Transportation is defined primarily as the activity of (or the system geared for) moving load (things or people) form point of origin to destination. Thus, when transportation service meets a need by moving load, then an economic demand is satisfied. While the logistics management, comes in to provide classified solutions within the transportation systems. Thus, transportation and logistics solutions entwine within their functions and consequent operations thereof. The extent of the relationship between the two is as close that either depending on the immediate application will be an integral of the other. Hence, the success of one has been associated partly with the pivotal contribution of the other. In fact, the genesis of the term logistics and its primary use was most likely in the military discipline. This is dated back either towards the end of 18TH Century or in the early times of 19TH Century (Tseng, Taylor & Yue). Analysts suggested that the nexus between the transportation and logistic management stems from the nature of transport operations within the logistics frameworks (1659). Key defining subsectors within transportation traverse airline services, railway transport, maritime shipping, rope delivery and pipeline conveyance. The advancement in modus operandi and management ethical codes enhances the transit of goods, how accelerated the transporting services are, the extent of improving the degree of services offered, energy efficiency, normal running expenses and the applying of facilities(Tseng, Taylor & Yue 1667).
Why the emphases of an interactive coexistence between transportation operations and logistics management towards the sectors emerging environmental concerns begs the understanding where the challenges are emanating and consequently how applied solutions intervene. The reasons as to what environmentalists fear will cast on the growth and the continued mutual coexistence of the transportation and logistics operations will have a significant input into the future shape of the sector. This will trickle down to the decisions made by transportation operations and logistics solutions experts. However, this does not construe as environmentalists forming the offensive parties while development experts are on the defensive but rather a healthy debate is ensuing between the two professional cycles. It is evident that the massive carbon emissions are overwhelming existing carbon sinks.
The strategy of inquiry for the (biased on the qualitative research questions) is inclined towards grounded theory but aspects of phenomenology features. Thus, the study has no single outright typology but will compose partly more of grounded theory and less of phenomenology from tits inception. From a direct interpretation of the central question, the study has a grounded theory perception but on an in-depth look at the sub-sequent sub-questions then, the phenomenology aspects emerge. Theories in sustainable development emphasize on environment care in this case through environment friendly transportation operations. Although approaches may differ, United States of America and China transportation sectors are on the verge of mainstreaming sustainable development (Atlantic Council of the United States 2&3). The “Our Common Future” report published in 1987 by the Brundtland Commission (also known as The World Commission on Environment and Development, WCED) prior to the Stockholm Conference and the declarations of the conference attest the grey areas. The concepts of reverse logistics and city logistics are an attempt to provide solutions to some of the central environment concerns in transportation operations whilst the green campaigns drive in transportation is gaining familiarity among stakeholders (Tseng, Taylor & Yue 1663). At this point, the study will advance theories of environmental care in transportation operations and logistics management while exploring and documenting phenomena that are shaping debates within.
Purpose Statement
The strength of coexistence established by the relationship between transportation operation and logistics management is a measure of the degree of correlation. Previous studies on the cost contributed by transportation operations to logistics management expenses functionally explained as an example of how to measure the interactive association between them. This study quantifies the variables in question. In addition, the inference from the study has shown a positive correlation between the two as generated from the population samples collected.
Environmentalists quarter perceive the current growth in the different sector economies as coming at the expense environment. In some developing country economies’, the notion among development experts has been to develop first and clean up later rather than prevent environment damage. Thus, the rate at which economic development is taking place in the said countries is higher than the environment can sustain. The transportation industry has been among the key sectors that have been blamed for the environment damage. The extent to which some of the logistics management will come in handy to provide comprehensive and lasting alternative solutions is subject to multiple variables within and without the sector. In the contemporary world, cutting edge Information Technologies are making in roads to provide automated and up-to-date informative services to clients on their shipments in the track and trace applications and contributing to paperless management systems. DHL international adopts these technologies and is an exemplary case (DHL International, 1).
Environmentalists perceive the paperless management systems to have a positive environment value-addition. A more recent effort to check development sectors and see how to reverse environment damage is through the ISO 14000 certification benchmarks. Actually, a quantitative research question can explore the mainstreaming of the certification as an environment care tool by the transportation operations. The ISO 14000 series came into place to set quality benchmarks for environmentally friendly management practices. Qualitative aspects of the study explore the relationship between two variables, set certification benchmarks and state of environment care. The extent to which environment is cared for within operations of any transportation entity varies assumedly with the presence or absence of the mainstreaming of ISO 14000 certification benchmarks. In this case, it is perceived that a link exist between the two study variables. Thus, the set certification benchmarks form the independent variable while the state of environment care is a dependent variable.
On quantitative research approach, numerical evidence can show whether a transportation operator mainstreams the ISO 14000 certification benchmarks has insignificant bearing on environment care. Thus, mainstreaming of ISO 14000 certification in transportation operation are independent of each other and do not impact on either. Analysis on numerical data can also show whether those transportation operators that mainstream the ISO 14000 certification benchmarks are significantly different from those that do not with regard to environment care. Thus, it is appropriate to argue that mainstreaming the ISO certification benchmarks has a significant bearing on environment care. Furthermore, directional links exist between two variables in the involved research study, that is; they are inter-dependent of each other. In this case, a positive relationship is statistically testable, where those mainstreaming the ISO 14000 post reports of being environment sensitive relative to those that do not. Without making any directional relationship between the variables, numerical data can test whether there is significance difference in environmental care between ISO 14000 certified transportation operations and non-certified transportation operations.
Research Hypothesis
For the quantitative research study:
- The null hypotheses (Ho):
“There is no significance difference in environmental care between the ISO 14000 certified transportation operations and non-certified transportation operations”. The alternative hypotheses (HA1)
“There is significance difference in environmental care between ISO 14000 certified transportation operations and non-certified transportation operations”.
- Finally, the non-directional hypothesis (HA2):
“Individual transport operators in fifty states in USA exhibit environment care due to mainstreaming the ISO 14000 certification benchmarks”.
Key Research Questions
Based on Mixed method, the criteria of the questions are as follows:
First, state the qualitative research questions:
The central question, “What interactive experiences are shared by transportation and logistics management in mainstreaming global environment concerns?”
Associated Sub-questions:
- Why transportation operations and logistics management have coexisted?
- What environmentally friendly transportation means?
- Moreover, what has been the experience like in applying logistics solutions in spite of environment concerns?
Second, the quantitative questions:
- The descriptive questions, How do transportation operators in fifty states in United States of America (USA) perceive the mainstreaming of the ISO 14000 certification benchmarks?
- How do transportation operators in fifty states in United States of America (USA) perceive environment care?
- What are the aggregate numbers of transportation operators in United States of America (USA) that are achieving environmental care through mainstreaming the ISO 14000 certification benchmarks?
- What are the aggregate numbers of transportation operators in United States of America (USA) that are achieving environmental care through mainstreaming the ISO 14000 certification benchmarks?
- What are the aggregate numbers of other energy consuming industrial players that are mainstreaming the ISO 14000 certification benchmarks?
- The inferential questions, Does mainstreaming the ISO 14000 certification benchmarks relate to environmental care by the transportation operators?
Research Methodology
Mixed method questions blend quantitative and qualitative research questions ends. Thus, within the same mixed method research question combine qualitative and quantitative study ends. In bringing out the strengths of either qualitative and quantities research questions for this study, preference is made both qualitative and quantitative research questions are stated together but classified and the mixed method questions left out.
Literature Review
Transportation sectors within country economies express strategic value addition to development. Energy (among other environment resources) is a key ingredient shaping economic development (Murphy, Poist & Braunschwieg 1). Any shift in position of a load is a transport entity that has economic implications. Thus, when transportation service meets a need by moving load, then an economic demand is satisfied. The level of transport development both infrastructure layout and technologies applied are among the indicators of the economic achievements. Massive infrastructural lay out, technological input, quality benchmarks within their transportation sector and booming activities within the sector characterize the level of the sophistication the developed countries have attained. Whether or not economic development is coming at the expense of environment is debatable. The high population numbers coupled with the growth in the economies are being linked with constraints on the facing the environment. These are forming central issues among some environmentalist who are advancing environment care. The extent of the argument inclines on the fact that large economies are experiencing large affinities of resources that will support industrial production and high living standards. These are drawing raw materials from remote sources, producing large amounts of wastes and reverting insignificant resources back to these sources. Thus, economic activities are putting pressure on nature and its resources.
The degree of justification by environmentalist against pro-development party is the overwhelming scenario posed by the prevailing environment phenomena. Arguably transportation is caught in the cross fire of delivering loads from the supply point to the demand destination. One trade off scenario that will present tough choices for a rational in addressing these issues centers on the trade off scenario where the parties face a dilemma of forgoing development for environment care. In addition, the approaches to addressing the arising matter, at what level will the participation be at local level as well as at international level? Whether the realities of the environmental phenomena are substantial, time for action is also a key determining factor. Presently, international efforts are at the vanguards to intervene in the looming situations while individual states are showing loyalty through domestication of the agreed statutes. Whether an amicable position on environment care is on sight is a subject of whether both parties agree on pace of progress and need for further action. This begs on who is to fast track the quest for environment care; who will enforce on a level playing ground the full implementation of environment policies set. The international policy formulations have a holistic view of intergenerational and intra-generational equity, better governance, income distribution, access and benefit sharing and environment care. These gears to concerns for achieving set goals for sustainable development with minimum environment interference.
Reverse logistics promote service delivery of recycling materials. This is deemed to create market opening for the third party logistics industries. The transportation sector has delivered raw materials to for industrial purposes. The intensity of the delivery is meant for growth in the industrial sector resulting in persistent pollution problems as well as resource waste. The pursuit for raw materials by industries has exhausted the proximate supplies and now craves from the distant sources (Cambridge International College 4). This has led to further shaping the transportation operations and logistics solutions in the supply-chain management cycle. Sea carriers have characteristically hauled heavy cargo over long distances but at fair costs. Maritime services have economically benefited Chile with up to 90% of the international shipment (Marcela 2). Airfreights logistics are relatively faster, transit lighter load but at a higher cost. Airfreights logistics have regularized their operations and bid for safer haulage of fragile consignment. Land logistics have extended their services closer to the ports of entry for air and sea. E-commerce has focused on spatial outreach into regional and global coverage while integrating into its service delivery the desired industrial practices. Express logistics have focused on just in time concept of service delivery. City logistics can mainstream intelligence systems solutions in addressing traffic problems in urban settings (Giannopoulos 158).
Data Collection
Plan for Data Collection for Mixed Method Data Collection
Adopt the sequential explanatory strategy. Collect qualitative data and analyze the consequent data. Collect qualitative data by cluster sampling method using the following criteria:
- Identify the clusters to use of for the survey; randomly select the clusters that you will concentrate your efforts on and then you can finally carry out your survey restricting yourself to these clusters.
Collect qualitative data and analyze the consequent data; plan for qualitative Approach Study
Set the study boundaries on the extent of significance of concept or phenomena studied. Identify locality of the respondents or phenomena. Identify data types to base the data collection. Identify the data collection method. Data collection methods are observation, interview documents or audio-visual materials. Collecting data through observation can be in complete participant (where researcher conceals role), participant as observer (where observation role comes second to participants role), observer as participant (where the role of researcher is known) and complete observer (where researcher observers and does not participate). Interviews can be face –to- face (persons interviewing other persons), phone interviews (interview are via phone), focus group where the participants are in interviewed a group, email internet interview (interview is via Email or the internet). Collecting data though documents involves using public documents (e.g. minutes, newspapers) and/or private documents (e.g. diaries, journals). Data collection through audio- visual materials involves the use of photographs, videos, computer software and films. Identify data recording procedure: gather field notes based on observation; field interview questions mainly open-ended; and review audiovisual materials and documents. Undertake the data collection.

Step 2: Steps for data analysis
The mixed method research strategy suggests a number of data analysis and validation procedures. These as given by Creswell are data transformation, exploring outliers, instrument development, examining multiple levels and creating a matrix (219). Data transformation procedure involves either the quantification of qualitative data or the qualification of quantitative data. Explore outliers is a sequential process that involves a quantitative analysis of the data to reveal outliers. This is followed by carrying out qualitative interviews on the outliers. The instrument development procedure is sequential and involves carrying out a qualitative data collection exercise that results in themes and specific statements that are used later in a quantitative survey. Examining multiple levels procedure is a process that involves carrying out qualitative and quantitative procedures concurrently. Creating a matrix procedure involves combining qualitative data and quantitative data into a matrix.
This project uses the explore outliers data analysis and validation procedure. Below is a table that gives the steps used in analyzing the data collected for the project and how the steps apply to the project, research strategy and the data itself.
Table 1: Steps taken to analyze data
The first step in the table involves making a choice of the data analysis approach to use in your project. An Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) approach will be suitable for this project. Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) is a data analysis approach that relies mostly in graphical techniques to analyze data. It is suitable for this project because it provides the right sequence of steps to help us analyze the data better. The first step of the sequence is to identify the problem the project seeks to study. The second step is to acquire the relevant data for the project in order to perform an analysis of it. The third step is to perform a graphic oriented analysis of the data. The fourth step is to model the data. The fifth and final step is to make conclusions based on the results of your analysis.
The second step in the table is acquiring a software application that will assist in the data analysis process. There are various statistical analysis software applications available in the market today; they include SPSS, EPI info, Minitab, STATA etc. SPSS will be appropriate for this project. These software applications give us a speedy, accurate and comprehensive analysis of the data.
The third step as given in the table 1 above is to use the software application to perform a box plot on the data. A box plot is a graphical technique used in descriptive statistics to give a five number summary of a set of numerical data. The five values are the minimum value, 25th percentile, 50th percentile, 75th percentile and the maximum value. The box plot is particularly a suitable graphical technique for identifying outliers in a set of data. It is due to this fact that it is a better technique to use in analyzing the data.
The fourth step in as given in Table 1 above is preparing for interviews. This step will mark the beginning of the qualitative aspect of our research strategy. The aim of the analysis is to reveal outliers who are the target group for the interview. For an interviewer to understand the presence of outliers in a set of data, the interviewer as to prepare materially and psychologically for the interview. The interviewer must essentially seek to know from the responses given by the reason they have deviated from the rest.
The final step as given in Table 1 above is conducting interviews. Once the interviewer as prepared, the next step is to conduct the interviews. At this stage, it is important for the interviewer to stick to the topic. The interviewer achieves this through the material prepared during the interviewer’s preparation.
The definition of the term; the policy frameworks mainstreaming; the role in management of operations and the infrastructure layout application of transportation attest its typical value addition to other sectors. Modern strategic policy ends are shaping transport inline with the development agenda. The policy formulations have a holistic view of intergenerational and intergenerational equity, income distribution, access and benefit sharing and environment care. These are mainly concerns for sustainable development. The entry of logistics management aimed at facilitating transportation in meeting its ends. Logistics management provides transport operations with solutions to ensure load delivery within time specifications and right destination.
Environmentalists are posing fears of irreversible environmental changes if remedial actions are not timely. A positive correlation may exist between energy input and consequent environment damage.
Works Cited
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