Green IT is the important issue in the world of ICT today, and most of the organizations are taking the lead in the adoption of strategies that will boost Green IT for the sake of the climate. Green IT has some initiatives in order to apply it, such as Driving Force. “Green IT” refers to the idea that Information Technology organizations can and should implement practices that are environmentally friendly i.e. the machines should not be of any harm to the user in any way, for example, they emit less energy to the environment, and this has been caused by the rising energy costs, increased publicity regarding to global warming which is one of the greatest threats in the current world (Murphy, Hunt. (2005). Also the greenhouse gases (GHG) mostly in the USA, European Union and China is also contributing greatly to most of the IT organizations to face pressure to change toward “green,” the increased legislations surrounding energy efficiency and this can only be achieved and implemented through the following areas because power and cooling systems are the major concerns in this Information Technology organizations.
Green IT driving force
There are driving forces that are behind the Green IT initiatives and that are being experienced worldwide today (Lamb 2009). One of the driving forces is the fact that there is rising energy costs that have been experienced in the last five years. Facilitation and management of energy usage in the data centre, monitoring and trending energy consumption, automatic and consistent response to activities and provision of the means to gather information fast. The main goal of having Green IT initiatives with regard to energy is to provide a comfortable and safe environment for the data centre occupants by the lowest possible cost. The system process focuses on applying energy to heat, cool, filter and ventilate. Most of the data centres run at temperatures which favour human beings and not the overall infrastructure of the call centre. This has emphasized the importance of data centre design: where possible the greenest data centres will be based on new buildings. This issue brings to force the idea aspect of Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) together with its opposite Data Centre Infrastructure Efficiency (DCIE). These are the two standards which have been widely adopted by the Green IT grid which is used to help the IT practitioners to determine the energy use in their call centres and also help them manage their efficiency in these call centres. Many organizations are being asked to do more with less, cutting down costs and, perhaps, curtailing data centre expansion programs all together. The current global issues, which are affecting the call centres, help the CIOs to come up with ways of reducing energy consumption at the call centre and, at the same time, getting optimal performance. All that marked with harsh realities of a difficult economic climate and global warming makes CIO’s and data managers rise up to the challenge, and focus on creating the most efficient operating environments in order to extend life of existing data centres. The increased awareness of global warming and Green IT initiatives are being steered by environmental crusaders since there has been a rise in the drive towards the Green IT (Wolf, Traff. and Halter, Yudken. 2005).
Site plan
The purpose of this document is to give the requirements and the purpose that the website will need. The main theme of the website is to create awareness on the company’s Green IT initiatives.
Short goal statement
The main objective of this proposal is to increase IT user awareness of the importance of Green IT by creating a website which is to give the requirements and the rationale for the adoption of the initiatives for Green IT. In addition, it provides some useful services in order to achieve the main goal.
Detailed goal statement
In order to meet Green IT website, the main objective our website will show is plenty of information about Green IT which explains the importance of Green IT and its advantages. It also shows the best way to apply to it. Moreover, Green IT department will organise the Green IT open day to reach out the most possible number of IT users. The website will be supporting this event by showing the program about the event on its home page. Furthermore, Green IT department will measure users’ satisfaction by means of questionnaire feedback, and measure the number of visitors of this website after 3 and 6 months including the users browsing time and downloading quantity.
Audience discussion
The audience of this website is the environmental crusaders who are fighting for greening in the IT field. The targeted audience also includes university staff, students, IT employees, and anyone who is interested in IT. The audience will learn what Green IT means and the main functions of Green IT. In addition, they can book tickets for the open day activities and watch the open day program by using the website. Moreover, the audience can contact the Green IT department and share their questions and ideas with the staff. Most of the website audience are aged between 18 to 50 years.
Use scenario discussion
Green IT website user is able to reach this website via sponsored link on any famous search engine or by typing the website domain directly. Green IT website represents some important information about Green IT and how we can apply to it in order to meet the website goals. Users can have more information about the Green IT department and the Green IT staff by accessing to “About Green IT Department” page. Also, they can contact the staff right from the page (contact us). Moreover, users are able to see the open day program details, and they have the option to book the open day tickets before they attend this event. In terms of sharing the knowledge between the users, our website provides the Green IT form to share ideas between users and staff. Finally, Green IT browsers can interact the website by using their account in some social networks such as Facebook and Twitter.
Technical requirements
The requirements that will be there will include:
- Development: in order to develop the Green IT website we will use.
DreamWaver to design some Java Scripts and HTML. In fact, Fireworks program will be used to create, edit, and modify website graphics beside Photoshop program adding extra effects on website graphics.
- Users: website users will need the Internet connection and a new version of Internet Explorer or Safari to browse this website.
Content requirement
Visual requirements
Green IT website will contain some colours and pictures. We will use Helvetica font style in this website. Moreover, the website will be easy to follow and browse.

Delivery requirements
For the Green IT website, we have chosen bandwidth strategy. It aims to give website browsers a high quality of service. The quality of these services depends on many factors, such as connection of browsers with the bandwidth and the quantity of bandwidth in pipeline. We will find here some conditions to be required to approximate bandwidth used by the server:
- The number of browsers at peak load.
- The average of expected browsers connection.
- Capacity of web server.
- Application capacity for audio or video stream (Hock 2003).
Site structure diagram

- One person will create the Green IT website. As a web designer
- Name: Maher Alsaleh, Student ID: 14048065
This person will be responsible for gathering and analysing information about Green IT as well as creating the website.
Time line

D.E.C.I.D.E. framework.
Determine the goals the evaluation addresses.
The overall goal of the Green IT website evaluation is to measure the usability of this website in order to meet the main objectives of the website.
Explore specific questions to be answered
The developer of the Green IT website is to realize some sub-goals to achieve high usability rates, such as:
- Effectiveness:Green IT website discusses an interesting issue for the targeted users.
- Learnability: Website developer has provided simple and useful information about Green IT.
- Memorability:Clear and easy interface designed for simple browsing for the website users. Moreover, web developer props website by adding graphics and photos.
- Efficiency:Users can contact the Green IT department easily by many ways (Email, Phone, Facebook, Twitter and Fax).
- Utility: Green IT website users can increase their knowledge, ask questions, share ideas with other users and book ticket for the open day online.
Choose the evaluation paradigm and techniques
In order to realize the website goal, the developer will test the usability of the website and will ask users for their opinions and ideas about the website and the issue in general.
Identify the practical issues
- Green IT department expects 100 visitors daily.
- Expected users are aged between 20 to 50 years from both genders.
- Green IT department expects users with an average experience in the field of IT.
Facilities/equipment: The Green IT department needs to hire one computer lab, different types of browser software, and the Internet access.
Schedules: Testing efficiency needs at least two different occasions for the same set of users.
Budgets: Costs for hiring computer lab is about 200 AUD per hour for 5 hours (total 1000 AUD), and prises to test users cost about 10 AUD each (total 1000 AUD).
Decide on how to deal with the ethical issues
The Green IT department will ensure confidentiality and anonymity for test users
Evaluate, interpret and present the data
The Green IT department will apply validity, reliability and Likert scale questions in order to summarise the number of responses, average and standard deviation, and presented gnat chart diagrams. In addition, open-ended comments can be presented.
Dernbach, John. (2002). Stumbling toward sustainability, Washington DC: Environmental Law institute.
Hilty, Lorenz. (2008).Information Technology and sustainability, New York: Books on Demand.
Lamb, John. (2009). The greening of IT, Pearson education, New Jersey.
Murphy, Hunt. (2005). Network administration. O’Reilly Media Inc.
Wolf, Traff. and Halter, Yudken. (2005). Virtualization, Washington DC: Apress.