Direct and Social Media Marketing Strategies and Techniques

The First Marketing Technique

Technique Description

Direct marketing refers to selling products and services directly to customers through the telephone or physically meeting up with them. This marketing technique is effective because it relies on a direct person-to-person communication channel. This organization requires this marketing strategy to engage with clients in a highly confidential manner. Direct marketing can be done during consultations and setting up physical sales campaigns where customers can be informed about the product and services offered.

Resources Required to Implement the Marketing Technique

Direct Expenses Indirect Expenses
Sales commission for the marketing consultants Cost of office supplies, such as printed fliers that were issued during the campaigns
Direct Expenses Indirect Expenses
Labor costs for the customer service Telephone costs
Direct Expenses Indirect Expenses
Costs of transportation of goods to the site Rent for the premises of the physical sales campaign

Measurement of the success of the marketing technique

Customers are usually skeptical before purchasing products that directly impact their health condition. Through direct marketing, a client will ask any possible question and be confident about the product before buying it. Additionally, by setting up physical locations, the brand will market itself to people passing around the venue. This is a feasible strategy considering the nature of the business and the target customers it will attract within a short timeframe. The number of successful telephone calls and email interactions can gauge how the customers’ feedback.

The Second Marketing Technique

Technique Description

Social media marketing is a good tool for marketing this brand due to its high audience engagement, cost-effectiveness, and customer influence. Social media marketing refers to promoting brands, products, and services through social media channels (Appel et al., 2019). The main objective of social of this technique is to create brand awareness and drive website traffics.

Resources Required to Implement the Marketing Technique

Direct Expenses Indirect Expenses
Salary for social media manager Time and resources spent in a meeting discussing the social media campaigns
Direct Expenses Indirect Expenses
The annual or monthly charge for the Customer Relationship Management Systems (CRM) Office Supplies
Direct Expenses Indirect Expenses
Costs for computers and smartphones Solid internet connection

Measurement of the success of the marketing technique

Social media is a convenient marketing strategy as it is cost-effective. It also provides a platform where the brand can create a community to share the product and reach potential clients. The sales traffic contributed by marketing through social media is more likely to increase than any other form of marketing. The potential sales prospects can be easily tracked using the customer’s buying behavior and the engagement rate of the social media pages.


Appel, G., Grewal, L., Hadi, R., & Stephen, A. T. (2019). The future of social media in marketing. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 48(1), 79–95.

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StudyCorgi. "Direct and Social Media Marketing Strategies and Techniques." August 18, 2023.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Direct and Social Media Marketing Strategies and Techniques." August 18, 2023.

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