Use of Microsoft Office Suite Application by a Real Estate Appraisal Specialist

The selected career field is real estate appraisal: this segment is in demand nationwide, and related companies’ employees use diverse technological software to maintain work productivity. The most popular applications are the Microsoft Office Suite because of the well-built ecosystem and the functionality services such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook. The selected company is KLW Appraisal Group, located in Buffalo and involved in New York state commercial, residential, and municipal real estate trading. The person who gave an interview about using Microsoft Office Suite is Emily A. Wilhelm, KLW Appraisal Group’s general real estate appraisal. The initial contact was via LinkedIn, yet then moved to the email conversation.

Microsoft Office Suite is widely used among KLW Appraisal Group’s clients; thus, business communication, documentation, contracts, and presentation development are performed in this software. Ms. Wilhelm mentioned that the applications such as Outlook and Excel are the most convenient for supporting the customer base and handling conversations properly. Indeed, she continuously expands her contact list, and extracting the data from the inbox to the related Excel base allows her to make important notes, sort the leads, and build email-based selling campaigns. Microsoft Word was the most frequently used service because all paperwork (contracts, listings, appraisal rates) is handled there. The application benefits productivity because of the broad range of shortcuts and convenient company settings. For instance, each document must have a predefined branding on all official documents. Word’s features allow the users not to waste time pasting logos and formatting headers and footers.

Ms. Wilhelm also frequently uses PowerPoint because of the broad range of real estate she appraises: developing a presentation about the rates and ways to optimize a price is a part of her job. The specialist claimed that the template option saves her time because most works have the same structure and formation. With PowerPoint, Ms. Wilhelm simply updates the content of her template and converts a presentation to a.pdf format if necessary for sending to clients. The cloud-sharing technology is the essential benefit of using Microsoft Office Suite in the KLW Appraisal Group. Ms. Wilhelm mentioned that all appraisal specialists in the company have access to a database where they can quickly search and exchange files – an essential option for effective teamwork and productivity.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, July 13). Use of Microsoft Office Suite Application by a Real Estate Appraisal Specialist.

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