Use of Modern Construction Materials

In building, concrete is an architectural material composed of a strong, noncorrosive particle material called aggregates, typically sand and pebbles bound together with water and cement. Concrete is used in the erection of modest skyscrapers and mansions to generate the framework, from the underpinnings to the panels and structural components. Cements can be used alone as grouting materials, their primary application is in concrete, combined with an inert element called aggregate (Paul et al., 2018). Concrete proportions are specified in rising numerical sequences of five, beginning with ten indicating the flexural and compressive ability after 28 days.

Different mixes contain varying concentrations of mortar, gravel, and coarse particles. C20 increases the compressive ability of mortar since its cement content increases and falls when lime, sand, water, or air content increases. Moreover, the most often utilized types of mortar for pavement erection are C30 or PAV1 slabs (Badarloo et al., 2018). PAV 1 mixes contain an ingredient in a compressor section that infuses the concrete with uniform air bubbles. Workability refers to the ease with which concrete may be mixed, placed, reinforced, and finished. While adding more water to the mortar improves workability, it also enhances the likelihood of separation, coarse average particle sinking, heightened bleeding, dimensional stability, cracking, and diminishing the performance and toughness (Langaroudi & Mohammadi, 2018). Reduced water-cement ratio enhances other qualities of hardened concrete by improving the strength of the mixture.

The pull-out tests used a specifically designed steel rod pre-cast into the mortar and then measured the intensity required to remove the rod from the ceramic using a special compressor. While this procedure may result in injury, it is typically employed to attain a criterion of reasonable force before causing damage (John et al., 2019). Radar wave technology techniques such as GPR are excellent starting points since they can recognize wide objects and thicknesses within cementitious materials, such as rebar (John et al., 2019). High-range water modifiers, steel, or biodegradable threads can be used to increase the mix’s sturdiness.

Reinforced concrete is a composite material incorporating reinforcement that helps compensate for the low tensile strength and ductility of concrete. Reinforcement is usually carried out by passively inserting steel reinforcing bars into the concrete. Equally important, immersing the rebar in the concrete prevents corrosion due to the high alkalinity of the concrete. Reinforced concrete is the most common engineering material worldwide. Current approaches include the use of alternative composite materials or polymers that can be combined with rebar or applied independently (Sharifianjazi et al., 2022). Reinforcement methods are aimed at creating greater strength in the material, taking into account the resistance to tensile stresses, which can lead to cracking, since concrete is more resistant to compression. Modern builders use pre-tensioning and post-tensioning techniques to strengthen reinforced concrete structures.

It is important to follow safety rules when working with concrete, since dry concrete is dangerous when inhaled and wet concrete can leave chemical burns if it comes into contact with skin and eyes. Therefore, builders usually use safety goggles and gloves during work and other precautions. Workers must be extremely careful when mixing when they are exposed to concrete dust inhalation. During concrete pouring, it can be slippery, and falling into the concrete due to its chemical reactivity can result in third-degree burns. During the drying of concrete slabs, workers are exposed to the risk of the slab falling, resulting in serious injuries.

Cement dust impairs functional ability and causes respiratory infections, obstructive pulmonary disease, and pneumoconiosis. By utilizing pre-mixed concrete, firms can minimize the risk of exposure to cement particles, and rotating cement sacks to guarantee they are used before their shelf life expires are two examples of safety rules (Borgheipour et al., 2020). Therefore, construction firms should endeavor to provide their employees with appropriate garments to enhance their safety.


Badarloo, B., Kari, A., & Jafari, F. (2018). Experimental and numerical study to determine the relationship between tensile strength and compressive strength of concrete. Civil Engineering Journal, 4(11), 2787-2800.

Borgheipour, H., Eskandari, D., Barkhordari, A., Mavaji, M., & Tehrani, G. M. (2020). Predicting the relationship between safety climate and safety performance in cement industry. Work, 66(1), 109-117.

John, V. M., Quattrone, M., Abrao, P. C., & Cardoso, F. A. (2019). Rethinking cement standards: Opportunities for a better future. Cement and Concrete Research, 124, 1-18.

Langaroudi, M. A. M., & Mohammadi, Y. (2018). Effect of nano-clay on workability, mechanical, and durability properties of self-consolidating concrete containing mineral admixtures. Construction and Building Materials, 191, 619-634.

Paul, S. C., Šavija, B., & Babafemi, A. J. (2018). A comprehensive review on mechanical and durability properties of cement-based materials containing waste recycled glass. Journal of Cleaner Production, 198, 891-906.

Sharifianjazi, F., Zeydi, P., Bazli, M., Esmaeilkhanian, A., Rahmani, R., Bazli, L., & Khaksar, S. (2022). Fiber-reinforced polymer reinforced concrete members under elevated temperatures: A review on structural performance. Polymers, 14(3), 472.

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