Coronavirus Whistleblower Dr. Li Wenliang

Whistleblowers play an essential role in maintaining democracy by revealing different governmental deficiencies, human rights violations, and exposing corruption on various levels. All the information that comes from them is usually classified and withheld from the public concern by authorities. In 1882 Henrik Ibsen published the play An Enemy of...

The Ethical Standards of Auditing

The ethical standards of auditing are the independence, competence, conscientiousness, and objectivity of the auditor. In carrying out their professional duties, the auditor should be guided by the standards established by professional audit associations. It is also necessary to observe the following ethical principles: independence, honesty, objectivity, professional competence and...

The Problem of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Youth Suicidality

Introduction Recently, there was a sharp increase in cases of suicides committed by lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) youth. Councilman Joel Burns of the Fort Worth City Council delivers a speech on the subject, connecting the growing rate with the bullying of LGBTQ and adults’ neglect of the...

Review of Articles on the Factors for Poor Outcomes

There are numerous social, ethnic, and culture-related reasons behind the poor health of the population. It is essential to understand their origins and connotations in order to eliminate their effects efficiently. The role of nurse practitioners has been shifting from providing direct medical assistance to directing the social changes that...

Animal Transplantation and Commerce in Organs

Introduction The medical field has made significant advances over the years which have resulted in the development of cures for hundreds of diseases leading to lower mortality rate and higher chances of recovery from ailments for people. This has undoubtedly improved the quality and/or prolonged the lives of many people....

Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome: A Relapse Prevention Plan

Managing severe addiction is a long and suffering process, which requires strength and patience on both physical and emotional levels. Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS) carries specific symptoms that manifest themselves after a sudden refusal from addicting substances like drugs or alcohol (Melemis, n.d.). The syndrome’s duration is individual and usually...

Abortion Topic in “A Defense of Abortion” by Thomson

Introduction An abortion belongs to one of the most controversial issues discussed in modern society. Many philosophers, researchers, and scientists have explored the question of whether it is morally just to kill a fetus and other topic-related problems. Judith Jarvis Thomson who is a US philosopher and member of the...

America vs. Europe: Liberty vs. Dignity

According to James Q. Whitman, the vast difference between the concepts of privacy in America and Europe is that in the former, it takes the form of the right to be free from state intrusion, while in the latter, this is manifested in the protection of the right to respect...

Discrimination and Racial Segregation Over Time

The fight for civil liberties was an inevitable response to the inhumane treatment of some nationalities and racial groups in the United States. The works of literature help understand the first-hand experience of oppressed individuals and how they are treated by society, and empirical research traces the origins and impact...

The Concept of the “War on Drugs”

The “war on drugs” is a policy term in the United States that describes the government’s longstanding campaign aiming to combat drug trafficking and drug use, both on the domestic and international levels. The US government’s measures included prohibitive legislation, military assistance to other states in the fight against drug...

Explanation of the Radicalization

With the development of the Internet, many terrorist organizations, which are associations of people with the most radical ideas, have actively recruited individuals. This trend leads to increased instability in the public life of the state. Structural decision-making in the political, social, and religious aspects helps localize radical movements and...

Homelessness Policy in California

Introduction Most of the homeless in America are concentrated in large cities. There are several cities in which the number of homeless people is so big that the situation with the growth of homelessness in them is called an epidemic. First of all, these are Los Angeles, New York, Chicago...

Race: Genetic or Social Construction

Race People of the modern world discuss the concept of race and racism daily. Some may face it directly, while others experience interracial communication through social media. It happens because today humans live in a diverse society: individuals may look or feel differently, but they share the same work and...

Police Brutality and Impunity for Police Violence

Abstract The overall purpose of this paper is to explore the topic of police brutality and police impunity as it is discussed in modern studies. The author of the paper reviews and summarizes ten articles that cover different aspects of the topic, ranging from the demographic characteristics of police brutality...

Comparison of Adolescent and Adult Addiction Treatment

Criteria Adult Population Adolescent Population Diagnosis Standard diagnosis for addictions in adults is performed using the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). According to Hartney (2019), DSM-5 includes eleven criteria, and having two or more of the symptoms implies that the client has an addiction. The number of...

Sexual Assault Response and Prevention in the US Army

The Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention (SHARP) program in the United States Army. It is an integrated and proactive effort to address sexual assault within the ranks of the armed forces. Sexual prevalence rose by 1.4% for women to a total of 5.8%, and 0.7% for men over 2 years...

Queer Representation of Gender and Sexual Non-Conformity

This assignment aims to highlight the role of media and television in determining gender or sex roles for the consumers to follow, among others. Queer representation, as portrayed in “San Junipero”, an episode from Black Mirror, incorporates several aspects of society. Religion is expected to take the higher road and...

Public Shaming: Social Power and Its Drawbacks

Public shaming became a prevalent trend during the last five years. In particular, due to the spread of shaming, the English language was replenished with new expressions such as fat-shaming, body-shaming, or gender-shaming. But at the top of recent months remain lockdown-shaming, face-mask shaming, and even pajama-shaming. This paper aims...

“Rockers, Models, and the New Allure of Heroin” Review

Introduction Notwithstanding the piece of substantiation that heroin use has always been unlawful for many years, heroin today is trendier; it’s easier to acquire and to use than the drug of previous days. Heroin still commands an extremely high consequence on the abuser, however, the compulsion, individual and the price...

Education Initiatives to Address the Opioid Crisis

The term “opioid crisis” is used to refer to the sharp rise in the number of Americans addicted to opioids in the 2010s. It started with the launch of new painkiller drugs in the 1990s that, despite pharmaceutical companies’ claims, proved to be highly addictive, leading to fast-growing abuse and...

Importance of Communication in Enhancing Customer Service in Medical Offices

Customer Service in Medical Offices Customer service is an important practice in medical offices today. Communication is an important aspect of customer service. In medical offices, the health professional needs to adopt high standards of communication skills for them to be able to build rapport with their patients. Currently, with...

Delia and Jig as the Feminist Women Characters

“Sweat” and “Hills Like White Elephants” are stories about women who are entirely different from each other. Although they have complicated relationships with their husbands, both girls find the strength to survive. This paper aims to describe why Delia and Jig are dynamic characters and name the circumstances that create...

The Definition of Patriotism in David Archard’s Article “The Ethics of Patriotism”

“Black people have asserted their inextricable contributions to the history of this country while simultaneously protesting the racism embedded in the American nation-state since its inception.” —Robyn Spencer Introduction At first glance, this notion appears to be easy to straightforward and embedded like citizenship. It is a part of belonging...

Research Methods for Social Work

While conducting social experiments, it is essential to gather accurate data. However, there are several factors that may interfere with this process and threaten the credibility of the information. First of all, the term of internal validity should be defined; researchers note that it is a component, according to which...

The Disparities in the Legal System about Women

Women account for one of the groups most affected by the disparities in the legal system. Therefore, this sphere has been an area of intense interest for feminist researchers and activists. Subsequently, various standpoints are expressed through different means of communication, calling for an equal approach to justice for both...

Brooks’ “Reading Too Much Political News…” Rhetorical Analysis

The summary of the article The current paper contains a rhetorical analysis of the article “Reading too much political news is bad for your well-being” . Brooks (2020) address an urgent topic of how political news affects people’s mood. The author concludes that it is vitally important to limit the...

Judith Jarvis Thomson’s Views on Abortion

In modern times, abortion is one of the most discussed topics in society. There are numerous arguments in favor of and against this highly controversial topic, and it continues to be one of the key points in political debates. In order to clearly express the argument, Judith Thomson has created...

Nearings’ Approach to Living in Society

Every person chooses his own way in the world and devotes his life to pursuing some values which are essentially important for him. Once Helen and Scott Nearing chose their path in the life and provided a new approach to the basic standards of the capitalistic world. Their way of...

Advocating with Policy Makers in Social Work

Letter to Congress Representative The following letter is meant for Cory Booker, one of the two New Jersey senators, regarding the escalation of gun violence in New Jersey. Dear Senator, Cory Booker, I am writing to draw your attention to the escalating incidences of gun violence in New Jersey. According...

Drug Addiction: Elimination of Incarcerations

A TED talk, focusing on addiction, by Johann Hari, introduces the concept in a way that people do not often expect to see. The man offers his own educated perspective on the matter and poses addiction not as a problem of physical inability or a moral failing of character, but...

Humility by a Leader Exemplify Servant Leadership

In the modern era, the concept of leadership is increasingly becoming more difficult, complex, and multi-dimensional. In light of this, the question of the most efficient type of leadership arises, considering the outcomes of each strategy. Among other styles, servant leadership, being previously “widely dismissed,” starts to be appreciated as...

Radical Feminism Explains Prostitution

Introduction Living on morally wrong earnings and exercising control over prostitutes are criminal offenses. Interestingly, at the same time as constructing prostitutes as a social class of ethically different and sexually indiscriminate women, the social critics also see them as different from other women by virtue of some type of...

Health Issue Analysis: Prescription Drug Abuse

Prescription drug abuse is a rapidly growing epidemic that spreads worldwide. Various national and international health organizations research this field and report about the elevated levels of the identified health issue within the last decades, which is primarily caused by the medication prescription (Paulozzi, Kilbourne, & Desai, 2011). Although the...

History of Violence in Middle East

Introduction In the Middle East, violence has become perhaps the most significant element of the socio-political life of the region in these years, at least in the opinion of an outside observer. The civil war in Syria claimed from two hundred thousand to half a million human lives. Two civil...

Lack of Social Tolerance as the Cause of Discriminatory Behavior: The Solutions

People exhibit bigoted behavior when they do not tolerate or feel enabled to hurt certain groups based on a particular characteristic. It can be gender, race, religion, or another basis, but regardless of the reason, some society members will feel inferior. Such phenomena as sexism and racism are widespread, meaning...

Identity and Social Hatred. Diversity and Identity

A person’s sense of identity plays an essential purpose in establishing one’s role in society. It always goes in conjunction with the degree of cultural diversity, which cannot be fully appreciated without valuing an individual’s identity. However, these terms can be opposed by various forms of social injustice, such as...

The Concept of an Active Shooter

Mental health diseases, densely populated areas, civilians’ causalities, social isolation, peer violence can also be added to the keyword list. Dept. of Homeland Security The Homeland Security Department defines an active shooter as someone trying to kill people in a closed, densely populated area. Most often they use firearms, there...

Aging Population: A Relevant Problem of the Future

Introduction Due to the exponential growth of the population experienced in the 20th century, the number of people worldwide is at its historical peak. Currently, the world population has almost reached 8 billion people, but due to multiple governments’ actions, the growth is predicted to slow down. Due to this...

An Iron Triangle Phenomenon, Voices of the U.S. Society

The American governance system is a unique product of United States history. However, it does not mean that it works perfectly and satisfies all parties’ interests. An Iron Triangle phenomenon can be understood so argued to be both non-democratic and providing opportunities to the unheard voices of the U.S. society....

The History of Mexican and Asian Americans’ Discrimination

In the 18th and 19th centuries, U.S. immigrants were experiencing discrimination in many areas. Mexican and Asian people were not allowed to become U.S. citizens and always faced stigmatic treatment. The children could not attend schools for whites, and just as African Americans were sent to the “schools for colored.”...

The Link Between Cultural Family and Substance Abuse

Abstract This paper identifies the prevalence, correlates, and negative implications of substance abuse among African American women. Several efforts have been devised to prevent substance abuse but family therapy has been effective especially when it is designed to be culturally sensitive. Several complex issues and limitations have also been cited...

Multimodal Personal Narrative: The Path to the Goal

I was always driven to international communication and had a strong interest in foreign languages, German in particular. My parents liked numerous outdoor activities, which also had an appeal to me and would help me in finding my career. Trying to overcome communicative inadequacy, I worked as a salesperson as...

Charleston Shooting: Race Relations in Modern America

June 17th was the five year anniversary of the Charleston Massacre, in which nine black parishioners were shot and killed by a 21-year-old white supremacist Dylann Roof (Smith). Given America’s tragic history of racially motivated crimes, the Charleston shooting was deemed reflective of the current state of race relations in...

Debate on Teaching of Values: Family Policies

Introduction One of the basic building blocks of a successful and functional society is the establishment and consequent adherence to values by the members of the community. Values can be defined as what society judges to be of importance or worthy. These values color our human reality with new ways...

Cruel Optimism: Karl Marx’s Ideas and the American Dream

Optimism plays an essential role in the overall approaches to interpreting the world around people. The piece explores the concept of cruel optimism in regard to Karl Marx’s ideas and the American Dream. Delusional belief and thinking are the root causes of these underlying issues, which can harm both the...

Distracted Driving: Dangers, Regulations, and Individual Freedoms Issue

In many ways, the implementation of the individual’s fundamental rights and freedoms depends on those guarantees of a cultural, socio-economic, material, political, organizational, and legal nature that are established and provided by the state. Every citizen should be free as long as he does not harm others. Therefore, when not...

Is Covid-19 a Threat to National Security?

There is no doubt that the recent coronavirus pandemic poses a serious threat to the national security of the United States. In order to combat the spread of the virus, the Americans have implemented strict quarantine measures, including self-isolation, and the military help to control the situation. There are many...

The COVID-19 Pandemic Impact on Social Values

My research question is if society must keep its values and get back to them after the profound life changes after the pandemic or establish new morals to follow. The social scientific background of the issue contains academic literature about social principles, peer-reviewed articles discussing human and social behaviors, and...

The Oral Presentation in the 5903LAL Course

Introduction Presentation is an important way of communicating ideas to public. The oral presentation in the 5903LAL course was an important experience for future presentations at bachelor degree, as well as for speaking in public. This assessment task focuses on the summary of presentation, its advantages and disadvantages, as well...

Valerio-Jiménez’ Interview on Rio Grande Valley

Introduction Intercultural connections between Mexico and the United States have a long and controversial history. The issues run deep and were created by multiple conflicts between the two nations, for example, The Mexican-American War. Omar Valerio-Jiménez, the professor of history at the University of Texas at San Antonio, discussed these...

Dick Durbin “The DREAM Act”: A Threat to the Economy and Security of Americans

Introduction Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act was a plan by the American senate to allow a few immigrants to enjoy permanent residence. This act was forwarded to the Senate by Dick Durbin in 2001 for consideration (Mahony 98). He suggested that all non-Americans who graduate from American...

Police Brutality Against African Americans and Media Portrayal

Police brutality toward the African-American population of the United States is an issue that has received nationwide publicity in recent years. Some studies claim that it is caused by the American culture of white supremacy (Hayes, p. 2). Others, on the contrary, argue that the disproportional targeting of the African-American...

Social Stigma: The Case of the Working-Class

People from the lower social classes frequently encounter devaluation patterns and respond in stigma management ways, similarly to other stigmatized groups. Thus, the study conducted by Robert Granfield in 1991 intended to examine the socialization of the working-class university students getting higher education in elite Ivy League law schools. First,...

Theory of Interaction Through COVID-19

The selected theory of interaction aims to investigate the relationships formed between individuals, groups, and subunits of society. It focuses on the process of interaction and communication that affects the formation of personality and the behavior of each individual participating in it. All social phenomena, such as conflicts, cooperation, or...

Substance Abuse and Health Care Cost for Employers: A Review of the Literature

Substance abuse is a condition that can be prevented and treated. Substance abuse disorders impose huge financial costs to both the employer and the society at large. Substance abuse refers to the long-term pathological consumption of either drugs or alcohol. This is characterized by the intoxication of drugs, lack of...

Illegal Immigration Issues: Threat to the Country

Introduction Illegal immigrants denote the people who unlawfully cross-national boundaries into host nations in a way that infringes immigration laws or individuals who remain in a given country beyond limitations of permitted entry. Whether legal or illegal, immigration is normally a rising move from a lower to a higher living...

Jane Elliott’s Experiment on Discrimination

I learned from the video that the problems of discrimination and oppression are not new, as they were serious concerns in the 1960s around the time of Martin Luther King’s death. The third-grade teacher Jane Elliott from Iowa realized the issue, so she decided to conduct an experiment demonstrating to...

A Selection of Review Articles About Slavers

An Address to the Slaves of the United States of America An Address to the Slaves of the United States of America is an appeal to black slaves first presented at the Buffalo National Convention in 1843. Its author, Henry Highland Garnet, was a social and religious leader, abolitionist, and...

Examining the Ideas of Martin Luther King and Malcolm X

Introduction Racial segregation, as a systemic effort to make African-Americans subordinate, was one of the critical problems of the US. Such a position denied equal access of African-Americans to public services and limited their rights. Martin Luther King and Malcolm X are the most prominent ministers and proponents of the...

Racism & Privilege Within the Social Work Setting

Although nowadays, the relationships between the representatives of different races and ethnicities have been considerably improved, the concepts of racism and privilege are frequently discussed by social workers and psychologists. According to Tatum (2018), it is important to have a clear definition of racism as it is the only opportunity...

Juveniles and Drugs in the US

Currently, the whole world is getting affected due to the curse of drug addiction. In the United States violence and substance use play an important role in disability, premature death and social problem among youth. Alcohol and drugs contribute in interpersonal violence and Homicide has become the main cause of...

Gender: Do People Choose Their Sexual Orientation?

Undoubtedly, it is challenging to discover whether people choose their sexual orientation on their own or live with it from birth. On the one hand, according to Steensma et al. (2013), psychological factors, such as child and parental characteristics, and the biological ones, such as the effects of parental exposure...

Race and Housing in Postwar America

Race has had a major influence on shaping and developing American suburbs, as discussed by Harris in Little White Houses: How the Postwar Home Constructed Race in America. The metropolitan areas experienced a significant explosion of diversity associated with the waves of immigration from foreign countries. As racism represented the...

Dealing With Alcohol Abuse in Adolescents

Background Psychiatric diagnosis stipulates that alcohol abuse entails repeated use of alcoholic drinks regardless of their negative effects on the user. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), binge drinking results in an individual having a Blood Alcohol Concentration [BAC] of 0.08g % and above (NIAAA...

Privacy Invasion in America

Introduction In 1984, Orwell described the ultimate totalitarian dystopia where the government-controlled every aspect of citizens’ lives and crushed any means of resistance. To achieve this level of control, the ruling government required more than just power, it needed critical information which was used to identify, manipulate, and ultimately destroy...

Reviewing an Ethics Case

The ethical dilemma faced by Daniel Potter is that of loyalty and integrity. Dan is caught in between this dilemma because he is expected to be loyal to his employer Baker Greenleaf and at the same time maintain his vow of integrity to the profession he adores. As per the...

Social Stratification and Voter Suppression in the US

Despite the fact the US is presenting itself as a democracy and striving to fit that standard, contemporary American society is far away from being egalitarian. No number of polite smiles would erase the discrimination that is present in the United States. While class inequality is the most visible problem,...

Alcohol Dependence in Modern Women

Introduction Alcoholism in women is a widespread issue; that is why the topic is important for previous, current, and future generations. Since ancient times, it has been known that a female’s addiction to alcoholic beverages is dangerous not only to her well-being but also to the health of her future...

Man vs Machine: Luddism Then and Now

Introduction Since the economy of England relied heavily on the textile and clothing industry, there was always a demand for skilled workers. However, the introduction of steam looms did not require the presence of skilled workers. Therefore, manufacturers preferred to hire children and women rather than experienced men (Lindholdt, 1997)....

Gender Equality: Men as Daycare Professionals

The issues of diversity and equal career access are among the critical ones for today’s society. The significant development in this regard has contributed to the increased overall economic efficiency by allowing the best-skills professionals to occupy the relevant jobs. However, gender equality campaigns have traditionally been focused on making...

Social Stratification and Individual Mobility in the USA

Social stratification and individual mobility in the US manifest themselves through social factors, such as ethnicity, gender, race, and economic status. Social mobility refers to the movement of households, individuals, or families within their communal strata. There are three systems of stratification which include class, slavery, and estate systems. Slavery...

Same-Sex Marriage Movement in the United States

The American dream assures freedom and parity and is cherished by all the residents of the US. With the dream in mind, most people will be inclined towards the support of equal rights for all, encompassing members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) groups. Asking some members...

Christian Privilege and Religious Minorities

The commonly cited reasons to support religion and the religious mindset refer to these phenomena’ ability to facilitate the creation of communities and bring different people together thanks to their shared beliefs and values. In reality, however, religion-related differences between people often create collective boundaries and put some individuals in...

Xenophobia in American Society

Xenophobia, racism, and gender discrimination are, unfortunately, common tendencies in the world, which hinder people’s equal rights. This inequality in American society is the most noticeable, since many people face discrimination, disrespect, and even violence because of their skin color or religion at the same time with democratic values’ proclamation....

“Is Gender Equality the Silent Killer of Marriages?” Article Analysis

Suzanne Venker’s article “Is Equality Ruining Your Marriage?” explores the adverse effects of integrating egalitarian concepts in the marriage context. At the onset, Venker argues that couples in marital unions which conform to the traditional gender roles are happier as compared to those whose marriages integrate the modernity principle of...

Flat Earth Society: The Importance of Logic and Critical Thinking in Perceiving Information

The organization under consideration, the Flat Earth Society, is an explicit example of an online platform uniting people with a common belief. They provide extensive information regarding the movement’s support represented by the eponymous football club and the participation of YouTube celebrities in the discussion (The Flat Earth Society, n.d.)....

The Human Right to Equality and Racial Issues in the US

This paper examines the issue of the human right to equality and non-discrimination, which is in question in the United States. Most probably, this right implementation is likely to achieve the most criticism from other nations of the world during the Universal Periodic Review. As the UN report from 2015...

Immigration in America – Debate

The immigration debate remains one of the most controversial issues in the United States today. Many supporters and critics offer their unique arguments without considering the views of their opponents. The move by different arguers to select historical developments and events that resonate with their opinions has resulted in numerous...

Never Give Up: 15 Reasons by Osman Hameed

“Never give up” is a statement that most people use to motivate others and themselves to keep pushing to work towards achieving their objectives. Contemporarily, some support the statement, while others believe that it is prudent to cease from doing the same activity. People engage in some hectic daily jobs...

Police Violence Against African Americans in the USA

Due to recent events in the USA, the problem of the policy violence against African Americans is now one of the most discussed and urgent topics of the last weeks. Nevertheless, the brutality has existed for centuries before without being punished or paid attention to. The statistic shows that the...

Big Brothers Big Sisters: Faith-Based and Community Mentoring

BBBS mentoring activities elucidate the rationale for performing those activities that connect youth and older non-familial adults together in meaningful and productive relationships. The programs entail chapters in various cities and counties so as to mentor and inter-generate a common platform to address specific developmental needs of at-risk children and...

What Influences Overall Development

Multiple factors contribute to one’s development and influence them throughout the whole life. The scientists primarily established that genetics and environmental impact play an essential role in personality building (Whitehouse 46). However, psychologists, neurologists, and other educators have been arguing that both nature and nurture parts equally affect the individual’s...

Transgender Care: Challenges, Implications

Introduction Differences in appearance or behavior may set forth barriers to effective communication within many spheres. In healthcare setting not putting effort into ensuring diverse patient groups being treated with professional finesse with no regard for their differences is a timely issue. Transgender patients are among those vulnerable communities who...

Overcoming Fences in August Wilson’s Play

Perhaps August Wilson’s most famous work, Fences, explores the Maxson family’s life and relationships. This moving drama was written in 1983 and helped Wilson win his first Pulitzer Prize. Fences are a part of August Wilson’s “Pittsburgh Cycle” collection of ten plays (The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2019). Each drama...

Music and the Second Reconstruction Relationship

The song What About Us by the Coasters represents the idea of the absence of equality among African-American and white people in the USA. In 1959, when the composition was released, the question was extremely acute, and the lyrics appealed to most fighters for adequate human rights as it aims...

Digital Tools and Social Behavior

In modern society, people are connected via smartphones and other digital devices making face-to-face contact practically rare. The authors of the article raised an important question of whether being frequently connected to the digital world may dwindle major behavior approaches (Kushlev et al., 2019). Certain approach behaviors such as smiling...

Legal and Illegal Discrimination in the Society

Introduction I believe the first scenario represents legal discrimination, whereas the second scenario is an example of illegal discrimination. The crucial feature that distinguishes these situations is the data provided to support discriminatory employment policies. Body It is the law and its interpretation that distinguish legal discrimination from an illegal...

On the Social Responsibility of Corporations to Society

In the modern world, economic resources are the most significant assets. Numerous businesses and corporations emerge to provide customers with products or services and obtain some profits in exchange for them. That is why some people, including Friedman, stipulate that the primary social responsibility of a business is to increase...

Law Legalizing the Possession and Use of Cannabis

I propose that a law legalizing the possession and use of cannabis be passed in Texas in accordance with similar laws in other states. The current state of Texan legislative acts related to this issue declare hemp and medical marijuana legal. However, the political elite of the state insists that...

The Lifespan Theories by Erikson

This discussion deals with Erikson’s psychosocial development theory and its application to social work practice. According to Gross (2020), it is viewed as one of the most significant lifespan theories focusing primarily on social interactions. Erickson’s framework allows one to look at development throughout life and study the role of...

Disorders of Hepatobiliary and Exocrine Pancreas Function

Alcohol abusers suffer from a variety of adverse physical and psychological outcomes. While mental health can be improved with the help of specialists, family support, and different group therapy methods, it is much more complicated to deal with the destructive effect of alcohol on one’s body. The case study under...

The Semantic Paradigm of Social Studies’ Definition and Purpose

The semantic paradigm of social studies’ definition and purpose has become one of the most discussed topics in terms of the field among both scholars and students who enroll in social studies programs. According to the National Council for Social Studies (NCSS), the major purpose of the field is related...

The Otherness of Black People

There are many reasons why the construct of otherness still has a lot of power in our culture. Hall points out that from the linguistic standpoint, the difference matters because it is something that helps us distinguish meaning1. Another argument comes from the field of linguistics as well: in the...

Birth Control and Its Ignorance

In the past, women in America had to pay for their contraceptives expenses because many health insurance plans did not provide this cover. However, in 2011, birth control services become free with the signing of the birth control mandate into law by President Obama. Birth control is the prevention of...

The Whitney Plantation Analysis and History

Introduction Slavery in the United States had been legal for more than two hundred years. Its history dates back to the first colonial settlements, and first Africans to come to the Americas are believed to arrive with Christopher Columbus. After centuries of struggles, slavery was ended in 1865 after the...

Drug Use and Biological Development in Adolescents

The adolescent period refers to a series of neurobiological changes that take place in people as they transition from childhood to adulthood. The age bracket of children undergoing this phase of life is considered to be between 11 and 19 years. According to Gulley and Juraska (2013), the nervous system...

“Poor Kids” by Neumann

The film shows a number of different kids who are living in poverty. The issue is demonstrated from two perspectives, such as parents and children. It is a major social problem that diminishes the overall access to opportunities for leaving the given state. It is evident that these families are...

Social Isolation and Distancing Impact on People’s Life

Life Change Since the Start of Social Isolation and Social Distancing Humanity has already been confronted with some kinds of pandemics. However, it is the first time when outcomes touch all fields of human existence, accompanied by global panic, the global financial crisis, and a universal transition to virtual reality....

Public Communication From Propaganda and Argumentation

Introduction Communication is an instrumental tool for influencing behavior, attitude, and opinions among individuals. Some people use it to spread power by adopting positive influence intended for specific outcomes from targeted audiences. Others adopt persuasive tactical skills aimed at spreading negative impact in public. Nevertheless, this discussion identifies persuasive communication...

“Development of Gender Labeling” by Etaugh

Summary of the Article In the article Development of gender labeling: Effect of age of pictured children, Etaugh et al. consider the relationship between gender discrimination and age. Undoubtedly, gender studies are quite relevant at present, and this paper is dedicated to a particular issue: it notes the changes in...

But Some Are More Equal Than Others: “Just Walk On By” by Staples

Patriarchal standards and toxic masculinity go together with systemic racism and target black men. It is no secret that patriarchy is a prevalent social structure in most of the world’s societies. It is generally beneficial for men but, as it is shown in Staples’ essay “Just Walk On By,” men...

The Ethical Treatment of Animals

Introduction Over decades, varied animals have been used to help in carrying out research and other tests across the varied fields and laboratories across the globe. In most cases, these animals are subjected to controlled conditions to achieve accurate results. Nevertheless, despite the move, many unexpected consequences sometimes emerge. One...

The National Museum of Women in the Arts

The subject is the National Museum of Women in the Arts because it is a manifestation of women empowerment and art appreciation. A characteristic feature of modern culture is the increased attention to the issue of gender equality, which, along with the problems of globalization, migration, the strengthening of fundamentalist...

Global Poverty and Education Correlation

The colossal scale of poverty is a danger not only for a particular state but also for the world’s economic development. It is the root cause of many other global problems, which complicates their solution. At the same time, it is a result of several factors acting at a worldwide...

Resources and Rehabilitation Programs for Offenders and Ex-Offenders

Morgan Godvin’s first incarceration was a book-and-release: she asked for a seven-day sentence in jail to avoid a heroin relapse and continue Suboxone, an approved medication to treat opioid use disorder that she was previously using. The woman led a somewhat normal life: she worked in the service sector, went...

American Dream and Poverty in the United States

Many people argue that US social and economic inequality, routine discrimination, and political problems make the American Dream impossible. However, today the dream of many Americans is not luxury real estate and shares of leading companies, but the ability to choose their own way of life (Engle). The rights and...

Why It Is Important to Fight Social Inequality

Contemporary people live in the world of social inequalities which are brought by differences in income, status, and occupations. For instance, while some individuals have an opportunity to live in mansions with swimming pools and personal gyms, others cannot afford to buy a whole apartment and live in small rented...

Changing the Face of Poverty

Children, Inc. and Habitat for Humanity Advert Non-profit agencies may represent poverty with depressing images that should draw attention to the issue. For instance, Children, Inc. and Habitat for Humanity used to enhance their advertisements with pictures that contrast a typical livelihood of a first-world country citizen (Bullock et al....

Homeless Veterans Problem Analysis

Introduction The US government faces many problems, and some of them can be solved quite naturally, but others are acquiring an enormous scale. One of these problems is the vast number of homeless veterans who have returned from various wars. These are people of different ages: there are constant wars...

Should Gay Marriage Rights Be a State or Federal Law?

Summary According to the article commentary on “Gay Couples,” supporters of same-sex marriage contend that the law should uphold the principle of equal treatment and non-discrimination by granting such couples access to fundamental rights and privileges that are enjoyed by legally married heterosexual couples. However, opponents do so on the...

Intellectual Labor and Institutional Violence

In the United States, the Black population has always lived under the dominance and control of an oppressive system, which subjects them to constant hostility, discrimination, and microaggressions. Many artists have illustrated the widespread incidences of police brutality and the institutionalized divide between race, gender, and class depictions that arouse...

Methamphetamine, the Root Cause of Trauma Disease

Introduction Methamphetamine is extremely addictive and functions as a stimulant in the CNS. The drug is produced by numerous unlawful labs, in United States. Methamphetamine is directly associated with toxic chemicals. The toxic substances are often employed as ingredients in the manufacture of the drug, which significantly contributes to the...

Opioid Epidemic Response in Alaska

Introduction Opioids have become common in different parts of the world because they provide anesthetic properties. Physicians can prescribe them to patients who go through surgery to manage pain. These compounds interact with receptors in the brain cells, thereby muffling the perception and experience of pain. Unfortunately, many people in...

Social Movements and Protest in the Roach and Roach’s Book

The purpose of the two articles by Roach and Roach (1978; 1979) is to discuss the arguments presented by Piven and Cloward on the reasons, mechanics, and outcomes of social movements. Roach and Roach’s (1978) main argument consists in claiming that independent and uncontrolled poor people’s movement will fail, and...

Participation in Teamwork as a Leader From Behind

Introduction It is safe to say that communication is the core of the social life of people. Small group communication is the most frequent form of communication with which individuals interacts throughout their life. In order to be a competent social sciences specialist, one must explore small group communication and...

Smoking Cessation: Causes and Statistics

Different people start smoking because of several reasons. Some of these reasons are the availability of the substance, peer pressure, to release stress, and the influence of the celebrities and popular film stars who are used by the companies to market the products (, 2009, par.2). Parents who smoke contribute...

The 13th Amendment Influence in Shaping Modern America

Introduction The 13th Amendment was passed by the House of Representatives on January 31, 1865. Twenty- seven out of 36 states ratified and proclaimed the rule by the end of December the same year. This constitution aimed at abolishing the slave trade, and involuntary servitude, except during punishment for breaking...

The Evolution of Opportunity in Sports

Introduction Opportunity can be said to be a favorable juncture at which circumstances occur. From our case, Cliff Roberts believed that as long as he was alive, golf will continue being a white mans game. He also implored that there was no way a black person could play golf. Roberts’...

Food Insecurity Assessment in Miami

Introduction While the average income in Miami, Florida, is adequate, there are still many people who experience financial difficulties leading to several negative consequences, including food insecurity. There is an apparent necessity to assess the situation from the medical perspective identifying the needs of Miami’s less fortunate households to prevent...

Well Versed Citizenry in Science: Valuable or Not?

Each nation has its own achievements and sights to be proud of: some nations are proud of their devotion to their traditions and cultures, some nations are proud of their technological and scientific achievements, and some nations are proud of good interrelations with many countries. However, the things, which make...

Household Composition and Gender Differences

The research piece “Household Composition and Gender Differences in Parental Time Investments” by Andrew J. Bibler focuses on empirical evidence that parental time investments differ significantly by child gender in a situation when the transition to a single-mother household occurs. In such cases, male adolescents experience 30% fewer parental attention...

Racial Inequality in Education: Remaining Problems

Introduction At present, racial inequality is an outlawed subject and considered inappropriate in modern society. However, it continues to be a matter of concern, causing discussions and debates. This fact indicates that the diversity of opinions remains present in this field, and there are more issues to be investigated. Among...

Factors of the Gender Pay Gap

Research Proposal Considering the gender pay gap, scientists, government agencies, and business representatives agree that it exists in different organizations across the US for females and males. Nonetheless, gender discrimination and sexism that are usually named as the main reasons that hurt the issue might not be the significant variables...

Woman and Gender Equality in Canada

The problem of gender equality is one of the primary concerns of Canada. With the modernization of society, there is a need for additional measures to ensure the rights of women all over the country. The idea of improving their life has led to the appearance of numerous activists and...

Treatment of Opiate Addiction: A Program Evaluation

Abstract Opiate dependence is a growing problem in both young adults and patients who have developed addictions while receiving pain management regimens. The objective of treating patients with opiate addiction is to suppress withdrawal symptoms while facilitating the detoxification process. Buprenorphine-based regimens have gradually replaced methadone as the drug of...

“A Herstory of the #BlackLivesMatter Movement” by Alicia Garza

The widespread social inequality and injustice towards African Americans have become the inspiration for various groups and organizations intending to protect their inherent rights. In A Herstory of the #BlackLivesMatter Movement, Alicia Garza (2014) provides valuable insights, determining the origins of this action group, its primary objectives, and pressing issues....

The Drug Abuse in the U.S. Navy: The Problem Analysis

Introduction The purpose of this report is to capture drug abuse in the U.S. Navy and to analyze some of the measures that the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) has put in place to control the problem. The report presents a critical analysis of drug abuse in the U.S. Navy...

White Privilege in Media:History and the Present

Introduction Privilege, should it depend upon race, class or gender, is not familiar to those granted it by nature. But those who are oppressed because of being different from others can feel it sharply in every single life sphere of human society. Those whose skin is white are granted the...

How the Pandemic Has Worsened Opioid Addition

The article “’There Was Nothing to Help Me’: How the Pandemic Has Worsened Opioid Addiction” discusses the problems faced by people struggling with opioid addiction during the COVID-19 pandemic. Because of the pandemic, many detoxes and addiction treatment centers have closed or turned down patients, and the accessibility and capacity...

Social Influences: The Power of Any Social Situation

It is hard to disagree that most people are influenced by other individuals or the whole society in various situations. The power of any social situation is rather significant, and there are three forms of influence processes that can affect the way people act in a social setting. The purpose...

“An Atlas of Upward Mobility Shows Paths Out of Poverty” by Leonhardt et al.

The influence of neighborhood and, more generally, residence on different aspects of adult outcomes seems to be a subject of poignant interest. The article “An Atlas of Upward Mobility Shows Paths Out of Poverty” by Leonhardt et al. constitutes part of a sizeable body of literature dedicated to the subject....

The Impact of the Worldwide COVID-19 Pandemic on Essential Social Values

A human needs to be a part of society both biologically and physiologically to survive and have a fulfilling life. Social values such as respect, community, and responsibility for others drive progress and affect the decision-making of individuals and institutions. In 2020, social life was globally affected by the spread...

Black Lives Matter: Fight Against the Inequality

The movement known as Black Lives Matter is one of the most controversial initiatives of present-day American society. Its beginning was justified by various brutalities against the representatives of this population group. However, despite the initial reasonability of such actions in ensuring the safety of this category of citizens, it...

Abortion: The Issue of Legalization and Ethical Considerations

Abortion, as a process of intentional pregnancy termination, has always been one of the major discussion matters in terms of the issue of legalization and ethical considerations surrounding the process. While some people consider abortions to be extremely unethical actions that result in a deliberate murder of an innocent human...

Misguided Perception of Drug Addiction

Drug addiction is a negative social outcome attributed to immorality and discrimination. Individuals consuming drugs are taken to rehabilitation centers for recovery. Nevertheless, a compelling argument emerged, claiming that punishing and criminalizing habitual consumption is an ineffective approach to curbing addiction. The countries which implement bans in law, such as...

The Link Between Poverty and Criminal Behavior

Deviance mainly refers to the contravening of norms and standards as set out in a particular society. Crime, on the other hand, involves the violation of laws set by the government aimed at controlling erratic behaviors. Crime thus represents a form of social deviance since it involves breaking the law...

Challenging Gender Norms: Personal Experience

The traditional approach of reinforcing certain gendered norms on people is a common practice in many countries. I plan to wear makeup for the whole day to challenge these commonly accepted gender socialization norms, which also run contrary to the way I perform gender daily. Wearing makeup relates to this...

Sociology as a Tool for Dividing Society

Sociology is a complex science, as it involves statistics and psychology, which are viewed from an objective and subjective perspective. Mills’s perceives social problems as challenges in understanding the environment, which is divided into personal and global ones. The author provides a sociological vision based on institutions, allowing expanding the...

Southern Civil Rights and the Black Power Movements

Realizing a political change takes a lot of time, effort, and resilience. African Americans were on the receiving end of racial prejudice and injustice over 100 years following the Emancipation Act of 1863 (Healey, 2012). They were subjected to race-induced violence and would always be economically and politically oppressed, including...

The Position of Suburbanization

Suburbanization has become a global reality, and the factors which hinder small towns’ growth into sprawls have been neutralized by advances in technology, transportation, immigration, and communication. However, there are varied opinions on suburbanization effects, with some people claiming that it is a burden, while others say that it is...

“Oral History: Challenges of Dialogue”: Communication and Its Application

Introduction “Oral History: Challenges of Dialogue” is a book by Marta Kurkowska-Budzan and Krzysztof Zamorski. The authors reflect on the development of dialog and its epistemological and methodological applications. Moreover, they include different contexts, such as personal experiences and the use of dialogue for scientific purposes. This narrative paper is...

Gender Norms in Different Cultures

The relationships among biological sex, gender role, and sexuality are often perceived differently in societies around the globe. For example, western societies have a strong penchant for patriarchy, which has certain implications for the people who defy the status quo. As evidenced in the trailer for a movie about women...

Alcohol Addiction: Alcoholics Anonymous Program

Alcohol addiction is a condition that has a tremendous impact on one’s quality of life. Its importance is defined by the emergence of such issues like disability, premature mortality as well as the costs related to the loss of productivity and the need for additional healthcare services (Kelly et al.,...

Research Methods in Psychology. Methods against Racism

Racism is a significant problem many people have to face in today’s reality. I agree with Kendi’s statement that anti-racism is a dynamic state. When gathering data using one point at a time or multiple points, it is possible to conclude that the one-time or multiple-time observations are reliable if...

Inequality in Public Schools

Abstract Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka is considered the landmark case that ended the racial segregation in public schools across the United States of America and opened doors to a subsequent civil rights movement. The paper examines in detail the background of the situation in the US, including...

Communication in an Online World

Currently, the extremely intensive development of information technologies contributes to their widespread use for everyday communication. Margalit’s article explains why connection through social-oriented websites has become so much easier than in-person interactions. Actually, living in the digital age contributes to the fact that I prefer the former to the latter,...

Activism and Social Theory: Inequality

These days, the issues related to equality have become central to the U. S. social, political, and economic agendas. In fact, the entire world is still undergoing tremendous changes shifting towards decolonization, although this process is often associated with a certain resistance, misunderstanding, and disappointment. The second half of the...

The Basis of Distributive Justice

Distributive justice is guided by objectiveness and aspires to make people live in equality, equity, and depending on their needs. However, such theory is quite ambiguous because it plays out differently in diverse situations, and it led to fierce discussions in philosophy, the social sciences, and others. Regardless of procedural...