International Federation of Journalists: Defending Press Freedom

The website is run by the International Federation of Journalists organization. This organization was first established in 1926 and its current chapter was launched in 1952. The IFJ is open to membership by journalists’ trade unions from all over the world. It presently has about 600,000 members from over 100 nations (IFJ, 2015). The organization’s headquarters are in Brussels while other offices are located in major cities around the world.

The mission of the IFJ, as articulated in its official website, is to defend press freedom by ensuring that independent trade unions of journalists are allowed to exist and thrive in all countries. In addition to this, the organization is committed to promoting human rights and democracy in the world. The IFJ also seeks to promote ethical journalism and prevent the use of the media for propaganda purposes or to instigate violence (IFJ, 2015). The organization acts as the representative for journalists in major international forums such as the United Nations.

The organization is owned and run by the journalists’ trade unions it represents. The IFJ relies on the fees contributed annually by its members to finance its various operations. The organization is run by a congress made up of delegates from all the member unions of the IFJ. Each delegate has a right to vote on important policy issues and the running of the organization (IFJ, 2015). Congress elects an executive committee that acts as the IFJ’s governing body. The executive committee appoints a General Secretary, who is the executive head of the organization.

The IFJ has several important agendas that it persistently pursues. High on its agenda is to promote ethical journalism internationally. In its Declaration of Principles on the Conduct of Journalists, the organization asserts that “respect for truth and the right of the public to truth is the first duty of the journalists” (IFJ, 2015). In addition to this, the organization seeks to obtain fair contracts for working journalists. In recognition of the fact that media organizations exploit journalists, the IFJ has engaged in various campaigns to pressure media houses into providing fair payment. The IFJ is also engaged in raising awareness on various issues affecting journalists. Through its reports, the organization addresses issues such as the safety and protection of journalists, gender discrimination, violence, and press freedom (IFJ, 2015). The IFJ maintains statistics on the number of journalists killed or imprisoned while on active duty. The organization serves as a rich resource center for journalists. Through its publications, journalists are provided with useful information that can help them improve their professional conduct and personal safety. Some booklets offer advice on safety in war zones and address workplace issues such as sexual harassment.

As an organization committed to promoting the interests of journalists and their trade unions, the IFJ has some biases. To begin with, the news reports showcased on the website are geared towards promoting the objectives of the organization. The news includes advocacy for freedom of the press and raising awareness on violence against journalists. The website focuses on the promotion of the rights of journalists and defending their trade unions without being critical of the conduct of journalists. It does not provide a balanced view of the specific conditions that might have necessitated the violation of the press freedoms in discrete events.


International Federation of Journalists (IFJ). (2015). International Federation of Journalists: The Global Voice of Journalists. Web.

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