The Impact and Value of Technological Advances in Various Sectors

To make progress in understanding scientific relations and technology, information and knowledge must be developed to constitute technological advancement. Different technologies have been developed, and three of them will be discussed in this essay with regard to how they benefit business, consumers, and the society at large; they are the internet of things, mobile technology, and social media. Despite its benefits, there are potential dangers associated with technology, but measures can be taken to manage the risks of technological advancement.

Internet of Things

This technology involves connection of equipment such as doors, windows, lights, or vehicles to an operating system that functions on prescribed intelligence. The devices connected to such facilities can relay data over a network, a concept that is founded on wireless technology, micro-electrochemical systems, and the internet (Xia, Yang, Wang, & Vinel, 2012). Businesses are granted an opportunity to develop new services and products that best suit the requirements and specifications of the consumers. The consumers are bound to benefit, for instance, from vehicles that will be connected to the internet through android where they will operate them from a computer. It is a technology that can empower and advance the whole society in the sense that it can be applied in all the sectors that relate to human life and operations.

There are security risks associated with the internet of things in that the devices used are vulnerable to attacks of interference and failure of service. It is not yet known on the internet of things how the failure of one product can be handled where it is expected that another one can take its place (Wortmann & Flüchter, 2015). The enterprise may be faced with the challenge of determining the kind of security controls necessary and at the same time how to implement the ones that are most effective. Such risks may be alleviated by designing devices with the security aspect in mind, defining information security control for an enterprise, and being careful not to underrate any future risks.

Mobile Technology

This involves technology of devices that can be moved from one point to another including devices such as laptops, smartphones, tablets, wireless credit card terminals, and global positioning systems. They make use of communication technologies like Bluetooth and Dial-up connections among others thus there can be the connection from the device to a home or internet (Azim & Hassan, 2013). Mobile technology allows data to be transmitted from a far-off location to a fixed point, which is beneficial to a business in that the user can make updates to customers’ features while in the field meeting them. This provides a way out for the businesses that involves a lot of movement to where the customers are located. The customer can check prices of commodities, their availability, make orders, and pay for them using wireless payment terminals, without having to move to the location of the business physically.

Mobile technology encounters the challenge of keeping the valued information and devices secure by ensuring that it is not read or accessed by unauthorized individuals. It is faced with risks such as data theft, virus attacks, and online scams like hoaxing, session takeover, and stoppage of service delivery. Businesses need to have an incident-response outline that can deny unauthorized access to data and devise effective ways of reacting to intrusion (Azim & Hassan, 2013). They can make use of people with computer expertise to prevent hacking into the system and disclose any loopholes.

Social Media

This is the technology that revolves around mobile and net-based innovations that have led to advancement in communication where societies, populations, and individuals can exchange information in a more collaborative way. It makes use of applications aligned to the internet to come up with ideas and innovations that make it possible for users to develop and exchange content (Jussila, Kärkkäinen, & Aramo-Immonen, 2014). It is a platform that has allowed electronic business to be carried out over internet thus making the issue of distance have no negative effect while conducting business. The impact of social media also touches on education, labor market, private life, and societies at large.

Social media technology allows outsourcing for software formulation at a lower cost and speedy pace. Manufacturing can also be done in another country while keeping track of the progress and carrying out marketing and distribution through the internet as monitoring of individuals and the manufacturers is done. Business activities can be taken to different locations for a firm to compete optimally in terms of manpower, capital, and organization (Jussila et al., 2014). For consumers and the society at large, social media serves as a connection to others and the internet, therefore, making an exchange of information possible and helping in choice making. Social media technology is at a risk of privacy raid, which can be managed by acquiring a safe approach that involves the use of secret codes that are well secured, scanning for threats, and carrying out frequent reviews.


Technological shifts offer solutions for further growth, convenience, and satisfaction for businesses, consumers, and the society as a whole. More knowledge and information should continue to be developed as a way of ensuring that advancements are realized continually. Due diligence should be applied in overcoming the dangers that can threaten the realization of the growth being sought by the advancements.


Azim, R., & Hassan, A. (2013). Impact analysis of wireless and mobile technology on business management strategies. Journal of Information and Knowledge Management, 2(2), 141-150.

Jussila, J. J., Kärkkäinen, H., & Aramo-Immonen, H. (2014). Social media utilization in business-to-business relationships of technology industry firms. Computers in Human Behavior, 30, 606-613.

Wortmann, F., & Flüchter, K. (2015). Internet of things. Business & Information Systems Engineering, 57(3), 221-224.

Xia, F., Yang, L. T., Wang, L., & Vinel, A. (2012). Internet of things. International Journal of Communication Systems, 25(9), 1101-1102.

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