Value-Driven Business and Business-Driven Management Information Systems


Management information systems (MIS) are critical for any company, whether a small start-up or a multibillion-dollar organization. These systems can assist individuals and their firms with everything from hardware and software to HR (Human Resource) and manufacturing. There are components required to create a comprehensive MIS, and some of them are costly, but regardless of the cost, they are critical in transforming one’s firm from a start-up to a thriving and ever-growing enterprise. Large-scale, opportunity-oriented, strategically focused solutions are included in decision-making and issue solving.

In addition, to compete in today’s business world, several people must possess problem-solving and policymaking talents. Policymaking in recent organizations can no longer be based on a “recipe book.” Chapter two focuses on the use of technology to help problem-solving, policymaking, and the discovery of new inventive options, including:

  • System for handing out transactions
  • Structures that support in decision making
  • Data systems for directors
  • AI stands for artificial intelligence (AI)
  • Modeling of business processes
  • Organization of corporate procedures
  • Enhancement of commercial processes
  • Reengineering of occupational progressions.

Value-driven corporate and Business-driven MIS, which consists of chapters one and two respectively in Business-Driven Information Systems, comprises several components that are crucial in the smooth running of an organization.

Components of Business-Driven MIS

Business processes, people, software, hardware, and data are the five primary aspects of a MIS. To reach corporate purposes, those entirely components should operate as whole. People as part of the MIS components are the users who utilize the information scheme to track of their regular commercial dealings. Human resource managers, Auditors, and other qualified professionals are typical users (Gustiene & Gustas, 2019). The support team in the ICT (Information and Communication Technology) department usually guarantees that the system is active and operational. Commercial processes are agreed-upon unsurpassed practices that train operators and other mechanisms on how to work successfully. Individuals, such as handlers, consultants, and others, generate commercial procedures.

. Furthermore, data refers to the statistics collected through daily business transactions. For example, information gathered for organizations such as banks is from activities that include withdrawals and deposits transactions. Software as a component is the computer programs that operate hardware. It is divided into two classes: application and system software. The operating system, that may include Ubuntu, Mac OS and Windows, is system software (Gustiene & Gustas, 2019). Specific software for finalizing business tasks, such as workforce programs, banking and point-of-sale systems is called applications software

The hardware, which includes computers, mainframe, networking devices, and storage devices, is one of the first components one will need to develop their MIS. It has the ability and dispensation power to assist industries augment their performance and inflate (Nalchigar & Yu, 2018). It must be built to accommodate the rapid increase of increasingly mobile customers, be able to harness massive volumes of new data, and deliver deeper real-time insight at the point where it may have the most impact on the organization (Kettinger et al., 2021). More miniature switches will be helpful in small firms with limited space, but they will still give the same punch as a more significant, more expensive switch. Storage devices are the final component of the hardware side of an individual’s MIS. This is significant because they will require a considerable quantity of storage space if a person intends to collect information from diverse users.

Components of a Value-Driven Business

Decision Making

Decision-making aptitudes are essential for all business specialists at all stages of the group who establish business verdicts. Employees launch, regulate, and maintain central business activities needed to operate daily processes at the operative level (Mosteanu et al., 2019). Operational choices are systematized decisions that occur in situations where pre-occurring processes provide workable solutions. Designed verdicts are made frequently and are typically recurrently similar; they influence interim corporate strategies (Alwadain, 2020). Staffs at the managerial level are regularly evaluating corporate acts to expand the firm’s capability to identify, bind and adapt to change. Administrative decisions comprise the company’s medium and short-term strategies, calendars, budgets, guidelines, procedures, and corporation objectives (Mosteanu et al., 2019). These are acknowledged as half-structured choices and they ascend when limited established procedures help in evaluating future resolutions but are not adequate to cause a conclusive proposed decision. Managers describe predominant corporate goals, plans, and purposes as portion of the business’s premeditated plot at the strategic level.

Modeling Business Processes

A business process is a group of operations that follow the rules to finalize a given goal, such as dispensation of a client’s order. Persons and gears are used in commercial processes to modify a set of involvements into a set of productions (goods or services) for another individual or procedure (Wiggin et al., 2020). An organization’s external customer receives a product or service due to customer-facing operations. A business process model is a visual representation of a process that depicts the arrangement of process tasks created for a definite aim and from a certain point of view. As-Is process model or a functional procedure depiction of the process issue is typically the preliminary point for business process modeling. Without any explicit modifications or adjustments to existing processes, As-Is process replicas depict the recent state of the work that has been recorded (Wiggin et al., 2020). That stage is to create a To-Be process model, which displays how the procedure issue will be resolved or executed. The consequences of using change enhancement chances to the recent (As-Is) process model is demonstrated in To-Be process models.


As stated in the preceding section, regardless of the sort of company an organization engages in, the overall purpose is to provide value for consumers or clients. The use of information technology in business to efficiently meet corporate goals is called IT alignment. Offering a quality item at a lower price than the competition or a higher price but with more specifications that add value to the customers are two of the most prevalent ways an organization can deliver value to its customers. Information technology has been of impact since businesses can process and analyze massive amounts of data at a lower cost and in the shortest period. This allows companies to offer high-quality items at a lower price. Looking at a bank as an example: A bank can employ ATMs and other automated deposit methods to allow customers to withdraw money. Customers with questions can be directed to a FAQ page on the company’s website. Individuals and organizations who use internet banking can access their statements online.

The above IT business strategies result in lower operating expenses and new products and services development. A bank’s lower cost of doing business allows it to lower its fees, providing a higher-quality product or service at a lower price. As a result, regardless of the organization type, MIS plays a critical role in attaining goals. By giving decision-makers information, MIS enables firms to make intelligent decisions. External customers are unaware of business-facing operations, although they are critical to the company’s success. Finally, the act of producing a detailed flow chart or develop map of a labor process illustrating its inputs, responsibilities, and events in a methodical order is called mapping or business process modeling.


Alwadain, A. (2020). Enterprise architecture: A business value realization model. Sustainability, 12(20), 8485.

Gustiené, P., & Gustas, R. (2019,). Modelling patterns for business processes. In International Conference on Information and Software Technologies. Springer, Cham.

Kettinger, W. J., Ryoo, S. Y., & Marchand, D. A. (2021). We’re engaged! Following the path to a successful information management capability. The Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 30(3), 101681.

Mosteanu, N. R., Facia, A., Torrebruno, G., & Torrebruno, F. (2019). Fractals–A smart financial tool to assess business management decisions. Journal of Information Systems & Operations Management, 45-56.

Nalchigar, S., & Yu, E. (2018). Business-driven data analytics: A conceptual modeling framework. Data & Knowledge Engineering, 117.

Wiggin, A., Latif, M., & Kundu, S. (2020). A study of continuous modelling using simulation software for business processes. Journal of Innovative Science & Technology Review, 1(1). Web.

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