Nursing Values: Orem vs. Roy Models for Wellness and Practice

Consider Your Values and Beliefs About Nursing, Clients, Health, and Environment

It is crucial to comprehend one of the main objectives of nursing, which is assisting patients in their effort to achieve wellness. Recognizing the impact of the patient’s surroundings on this endeavor and, therefore, the influence of possible existing cultural specifics when developing wellness plans permits remaining “attentive to the whole person – body, mind, and spirit” (Kreitzer, 2015, p. 6). Acknowledging clients’ existence in an environment that may differ from its conventionalized conception permits nurses, as omnipresent actors of the healthcare process, to respond appropriately to the health needs of a diverse and broad population.

Identify Two Models That Are Congruent with Your Values and Beliefs About Nursing, Clients, and Health

Adopting an individualized approach to patients when attempting to improve the status of their health requires the knowledge of not just their medical history but also their surroundings. As per Dorthea Orem’s self-care deficit nursing theory, placing patients into a leading position regarding their care may become possible through demonstrating plausible ways of adaptation within their every-day environment to suit their medical needs (Berbiglia & Banfield, 2018).

Balancing this practice with Sister Callista Roy’s adaptation model, which urges to assess and adapt various stimuli, may help devise an appropriate way to perfect the health care process (Phillips & Harris, 2018). Therefore, the joint use of these two models permits both positioning the client as the care’s pacesetter and assisting a more significant number of people while maintaining wellness as an essential nursing goal.

Identify the Similarities and Differences in Client Focus, Nursing Actions, and Client Outcomes of These Two Models

Despite both Orem’s and Roy’s conceptual models remaining relevant to the establishment of patient-nurse communication lines, clients’ wellness, and the perseverance of their health, within the adaptation model nurses’ actions seem to be more structured. Roy suggests that instead of merely accepting factors, which are detrimental to patients’ health advancement, it is possible to manage and change them, thus, surpassing the stage of evaluation (Phillips & Harris, 2018). Therefore, following the adaptation model’s six-step process may help adhere to a more meticulous care regime, leading to the provision of improved quality of care.

Explain How You Foresee Using These Models in Your Future Practice as a DNP

The practical implementation of professed nursing models becomes an essential step in maintaining personal integrity and becoming a capable professional. Since both approaches aim to establish appropriate patient-nurse relationships, which are crucial to “facilitating healthy change,” their communicative use for those pursuing a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) degree should become immediately evident (Eddy, Bailey, & Doutrich, 2018, p. 544). Recognizing the social influence of the DNP as a professional in a guiding role necessitates comprehending the possible effect of communication lines, whether negative or positive.

Explain Why You Desire To Be a DNP Family Practice and Your Expectations from Yourself and the Profession

Acquiring a degree of an appropriate level is a crucial requirement if one wishes to contribute to the advancement of a concept of ultimate good, proving the holder to be a sufficiently experienced specialist. Since communities require the existence of DNPs as “nurse specialists at the highest level of advanced practice,” the family unit remains one of society’s most essential components and retains a strong need for medical protection (Chism, 2019, p. 5). Therefore, through my actions, I hope to result in a positive social influence at an essential level while integrating both ethical ideas and strong medical proficiency, which may be a strenuous, but constructive endeavor.

Describe Your Expectations for This Program Including Projected Workload, Clinical Experience, Stress Level, and Lecture Component

A strong methodological and theoretical base creates prerequisites, which make possible the existence of both professional aptitude and exemplary behavior. Academic lectures, project activities, and students’ integration into medical institutions through clinical experience are all necessary steps in the learning process that leads up to receiving a degree (Chism, 2019). Despite the high-stress study environment, which is an expected factor in such an undertaking, the attainment of results remains worthwhile and valuable.


Berbiglia, V. A., & Banfield, B. (2018). Dorthea E. Orem: Self-care deficit theory of nursing. In M. R. Alligood (Ed.), Nursing theorists and their work (9th ed., pp. 198-212). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.

Chism, L. A. (2019). Overview of the doctor of nursing practice degree. In L. A. Chism (Ed.), The doctor of nursing practice: A guidebook for role development and professional issues (4th ed., pp. 3-32). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Eddy, L. L., Bailey, A., & Doutrich, D. (2018). Families and community and public health nursing. In J. R. Kaakinen, D. P. Coehlo, R. Steele, & M. Robinson (Eds.), Family health care nursing: Theory, practice, and research (6th ed., pp. 533-556). Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis Company.

Kreitzer, M. J. (2015). Integrative nursing: Application of principles across clinical settings. Rambam Maimonides Medical Journal, 6(2), 1-8. Web.

Phillips, K. D., & Harris, R. (2018). Sister Callista Roy: Adaptation model. In M. R. Alligood (Ed.), Nursing theorists and their work (9th ed., pp. 249-272). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.

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