Using of Digital Information and Visual Media in the Educational Process

Response 1

I agree with Danielle on the topic of using visual media, such as animations and images, in the educational process. A teacher must implement this method of conducting knowledge when interacting with younger generations. Barry et al. (2015) state that students “are willing to merge their online presence with their degree programs by engaging with course materials and sharing their knowledge freely using these platforms” (p. 1). It is up to educational facilities to provide an adequate platform for students and teachers with necessary educational materials. Web-based resources play an essential role in the learning process of a modern student, therefore, teachers must be knowledgeable about them too. However, teachers need to understand that videos, images, and other digital media cannot fully replace knowledge transfer through personal communication.

Response 2

I partially agree with the usefulness of digital information in the educational process of younger generations, however, its unattended application could lead to wrongful or outdated assumptions. I believe that as a teacher, I need to process the information that students are going to absorb to accurately assess its value, validity, and purpose. The material needs to be validated, optimized for both teachers and students, and incorporated where it is appropriate (Barry et al., 2015). As Eric wrote, it could enhance the educational process by visualizing complex mechanisms within an organism, and a teacher can convey the information that could be harder to understand without an in-depth example. The teacher’s task is to conduct knowledge, and these tools have a significant impact on education in general, and it is especially crucial to utilize the right materials when teaching anatomy and physiology. I think we need to review and develop these tools and make sure that our students have the most actual and valid information.


Barry, D., Tierney, P., & O’Keeffe, G. (2015). Anatomy education for the YouTube generation. The FASEB Journal, 29. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2022, March 26). Using of Digital Information and Visual Media in the Educational Process.

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StudyCorgi. "Using of Digital Information and Visual Media in the Educational Process." March 26, 2022.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "Using of Digital Information and Visual Media in the Educational Process." March 26, 2022.

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