Effective Training Transfer: From Theory to Organizational Success

Ensuring training transfer

The analysis of the training field reveals that the theoretical knowledge of training cannot be completely applied in practice. In this regard, the skills acquired in the course of training do not always correlate with high performance and productivity. Therefore, it is necessary to work out a model of the transfer process that will ensure organizational performance.

To succeed in the training transfer, it is necessary to consider the following stages:

  • Initial Performance Stage:
    • At this stage, it is necessary to evaluate the baseline performance that should be improved in the course of training.
  • Analysis of the organizations
    • At this phase, a trainee should learn his/her main advantages and disadvantages to identify the information and skills gap.
  • Instructional design factors:
    • It is also imperative to present the method of information delivery to assist the trainees in practicing their skills and evaluation of their performance.
  • The actual training program
  • Maintenance scheme:
    • This point involves the analysis of the setting to which a trainee should adjust and apply the newly acquired skills.
  • Transfer performance assessment:
    • Finally, it is obligatory to evaluate the effects of training on improving the initial performance problem.

Materials necessary for training

Role-play scenarios: Initiating job interview (40 min)

Organization Plan:

The main purpose of conducting the interview is to initiate a true-to-life situation for the trainee to learn what challenges they might face and what effective methods exist for overcoming those challenges.

  1. Organize the panel that will conduct an interview. The panel should make up a list of at least 10 questions that should be connected with the company they represent and the requirements they hope to meet in the candidates.
  2. There should be at least three candidates who are to present curriculum vitae. They should learn how to answer the most frequently asked questions during the interview.

Test A: Evaluating Leadership Skills (10 min)

  1. What qualities should a leader possess?
  2. What are the main difficulties and challenges can a leader encounter?
  3. What is a bad/good leader?
  4. How can leadership theories be applied in practice?

Test B: Evaluating a situation and providing solutions to the problem (20 min)

John Gilbert is an experienced and highly professional director that has run his company for over ten years. His industry specializes in producing natural cosmetics. The company has a high competitive advantage and a significant market segment. However, John decides to hire his old friend, Tim Thornton, as a sales manager to attract more customers and to widen their production field.

However, Thornton’s aggressive policies of market expansion create serious friction between the members of the organization’s staff. Gilbert is at a loss because, on the one hand, Thornton is a brilliant worker who strives to introduce changes to the company’s organization and, on the other hand, he intrudes on the other departments’ operations and creates conflict situations. What solutions can you provide in this situation?

Plan of conducting OJT, lectures, and role play

OJT, or on-the-job planning, is a complicated process that involves gaining greater competence and experience and overcoming various professional barriers. OJT coaching, therefore, encourages the trainee to apply their abilities and knowledge and increase their performance. Hence, this process consists of the following issues:

  1. Arranging the plan that should involve a consistent trainees’ transfer;
  2. Identifying the goals of the program and reinforcing training;
  3. Providing constructive and meaningful feedback;
  4. Monitoring the progress of the process.

While conducting lectures and role-plays, a trainer should be able to present succinct and essential information most clearly. More importantly, he/she should interact with the audience to make sure that they comprehend the presented material.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, February 19). Effective Training Transfer: From Theory to Organizational Success. https://studycorgi.com/training-manual-performance-and-materials/

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StudyCorgi. (2021) 'Effective Training Transfer: From Theory to Organizational Success'. 19 February.

1. StudyCorgi. "Effective Training Transfer: From Theory to Organizational Success." February 19, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/training-manual-performance-and-materials/.


StudyCorgi. "Effective Training Transfer: From Theory to Organizational Success." February 19, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/training-manual-performance-and-materials/.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Effective Training Transfer: From Theory to Organizational Success." February 19, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/training-manual-performance-and-materials/.

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