View on Marriage as Observed in Ephesians 5

Over the years, human beings have been trying to live by the Bible’s teachings. They thrive to follow the lessons of the latter in every aspect of their lives. However, not everyone finds it easy going by the rules, and most individuals do what fits them most, leaving only a few individuals following the Bible. Following self-interest has affected the culture, including the virtues and norms, especially in marriage life. Generally, marriage institution would be effective and workable for engaged individuals if married partners decided to follow biblical teachings. For instance, couples remaining faithful and obeying one another would result to a happy union between the partners. Remarkably, the culture would be great if Ephesians 5 was truly understood by all married couples and would positively affect other aspects of life.

Paul’s main subject in the concept of this verse is submission in marriage, which creates a shift from what culture teaches. The fact that this verse supports male chauvinism has made it difficult to follow because it is an ancient way of thinking (Logan 50). It is, however, not known to many believers that the teachings were not time-based and can have great effects if followed. The second lesson from this scripture is about parenting, and it teaches the goodness of training children to grow in love for God and others.

Ephesians 5 also condemns immorality, greediness, impurity, corruption as well as indecency. Paul termed sinful acts as punishable by God and urges people to always imitate God’s ways in their day-to-day activities (Logan 209). Definitely, the world would be better if couples could follow all the teachings which could greatly shape the culture.

Work Cited

Logan, Joanne. “Marriage Made In Heaven? The Contemporary Reception of Ephesians 5: 21-33 among Women.” 2018. Durham University, PhD dissertation.

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