the healthcare sector, is disastrous in terms of medical and nursing ethics and is fraught with severe patient outcomes. Therefore, this issue is relevant and discussed both at the local level, that is, in separate clinics and globally as the...

The Problem of Opioid Abuse

Introduction Opioids are effective pain relievers which, however, should be prescribed with utmost caution and taken with care. Opioids are extraordinarily addictive and capable of building tolerance which may lead to overdose and death. In Florida, during 2013, 2,363 individuals died with one or more prescription drugs detected in their...

The Concept of Gender Socialization and Ageism

Introduction Being social creatures, people of all ages are expected to effectively collaborate with others and manage to strike the right balance between their personal needs and social requirements. Taking into consideration that many individuals face personal problems related to their interactions with the world, they need access to effective...

Addressing Abuse in Tennis

Introduction The legal scandal with the involvement of Larry Nassar has had a drastic influence not only on gymnastics but on the world of sports in general. During the investigation, it was revealed that multiple people were involved in the sexual abuse of girls and women under the guise of...

The Concept of Online Dating

Introduction Searching for the perfect match, the partner with whom it is possible to develop a nurturing relationship is not an easy task. The modern way of life, moreover, is so frenetic and planned to the minute that does not leave many chances to date a companion. When it happens,...

Changes in United States Immigration Policies

Introduction Immigration is one of the most hotly debated and controversial issues in American politics. This can be attributed to the significant role that it has played in shaping the history of the United States. The US is one of the countries that have flexible immigration policies in the world....

Transformations in Slavery and Effects of Slavery on Society

Periodization of Slavery In order to provide an adequate periodization of slavery, it is critical to distinguish between incidental and systematic slavery. As noted by Lovejoy (2011), there were cultures where a minor part of the population owned a few slaves as a demonstration of their wealth. However, the type...

Modern Technology, Anonymity, and Responsibility: A Cultural Relativism Perspective

Introduction As soon as innovative technology entered the global market and became almost ubiquitous, the issue of online anonymity and the effect that it is likely to have on people’s values and moral standards became a common concern. Specifically, the problem of online anonymity and the absence of reprehensibility for...

The Issue of Transgender Discrimination

Challenges Despite numerous attempts to eliminate biased attitudes, transgender people still face different challenges that deteriorate the results of treatment. The first barrier is the discrimination that is still observed in multiple health facilities. Both patients and health workers might demonstrate inappropriate behaviors towards people who decided to alter their...

African American Stereotype Threat

Introduction People often find themselves judging others having looked at someone just once. Modern US society is a multicultural and multinational phenomenon that, despite its diversity, democratic thinking, and openness, imposes numerous threats to minorities. One of the population groups that experience biased perception on a daily basis is African...

Defining Intimate Partner Violence

Introduction The issues of violence as a threat to many individuals’ mental, physical, and emotional well-being, is broadly discussed by researchers. However, there exist multiple definitions of the term, as well as diverse interpretations of the phenomenon. Due to the complexity of the nature of violence and its various manifestations...

The Concept of Disability Awareness

Introduction Discrimination against disabled individuals is not only a violation of federal and state laws but also is extremely unethical and inconsiderate. In the assignment, an assessment of inclusivity and accommodation for disabled individuals in public places will be conducted. The assignment aims to meet the following five objectives: describing...

Mandatory Drug Testing for Welfare Recipients

Welfare is a socioeconomic program that aims to help people in need with finding a job and becoming self-sufficient. Recently, several states issued new legislation to make drug testing mandatory for all welfare recipients, which caused debates on its benefits. While the supporters of this intervention claim that it can...

Feminism: How a Man Should Look at a Woman

During the Second Wave, the feminist movement coined the term “male gaze” to describe the dynamics of sexual politics and how men view the female body. In his essay, Sanders discusses his own experiences with the male gaze from the standpoint of the viewer. The author shows outstanding self-awareness, admitting...

Steve Jobs’ Stanford Commencement Address

Understanding rhetoric helps speakers deliver a message to the listeners in a practical way by grabbing the audience’s attention and affecting their emotions and rational reasoning. Stanford Commencement address given by Steve Jobs is an excellent example of a motivational speech that has a strong emotional effect on a wide...

Exploring the Causes of Political Violence Events: The Zapatista Uprising

The Zapatista Uprising On January 1, 1994, the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN) began its war against the Mexican government, demanding social justice and human rights for the indigenous population of the Chiapas Federal District. According to Godelmann, Chiapas is the wealthiest Mexican state in terms of natural resources...

Miziwe Biik, a Social Economy Organization

Introduction In the introductory part, it is planned to give general explanations of the social economy and its role in the business world. It is necessary to underline that people cannot stop improving their skills, introducing new activities, and evaluating the already achieved results. The work of Polanyi serves as...

Ethnical Ambiguousness as a Band-Aid for Racism

Introduction The history of the USA is riddled with examples of institutionalized racism, the roots of which can be found in the very founding of the country. For centuries, it was the world’s largest cotton empire, as the labor of slaves brought in from Africa enabled the country to grow...

Ethics: Tellico Dam Construction vs. Snail Darter Fish

Rationale There are no good reasons to delay or cancel the construction of the Tellico Dam on the Little Mississippi River. The biggest issue that I have with how the current situation is unfolding is that the Endangered Species Act and its proponents seek to find the underlying moral principles...

America’s Band-Aid for Racism Is the Ethnically Ambiguous

God created all men and women to be equal. Some of us are more equal than others, however. For a nation that has the line “In God We Trust” on its bills, the US has certainly become one of the last refuges of widespread racism. It is hard to believe...

Active Listening Method of Communication

Active listening is a method of demonstrating attention and reflecting the feelings of the interlocutor in a conversation, to provide an opportunity for free expression of feelings and thoughts by the interlocutor. It is widely used in psychology for working with clients, during psychological consultations or psychotherapy sessions. Initially, active...

Communications: “Indecent Influence” by Scherer et al.

The summarized article dwells upon the effects of obscenity on the persuasiveness of a pro-attitudinal speech. Scherer and Sagarin note that previous research suggests that swearing leads to the increased intensity and decreased credibility of the speaker (139). The researchers aim to explore the effects of using the word damn...

Urban Sociology: City and Place

The Role of Time and Location in the Sociological Study of Cities The sociological study of the urban environment is a broad discipline that evolves and acquires new approaches. However, the role of history and geography in the investigation of urban sociology is one of the dominant issues. Indeed, the...

Straw Man Fallacy: Definition and Illustrations

Logical fallacies are tricks or illusions of thought that have the potential of leading the other person or the entire conversation away from the topic and confuse the listeners. Since debating is an ancient art from, by now, thinkers and researchers have described tens upon tens logical fallacies. Probably, one...

Gender Studies. “A Cyborg Manifesto” by Haraway

The concern for the lack of gender equality has been raised quite a few times over the past few decades. The technological breakthrough that occurred in the 20th century created opportunities for drawing parallels between a human and a machine by expanding the notion of human nature as the juxtaposition...

Straw Man Fallacy vs. Healthy Argument

Straw man fallacy is the substitution of a person’s argument with a distorted form so that it can be easier to attack the opponent by pretending to disagree with an opponent’s viewpoint. It is based on providing an impression of rejecting an argument not presented by an opponent. Since the...

“Men on the Down Low” the Article by Adrian Guzman

Highlights In the articles under consideration, such a discourse as the down low of the Black men is considered. According to Phillips, this concept is the reflection of prejudice to the public and regular complaints about certain problems (3). Although this social concept is related not only to African-Americans but...

Ethnically Ambiguous – America’s Band-Aid for Racism

I still remember the first time I went to an American diner. My older cousin Briana, my younger cousin Gabriel, and I did not see each other often back then. Briana and I lived in Costa Rica, while Gabriel was a local. We were famished and were not too meticulous...

Black Athletes and the Black Community

Introduction An analysis of the history of black athletes in the US shows that their place on a team and in individual sports has changed over time. Blackman investigates discussions about the black community and developments that happened during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The author shows how...

Concept of Brotherhood: Russia-Ukraine Conflict

Introduction The concept of brotherhood can have a significant impact on the formation of intercultural relations among countries. Nevertheless, various contradictions based on ethical, cultural, religious, and other backgrounds may outweigh the principles of solidarity supported by states. At the same time, other external factors, such as the influence of...

Early Renaissance Society vs. Contemporary Society

Introduction Many modern people like to feel that their present advancement and accomplishments share nothing for all intents and purpose with their past. They trust that their development at this period has a gigantic power that did not portray earlier hundreds of years. Be that as it may, contemporary society...

The Role of Technology in Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation

Human trafficking and sexual exploitation are significant problems in contemporary society that constitute a violation of human rights. They present a number of issues for law enforcement due to the difficulties in identifying and investigating instances of trafficking. The article discusses the role of technology in human trafficking, showing how...

Brain Gain: The Underground World of Neuroenhancing Drugs

In “Brain Gain: The Underground World of Neuroenhancing Drugs” published in The New Yorker, Talbot describes the harsh reality of young people in academia who take off-label drugs to keep up with their hectic schedules. Talbot’s first interviewee is Alex, a college student who is involved in activism and is...

The Concept of Poverty

Introduction The concept of poverty can be interpreted differently from social, economic, and other points of view; however, in each definition, this phenomenon influences all the aspects of people’s lives negatively. Based on academic theories and scholarly findings, it is possible to determine the role that families play in protecting...

Racial Issues in Reality Check by Rasayon

The struggles that populations of diverse populations face in the course of their development are essential to discuss in current research. The topic of race is especially relevant due to the long and dark history of oppression, abuse, and segregation of certain groups. Race denotes a group of humans that...

Message in “I Have a Dream” by Martin Luther King

“I Have a Dream” is one of the most famous and frequently cited public speeches of modern times. It was conveyed by a remarkable orator and activist, Martin Luther King, who became an icon and a prominent leader in the struggle against discrimination in the United States and across the...

“A Day Without a Mexican” Film: Sociological View

Introduction Mexican immigrants living in the US are an important part of American society, economy, and culture. Mexican Americans are valuable for US agriculture and low-skill job sector, and the education system. Despite the apparent positive impact of Mexican immigrants, there are many people in the US ignorant of this...

Abortion as a Woman’s Choice and Right

Introduction Certain scientists consider women a minority in the sense that their rights are often neglected. The problematic nature of choice in women is an issue that has been under debate since the emergence of the suffrage movement in the mid-19th century. If a few decades ago, childbearing was and...

Strong-Up Project for Teenage Empowerment

As a teenager, I had a lot of trouble trying to find my place in the world. When your value structure is still forming, and you are not sure what goals are worth to peruse, it is very easy to fall victim to the temptations that surround you. When many...

Working Homeless People in New York City

Introduction In August 2019, the authorities of New York City declared that, in the nearest future, working homeless New Yorkers living in shelters would save the third part of their income using a special account. This policy is now widely discussed in New York City with reference to its potential...

Sexual Harassment and Assault in the Military

Introduction Sexual abuse in the American army is associated with such a phenomenon known as hazing. Hazing is prohibited by the Ministry of Defense and the law. Hazing in the US Army in some cases is associated with various ritual ceremonies after completing a preparatory course of a fighter or...

Race and Disparities Related to It

Introduction The sociological research field embodies numerous topics and relevant issues that need academic investigation. One of the main problems in contemporary American society is race and disparities related to it. Various spheres of life are proved to be impacted by ethnicity, including education, crime, healthcare, and employment. The research...

Political Violence During the Zapatista Uprising

Overview of the Zapatista Uprising: Causes and Results The Zapatista uprising commenced on January 1, 1994, in the Chiapas Federal District, Mexico. It was launched by a guerilla group called the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN), comprised of the members of the indigenous population dwelling in Chiapas. The EZLN...

Marijuana Use Education: Policy Brief

Executive Summary In the US, cannabis was declared legal in 33 states within the last several years. This allows people to carry and use the substance without fear of criminal responsibility for such actions. However, research suggests that a more in-depth examination of this policy is required, that will help...

The Millennial Generation in America

An older generation disapproving of the younger generation is a common phenomenon, and the tension between Baby Boomers and Millennials is not an exception. For all the criticism that Millennials have been bombarded with through media, my take is that this generation can actually do more good than bad. First,...

Jane Addams and Women’s March Movement

Introduction The development of social ideas, like any other aspect of human life, requires not only people’s effort but also time. Even more, time is needed to adopt new theories and implement change into the areas of life they target. Social movements as the platforms for such changes have emerged...

Chemical Dependency: Definition, Statistics, and Treatment

Chemical dependency or substance abuse refers to a consistent pattern of using drugs that have a physical, psychological, and psychoactive influence on the human body. In most instances, substance abuse implies the use of narcotics, nicotine, or alcohol. The addiction to substances and the subsequent physical dependency implies repetitive use,...

Poverty and Homelessness: Dimensions and Constructions

Background With the growth of the economy and the failure of employment, the number of people living in poverty and without shelter increases. Poverty refers to the lack of financial resources to meet basic human needs such as clothing, shelter, and food. However, in many cases, poverty is much more...

Selling Ideas to Children and Building Societies

Child play is one of the major ways children learn about the world around them, which is employed in the educational system. The use of toys and games for academic purposes has been properly researched. Of course, toy marketers develop thousands of new items each year to address the demand...

Race and Gender in Public Relations Field

Abstract This capstone paper examines the impact of race and gender diversity on building careers in the sphere of public relations. During the last several decades, people have experienced certain challenges and changes in their intentions to find a good job and earn a living. As a rule, the representatives...

Black Femininity: Changes in the Perception

Introduction: Black Femininity Across Decades The development of perceptions toward womanhood and femininity as they are affected by the changes in social standards and trends allows inspecting the challenges that vulnerable groups of women face in their daily lives. The analysis of African American femininity and alterations in its interpretation...

Emma Gonzalez Calling for Gun Control Legislation

Speeches are delivered to encourage people to act and change the existing status quo. The speech under analysis was given during a rally in Fort Lauderdale where a school shooting claimed 17 students’ lives. Emma Gonzalez, the speaker, was a senior student who survived the shooting. In her emotional and...

Internet Age and Its Influence on a Public Self

Introduction The Internet age has brought forth a significant change in social interactions and personal connections. As in the case of any modern tendency, this phenomenon created both numerous advantages and challenges. On the one hand, researchers note that social networking gives plenty of chances to increase one’s quantity and...

“Firm Father Figures” by Klann et al.

Summary In their study, Klann, Joel Wong, and Rydell (2018) investigate the ways that fathers’ perceptions affect sons’ experiences and gender attributes. Scholars remark that the questions of males’ development of gender role conflicts, sexist behaviors, and subjective masculinity stress have not received sufficient attention from researchers. Hence, Klann et...

Save Animals: Experimentation Should Be Stopped

Introduction The aspects and consequences of animal testing are debatable issues in today’s world. While some believe that animal experimentation ensures human safety, others think that such an approach should be eliminated. This paper provides arguments for the latter position and presents supporting claims in detail. The report addresses statistical...

How Non-Profits Address Domestic Violence

Background Domestic violence can happen with anyone because it is based on the quality of relationships among people. It can occur within same-sex relationships and heterosexual couples, between stepfathers and stepdaughters, between mothers and sons; it does not discriminate. Domestic violence any attempt of one person within a marriage, family,...

Abortion: Legal, Medical, Moral, Religious Issues

Introduction The discussion of abortion has always been an acute and controversial one. As an ethical dilemma, the decision of whether to permit or forbid abortion deals with a variety of justifications grounding on several arguments. The debates between the opponents and supporters of abortion are characterized by the utilization...

Sociology of Power and Women’s Rights History

Abstract Women have been oppressed throughout the course of human history. In order to oppress others and enforce their will, a dominant group is required to have power. Without power, any human and humanitarian rights have no support and protection. For women, real changes began with the industrial revolution and...

Living Illegally in the United States

Introduction People enter the United States and choose to stay in the country for a variety of reasons. This including escaping violence in their home county and hoping to build a better future for themselves and their families. However, these individuals place a burden on citizens paying taxes. In addition,...

Race as a Social Construction in the US

The characteristics developed by the Census Bureau, whites include persons who belong to any people of Europe, the Near and Middle East, and North Africa by their origin. This category consists of those who, during the survey, identified their race as “white” or identified themselves as Irish, German, Italian, Poles,...

Rhetoric of Ali Siddiq’s ‘Prison Riot’ Standup

The purpose of comedy is to tell an entertaining story rather than a reliable one. However, it is still essential that the narration retains credibility so that the audience may feel emotional investment, as the story loses the essential sense of there being something to lose otherwise. Using various rhetorical...

Integrity and Its Multiple Definitions

When attempting to describe someone’s personality and what makes it inherently unique, words such as artistic, logical, or other adjectives may be used. Regardless of word choice, any option confirms adherence to a behavioral pattern. Thus, are people who stay quiet during an argument on which they hold an opinion...

Immigrants in the US: Benefits and Consequences

Abstract Immigration is an international movement of people from one country to another. In the United States, the first cases of immigration were reported in the 1600s. Nowadays, more than 40 million immigrants live and work in the country. At different centuries, the governments demonstrated their different attitudes towards immigrants...

Classism in Multi-Ethnic Society

As humans cannot exist in a vacuum, people’s surroundings and the environment in which they live may affect both their personality and approaches to life, based on their education, family life, and job prospects. These circumstances help create the propagation of wealthy and poor people coming from their respective communities....

Gay Community and Heterosexism in Language

Some definitions and terms existing in language can be ambiguous and poorly defined so that it is difficult for a recipient of the text to comprehend the meaning. Such a situation could be observed in the case with the terminology pertaining to lesbians, gay men, and bisexual persons (American Psychological...

Transgender Community and Heterosexism in Language

Newspapers started to report stories of individuals who changed their gender identities and concealed their birth sex approximately since the middle of the 19th century. According to McCauley (2016), those stories were primarily about women who tried to “pass” as men rather than about men who assumed female identities. At...

Vulnerability and Classism in Capitalistic Society

Vulnerability is a source of anxiety and fear for most people, as it indicates their lack of security in some aspects. As mentioned by the lawyer Gary Haugen, a high risk of exposure to violence, “the Locust effect” of it, scares lower-class people because they lack the means to defend...

Legal Drinking Age and Enforcement Strategies

Abstract The legal drinking age has a great influence on society. Drinking while legally been a child will increase the harm, they can do to themselves and others. Drinking underage has harmful consequences to the person that compromise their health and also consequences to the wellbeing of others about the...

Partner Violence, Its Dynamics and Cycle

Dynamics of Partner Violence Contributing Factors: Cultural and Psychosocial Effective partner violence prevention requires a clear understanding of underlying and contributing factors. Domestic and partner abuse is a complex issue, and usually, it is not exactly easy to pinpoint one particular event or action that triggered the cycle of violence....

“Letter from Birmingham Jail”: Where Reason Meets Emotions

Introduction The 20th century was marked by a range of social changes and challenges, yet the struggle for equality and the fight against oppression that the United States witnessed in the 1950-the 1960s was, perhaps, one of the most complicated challenges to be faced in addressing multicultural relationships (Colaiaco 68)....

Martin Luther King’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail” Speech

Cause and Effect in MLK’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail” Martin Luther King’s (MLK) “Letter from Birmingham Jail” remains one of the most profound and poignant speeches ever produced. Addressing the contempt that the members of the clergy had for MLK’s endeavor at promoting the idea of nonviolent resistance, the letter...

Poverty: “$2.00 a Day” Book by Edin and Schaefer

The problem of poverty and low quality of life is a significant one in the modern-day. Even in developed countries like the United States, more than 3 million people live in impoverished conditions. Those numbers are much higher in the less developed countries. Edin and Schaefer, in their book “$2.00...

Gender Discrimination and Intervention Program

The problem of gender discrimination has been affecting the relationships between the members of the global society to their detriment. Although it would be unreasonable to believe that a single effort will absolve humankind of gender inequality immediately, a set of strategies for managing the problem may pave the way...

Integrity in Relationships and Leadership

Integrity is an ethical concept that is widely discussed owing to its importance in life. In all areas of study, including religion, law, ethics, philosophy, politics, and psychology, it is viewed as the hallmark of ethical living and effective leadership. Humans live in accordance with socially acceptable values and principles....

Virtue Ethics: Altering Testimony on Global Warming

Headlines such as this affect my perception of politicians because they reflect the reality of a bureaucratic state in the US. Eilperin (2008) discussed an important issue of censorship in regards to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention testimony on global warming. The author stated that the remarks cited...

Invisible Wounds of Stigmatized Individuals

Stigma affects several many people around the world and results in great suffering among them. Several causes of stigma include abuse, sexual assault, violence, and discrimination. The effect of stigma is detrimental and varies from a loss of self-worth, trauma, stress, and mental illness that affect personal life as well...

Imperialism and Exploitation by Europeans

The problem of race, ethnicity, and superiority has always been topical for human society. Even today, in communities that are considered tolerant ones, there are signs of discrimination and inappropriate attitude to some categories of people. As for the past epochs, the problem was even more complex because of the...

War on Drugs Through a Socio-Political Framework

Drug addiction is a problem that concerns not only the health of particular members of society suffering from this disease but also the country as a whole. The US drug market is one of the most profitable in the world. Nowadays, one of the most critical tasks is to reduce...

Domestic Violence and Non-Therapeutic Interventions

Introduction In the United States, the issue of domestic violence is closely related to other misfortunate circumstances in people’s lives. Violence at home is often accompanied by substance abuse, child neglect, and economic instability in the family. Due to the willingness to escape from an attacker, a victim is subjected...

Analysing Community Project: South Miami

Overview Description of the Community History South Miami was founded in 1897 by W.A. Larkins and his family. The Larkinses established a dairy farm in the wildlands. After the Florida East Coast Railroad has been created, the settlement turned into a community. By 1917, 350 people dwelled in South Miami,...

Non-Therapeutic Interventions for Abused Children

Introduction Children and adolescents facing neglect, abuse, school or domestic violence, and even homelessness suffer from the consequences of complex trauma. People exposed to such trauma usually have difficulties with self-regulation, depression, trust issues, insecurity, and aggression. Education programs can help children become less accepting of harmful behavior and make...

Food Insecurity Intervention and Its Effectiveness

We planned to provide lunches for children of five families and education for their parents on the prevention of heart diseases. We expected to contact the Florida Association of Food Banks (FAFB) and Feeding South Florida (FSF) to provide lunches for the children for six months and conduct face-to-face consultations...

Colin Kaepernick’s Protest and Related Controversy

Introduction It is wrong or even useless to neglect the role of the Internet and social media in everyday life. It is not just a tool to share the news but an opportunity to demonstrate personal attitudes and beliefs with no threat of being punished or judged. In the United...

Detroit as a Racial Segregated City

Introduction Segregation in the USA is a policy of forced separation of any group of the population. It is usually referred to as a form of religious and racial discrimination. Spatial segregation refers to the settlement of residents in the city as a result of their economic and racial characteristics...

John Fitzgerald Kennedy’s Effective Rhetoric

Introduction John Fitzgerald Kennedy’s inaugural address is one of the most rhetorically effective speeches performed by a United States president. It may not be the most famous speech by President Kennedy, but it contains a number of very powerful messages that address the majority of complex issues that concerned the...

Drugs and Society: Drug Use and Its Impact on Culture and Society

Since the drugs first appeared in the USA, the attitude towards them has undergone multiple transformations. At first, drug use was not regarded as a problem but merely as an aristocratic whim. Later, as more people become engaged, more policies prohibiting drugs started to appear. To combat the proliferation of...

Working With Children and Youth

Reflection on Websites for Children Being lonely and depressed, a girl needs support. Wabano Children and Youth can provide it because the medical center indicates contacts of youth clinical support specialists – the girl may contact them freely. MindYourMind and ReachOut are valuable sources of articles on different issues to...

Cocaine Abuse: How to Detect It?

The problem of drug abuse has become one of the most topical issues of modern society. Unfortunately, it is impossible to forbid them’re producing completely as they are used in medicine to treat numerous mental disorders or relieve pain. However, it is still crucial to be able to admit the...

Parenthood as a Cause of Social Status Change

Introduction The development of a personality is greatly influenced by different events. The most significant experiences have the most impact on socialization because they cause the change in social statuses and roles. These experiences include education, employment, parenthood, etc. A person can experience role conflicts that finally shape his or...

Families USA: Interest Group Evaluation and Analysis

From your own research, what interest group did you find? Please list its name and website information. Families USA is the interest group that is to be evaluated in this paper. The information about the group was retrieved from their official website. From your own research, list three important pieces...

Racial Disparity in the US Labor Market

The reasons offered by market-oriented and embeddedness perspectives for explaining the racial disparity in the U.S. labor market The U.S. labor market has been characterized by an ever-increasing racial disparity when it comes to employment opportunities available for the population. There have been various market-oriented and embeddedness perspectives that have...

American Civil Liberties Union

From your own research, what interest group did you find? Please list its name and website information. The interest group chosen for this paper is American Civil Liberties Union. ACLU posts the relevant information on their website. From your own research, list three important pieces of information that give us...

Environmental Influences of Domestic Violence and Potential Interventions

Introduction Topic Research Question: What are the potentials drivers for the increasing rates of domestic violence, and how can different social and healthcare institutions intervene to minimize the consequences and impact of this issue? Working Thesis: Apart from the fact that domestic violence is one of the most common social...

Americans for Democratic Action

The particular interest group that I would like to discuss is Americans for Democratic Action, abbreviated as ADA. The leaders and representatives of this interest group created their website where the most important information on the activity of group members is located (“Who we are,” 2016). On their website, there...

Preventing Opioid Abuse and Addiction

The genetic influences on drug use were proved after certain investigations on humans and animals (Hart & Ksir, 2013). A person has a unique physiology that may cause addiction. Enkephalins and endorphins are the morphinelike neurotransmitters that can be found in the brain (Hart & Ksir, 2013). They have endogenous...

Random Drug Testing in Schools

School athletes become role models for many young people. They represent the idea of youth, strength, and health (Hart & Ksir, 2015). When it turns out to be that an athlete uses steroids or some other drugs, this beautiful picture is broken into pieces and can hardly be repaired. Therefore,...

Psychedelics and Hallucinogens: Harm or Help?

Today, people demonstrate different attitudes to psychedelics and hallucinogens. Some people think that such drugs as a possible way of treatment and believe that the chemical structure and the pharmacological properties are appropriate enough to be helpful to American society. There are also the people who treat drugs carefully because...

Family Readiness Group’s Volunteer Experience

Volunteering is an opportunity that makes it easier for learners and leaders to develop adequate competencies, support others, and achieve their potential. The experience guides them to associate with others, improve their philosophies, and address the challenges different communities or social groups face. This paper gives a personal reflection and...

Banned Books and Teens

What do you think of the concept of Banned Books Week? The concept of Banned Books Week is very appealing to me because it helps the public understand what books are banned and why. Furthermore, this event also spreads awareness of the books that are banned, and readers are often...

Migration Patterns and Demographics in the Gulf Countries

The migration patterns and demographics of the Gulf countries are closely related to global economics and societies but are also interrelated between each other and local, intercultural societies. Regional characteristics play an important role in the make-up of populations, as well as the evolution of individual societies and criteria that...

Central Los Angeles Community Assessment

Elimination Patterns of the Community Traffic: traffic jams, noise, exhaust gas Tourism: a lot of visitors High costs of living: food, accommodation, public transport Urban ecology: dirty streets and water and air pollution Homeless: crime and health problems Los Angeles Traffic is considered as the worst in the world. Even...

Psychoactive Drugs, Society, and Human Behaviour

In Your World: Psychoactive Drugs Experiences Psychoactive drugs are chemical substances that affect mood, perception, the way of thinking, and behaviour. There are four major types of psychoactive drugs: psychedelics, stimulators, opiates, and sedative-hypnotic substances (Bartol & Bartol, 2014). Hallucinogens or psychedelic drugs are called so because they may provoke...

The Issue of Effective Communication and Communication Technology

Introduction Communication is an essential element for successful operations within an organization. The passage of information from one point to another in a firm has different channels. During this process, there are always numerous obstacles to successful communication. Ineffective communication can lead to the failure of a business, as not...

Marijuana Legalization and Possible Effects

The legalization of marijuana bothers people. There are many supporters and opponents of this idea. I belong to a group where this idea cannot be accepted even regarding its possible positive outcomes. Today, media discusses the necessity of legalizing marijuana to be used for medical purposes and help patients deal...

Chapters 2 and 9 of “Sociology of Globalization” by Smith

The reading of Chapters 2 and 9 in the book Sociology of Globalization (edited by Keri Smith) has removed the last remaining doubts in my mind, as to the fact that there is nothing accidental about the ongoing “decline of the West” – the process that during the recent decade...

HIV Transmission and Syringe Trade-In System

Introduction An ongoing harmful issue distressing those choosing to administer drugs is the perspective of proliferating blood pathogens including HIV, AIDS, and liver-related Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C, all of which are exceptionally life-threatening. These illnesses, classified as viruses, are transferred via the reusing of needles and other unsanitary practices...

Same-Sex Marriages and Their Benefits for Society

Introduction Same-sex marriage refers to the coming together of two people of analogous sexual orientations through a religious or a civil ritual. The need for recognizing same-sex marriages has attracted diverse opinions from a wide variety of scholars, politicians, and religious parties. This raging debate implies that people have diverse...

Same-Sex Marriages and Human Rights

Introduction The issue of human rights has captured the attention of many scholars, activists, politicians, and philosophers for many centuries. After the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the concept of “civil liberties” gained a new meaning that continues to dictate human relations in the United States. Many...

Homelessness and Mass Incarceration Relationship

Introduction Homelessness is an issue that affects not only those individuals who do not have their own residence but also the rest of society. Taking into consideration the fact that this problem is global and extremely influential, I decided to write a paper that deals with it. Trying to narrow...

Immigration Impact on American Society

Introduction The acceleration of hostility towards “foreigners” among the old-line Americans became rapid towards the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century as American consciousness transformed into racial and anti-Semitism ideologies. The wave of nativism was then grounded in fear of foreigners who might challenge...

Elderly People Proportion and Its Societal Impact

It is a well-known fact that one of the main reasons for the demographical crisis in any country is its aging population. To begin with, it would be proper to state that young people might not have any chances to receive worthy jobs after graduation as all the best positions...

Identity in Latin America: Sarmiento, Martí and Ortiz

This paper aims to investigate the position of three different authors on the problem of identity in Latin America. The issue of social and cultural identity is of immense importance for nearly any individual in the majority of countries. It is evident that if people do not find ways to...

Drunk Driving Statistics and Countermeasures

Introduction Although issues such as overspeeding or driving while texting form part of the major causes of road accidents, this paper reveals drunk driving as another key factor responsible for deaths reported on many roads not only in the U.S. but also in other countries around the globe. Various mechanisms...

Latin American Social Attitudes Towards Queer Community

Introduction Nowadays, many countries and communities have to deal with a number of challenges connected to the recognition of rights among lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transsexual/transgender (LGBT) people and their impact on social lives. Some countries or, at least, states accept the idea of same-sex marriages and pass special anti-discrimination...

Domestic Violence as a Topic for Academic Studies

The topic selected for the research deals with family issues and is critical for the contemporary society. Domestic violence is reported all over the world that is why it should not be ignored. Only in the USA, ten million victims suffer from it annually (National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, 2015)....

Feminism and Sex in Hip-Hop Music

Introduction Hip Hop music was introduced with the intention of combating poverty, racism, and violence that were prevalent in lower-income neighborhoods across the United States. The music targeted individuals who hailed from violent backgrounds with no or little education. The objective was to help them to devise survival tactics. With...

Race and Ethnicity and Their Significance Today

Definition Ethnicity is a term that is used to categorize people into similar and different groups based on their cultural or physical attributes. The categorizers believe that the biological composition affects the cultures of the people. Race, on the other hand, is a biologic subspecies with distinct traits different from...

Jewish Memorials in the SBZ and GDR in 1945–1987

Summary of the Source When the Second World War ended in 1945, Germany was divided into four occupational zones controlled by the United States, the Soviet Union, Great Britain, and France. The German society started the demanding task of reconstructing the country after the destructive war. As the country restructured...

Technologies and Equality in Modern US Society

Introduction The Industrial Revolution introduced the first machinery in the US. Since that time, lives of many people have constantly been altered by the development and growth of technologies. In this essay, I will examine the impact of the Industrial Revolution on American society and discuss the issue of equality...

Technologies and Equality for Democratic Society

What impact did the Industrial Revolution have in society? The Industrial Revolution is one of the most meaningful events in the history of humanity and its altered the social life greatly. First, it preconditioned the gradual rise of the level of comfort available to people as the appearance of new...

Anti-Semitism v Anti-Zionism in 2014 Gaza Protests

Summary of the Source In modern society, it is common for people to use the terms anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism to mean the same thing. However, that may not necessarily be true based on various factors. Anti-Semitism is a general hatred that an individual or a section of society may have...

Same-Sex Marriages and Their Moral Basis

Introduction Statistical findings depict a substantial increase in the number of American adults who support the idea of same-sex marriage. According to Yen and Zampelli, this figure grew from 35% to 55% during the period of 2001-2015 (196). This claim leads to the question of the legitimacy and moral standing...

Domestic Violence in the US of the Last Decade

Selection of the Topic Topic The topic chosen is the prevalence of domestic violence in the US in the last 10 years. Description The issue of domestic violence is a global societal problem. In most cases, women are the main victims of this uncivilized behavior with men being the perpetrators...

Evaluation of the Stanford Prison Experiment’ Role

The Stanford Prison Experiment is a study that was conducted on August 20, 1971 by a group of researchers headed by the psychology professor Philip Zimbardo to find out the psychological outcomes of becoming a prison guard or prisoner. The study was carried out in the basement of Jordan Hall....

Theoretical Perspectives in Sociology

Sociologists examine social occurrences at varying extents and from diverse standpoints. From actual understanding to an extensive overview of society and social norms, sociologists analyze all perspectives from specific experiences to the big picture. There are three primary theoretical perspectives used in sociology and include the functionalist perspective, the conflict...

Social Mobility in the United States

Social mobility is the process of changing a person’s social status. Concerning the United States and many other countries, this concept implies the movement of individuals or groups from one place to another or from one social class to another, as well as the movement of values ​​and goods. According...

Social Media in Real Life: Causes and Effects

Social Media in the 21st Century The introduction of innovative digital technologies has reinvented the realm of communication, providing people with numerous opportunities for keeping in touch without any interruptions. Though social media deserves to be praised and appreciated for the innovative solutions that it provides, its effects on real-life...

Gender Pay Gap as a Serious Social Issue

The Aim of Research The purpose of current research is to analyse people’s awareness of and attitudes toward the issue of the gender pay gap. Although this phenomenon is present to some extent in many countries of the world, no unique approach to managing the problem has been offered. Thus,...

Race in Social Scientific Research in the United States

Introduction Research of diverse issues is usually guided by the corresponding associations. Thus, the study of “race” as a scholarly and social problem is provided under the statements of the American Anthropological Association (AAA) and American Sociological Association (ASA). Both organizations provide their views on social scientific research on race,...

“Division of Labor” for Social Scientists

It is necessary to realize that social scientists are often presented with extremely difficult and intransigent problems. Just like any other branch of science, social science has had to use the division of labor approach in order to reduce the complexity of some issues by dividing them into parts. It...

The Subjection of Women

Factors making attractiveness to men “the polar star of feminine education and character formation” The factors that make attractiveness to men “the polar star of feminine education and character formation, according to Mill Stuart Mill are as follows: The fundamental object of human aspirations, considerations and all objects of social...

Gender Stereotypes of the US Women

The primary research question What experiences influence the development of US women’s gender stereotypes as regards the distribution of gender roles as seen by US females? In this study, gender stereotypes related to the distribution of gender roles are beliefs concerning the place of the woman in the US society....

Gender Stereotypes: Data Presentation Strategy

Data Presentation Strategy On the one hand, the idea of presenting data with the help of the natural strategy is quite legitimate. Indeed, representing the information in the order that the feminist issues evolve in contemporary society could be an option. However, the phenomenon of gender issues is very complex,...

Experiences of Working Pakistani Women

The study in question dwells upon experiences of working Pakistani women (Faiz, 2015). Faiz (2015) focuses on the way working females balance their work and family life. Their experiences and attitudes are central to the research. The researcher stresses that women have to work in quite an oppressive environment but...

Data Analysis Proposal: Gender Stereotypes

This study is based on the empirical phenomenology approach, and the corresponding data analysis procedures will be employed. Moustakas’ approach is chosen as the guiding methodological paradigm, and it implies the in-depth analysis of the participants’ accounts alongside the description of recurrent themes (Creswell, 2012). Empirical phenomenology focuses on the...

Gender Stereotypes: Research Question

Gender stereotypes are common for any country even if it is an egalitarian society where women are seen as equals to men. Females are still seen as passive and submissive. It is believed that women should focus on domestic issues being ‘good’ mothers and wives. More and more females try...

Environment and Development Changes in Society

Abstract The topics and theories studied in class can be used to transform every society. Some of these concepts include social stratification, deviance, and family. This essay will describe how such concepts can be used to transform the universe. The current online medical information is making it easier for more...

Intercultural Communication: Cultural Relativity Principles

Samoa Essay The essay by Vicki Marie is a detailed illustration of the author’s empathy towards the new culture and its representatives. The author tells about her life and works abroad, in Samoa, a country she knew little about. Marie admits that her way of thinking and habits clashed with...

Family Centered Services Program Evaluation

Abstract The use of a family-centered approach has been widely used to assist families where children (adolescents) are at risk or have had instances of neglect, abuse, or abandonment. However, some researchers argue that the method is controversial and, hence, each program based on this approach has to be evaluated....

Ethical Issues: Privacy, Confidentiality and Human Protection

Abstract This paper dwells upon ways to mitigate human protection, confidentiality, and privacy issues. The evaluator has to obtain written consent, code personal information and can resort to the assistance of other professionals if necessary. This is the way ethical issues can be addressed. Introduction Any research has to be...

The “Autonomy” of a Person

What is meant by the “autonomy” of a person? Personal autonomy refers to an individual’s ability to gain control over the course of his or her actions. In ancient Greece, Plato and Aristotle associated autonomy with self-mastery and self-governance. For Plato, the rational part of the human psyche was superior...

Human Services: Genogram and Narrative Assessment

Narrative Assessment of a Genogram The paper is dedicated to a narrative assessment of a non-family member genogram. Such genograms are developed for a better understanding of the clients’ problems as they allow to trace the person’s beliefs as based on his/her family beliefs (Spindel, 2015). The narrative assessment will...

Cambodian Immigrant’s Needs and Human Services

What can you do to assist Pareth in her goals while respecting her culture and the needs of her family? Assisting Pareth Human services professionals assist clients from diverse backgrounds to realize their goals. As a social worker, I have a big obligation to assist Pareth in her goals. To...

Society of the Early Renaissance and Contemporary Europe

Humanity has always been evolving, accepting the variety of thoughts and beliefs and allowing for the development of people’s worldview and creative endeavors. What has been considered exemplary in previous historical periods, might be found redundant in the present. Still, people have always borrowed some features from the past: if...

Issue of Gender Discrimination in Different Societies

Discrimination based on gender is a widespread violation of civil rights that stems from the tendency to define roles male and female citizens must play in society. Gender discrimination can take several different forms: unequal education and career opportunities, sexual harassment, verbal and physical assaults, pregnancy discrimination, etc. It may...

Informational Interview with Jursher Barth

Introduction Salespeople are traditionally considered to be aggressive, attentive, and very goal-oriented. After the interview I had with Jursher Barth, the car salesman that helped me purchase my car not so long ago I am convinced that the common perception of salespeople appeared due to a strong basis of evidence...