Transforming and Improving Health Care in Hawaii

Upon reading Chin and Sakuda’s (2012) article, various aspects of electronic health records (EHRs) critical in improving health care have become clear. The study elucidates current and potential interventions in EHRs that can help enhance Hawaii’s healthcare. The authors feel that meaningful use of data may take three forms: e-prescribing, health data exchange, and clinical quality reporting (Chin & Sakuda, 2012). Thus, the use of EHR is aimed at enhancing the constituents of quality care delivery. The connection between the use of EHRs and the methods of how to care for patients is improved cannot be ignored. The personnel get a chance to reduce and prevent the number of medical errors and promote positive health outcomes. In addition, management of care costs and administrative effectiveness are expected (Chin & Sakuda, 2012). Finally, engagement of patients and their families and fast exchange of information encourage care benefits if EHRs are used.

Health institutions demonstrate their ability to capture and store data electronically. Notably, the research also draws a link between EHRs and patient care models by evaluating Hawaii’s health information exchange (HIE). A system that supports EHRs ensures a feasible HIE, accountability, and effective governance (Chin & Sakuda, 2012). Embracing technology aims at mitigating the health care issues of Hawaii and other states. Improvements are observed in different spheres, and nurses or other medical staff should consider EBHs promotion.

In medical practice, various instances in which EHRs played a significant role in enhancing patient outcomes have been witnessed. One notable event involved a patient who could have been misdiagnosed if not for an effective EHR system. The client complained about severe back and joint pain and was quickly rushed to the renal care center. The signs indicated possible kidney infections, but upon checking existing patient data, it was revealed that he had a previous arthritis diagnosis. Essentially, the existing EHR system helped rectify the medication, ensuring quality care. While EHRs are pivotal in improving health care, they are also prone to cybercrime. This issue emanates from the use of sophisticated technologies such as computers to record and store data. Cyber-attacks can compromise the integrity of health information, creating errors that threaten patient outcomes and safety.


Chin, B. J., & Sakuda, C. M. I. (2012). Transforming and improving health care through meaningful use of health information technology. Hawai’i Journal of Medicine & Public Health, 71(4 Suppl 1), 50-55.

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